Jesus Christ!

I had already watched a Tim Pool video regarding things in the mainstream media that were lies again. It was about people chanting at a CNN reporter that CNN were shite.

They’re shite and they are liars and added to that they were incompetent at predicting the US election.

By chance I ended up on The Washington Post article about it. A tabloid I had high regard for v years ago. But sadly they have no journalistic integrity left when I read the article.

Jesus Christ anyone works think a mass murder took place?!

Funny how far worse had happened on their, now obvious, side of things and no one bats an eyelid. A bit like how they were hypocrites about a reporter being band by Trump. Oh the outrage?! Funny ..

they failed to mention that Obama did the exact same thing?!

Everywhere I go the news is absolutely loaded with hypocrititis to which the obviously is no cure?!

What’s worse in the page linked below is the absolute shite on the comments section.

A bunch of morons poking fun at the people protesting accusing them of being of a low IQ while misspelling, grammar all over the place and lying and exaggerating about what took place?! Well they were either lying or they were of an even lower IQ than the people they were accusing of having a low IQ. All because they were against their own narratives?!

Fucking .. pathetic.

After awhile I started to think the comments were faked by the Washington Post themselves. They were dreadfully bad and extremely hypocritical and were very, very similar in places.

Oddly enough I had been chatting to someone on YouTube about dishonest mainstream media. They made a remark about no comments section on some.

I said I had a rule. No comments section means it’s not worth reading because they know they are lying and will get a backlash. I also said most of them were missing comments sections.

Odd then that I find one and it looks crazy suspicious and full of people coming out with utter trash and bullshit while accusing others of doing the same when they clearly have not.

Sorry but you obviously watched a different video to me because no one acted as you claimed .. unless your on fucking drugs?!

It amazes me that despite an ever growing number of people hating the mainstream media they continue on regardless.

Even here in the UK the BBC and others carry on as if nothing had happened. They get people in the news or even Newsnight and think they’re so clever and will take people to pieces. Hard Talk is the same and they get their arses handed to them over and over again. But still they carry on like locusts that simply cannot stop eating. It’s quite bizarre to watch.

I saw Ann Coulter from America on Newsnight and made the other two look like complete fucking idiots.

Well done Ann! Lol.

Trust me when I say that I don’t know anyone that believes the news media in the UK.

It just seems like no one’s told them yet.


Well .. I gave called the government ‘puppets’ for long enough now and I have just been sent a video on YouTube where someone is is now calling them this.

Oddly enough this might have something to do with an organisation called UK Column who I have contacted in the past. Do not ask me what was said between us because I simply do not recall as my memory is really awful.

I also do not know much about the UK Column and I have seen them being put into a negative light by others, though this could be purely a tactic to discredit them because they speak the truth?

Now the man in the video sounds normal enough and he he sounds sensible enough and oddly he covers other things I have also covered over the past six years.

One of these is Melanie Show who disappeared after some allegations to some paedophile ring that might have had something to do with politicians? I recall the Police did not get too excited and when there was a bit of an outcry they stated that she knew where she was and she was safe.

Oddly enough it is also claimed in this video that she was safe in as far as that she was in prison after being sentenced in a secret court?!

A secret .. court?!

I had someone tell me about these years ago and I thought she was stark raving mad with these allegations and now I see this video?!

You see this is the problem with coming out with something that sounds crazy, a good example is David Icke and his lizard people..

How in the hell do you come out the first time and tell someone something like this?

I thought this woman, I shall only refer to as ‘N’, was mad and I am sure that people thought I was mad.. but there was no reason behind me telling the truth. No money was received from it and I was later accused of being a government shill by ‘N’. Might have been because I would refuse to post about these secret courts they told me about? I just do not recall.

Once again this Brian Gerrish, as they .. call .. him .. oh!

I was supposed to meet someone several years back and I wonder if this might have been him? I was not given his name.

Oddly I have mentioned David Icke again and I spotted Brian Gerrish’s name in a video with the formers name. Do not worry .. he did not mention lizard people, at least not in this video.

Anyway .. so .. yeah .. Brian Gerrish also talks about another thing I picked up and and talked about on my blogs .. corrupted voting system with the use of pencils for a start. I later learned there were other suspicions of a rigged voting system popping up here and there online.

Melanie Shaw? Oh .. my .. God .. if you are squeamish when it comes to horror stories I really would not go there if I were you.

The only story I know that could possibly surpass that is my own and has all the evidence and the medical records to do exactly that, though I am hoping that we do not surpass poor Melanie!

He also states that the BBC are corrupt and sinister! Again mirroring my own claims I have maintained for the longest time.

He claims that all of the mainstream media is corrupt, mimicking my own long term claims on exactly that.

They are only missing the NHS being the head of the corrupted trio of ‘the evil trinity’ so that they help the DWP and Local Councils screw over the British people but I just cannot fathom out why it is just British people I ever hear this happening to.

Except for when I claim that they are trying to incite a civil war..

  • Over population problem

  • Global Warming Problem they cannot deal with

  • Shortage of land

  • Shortage of money

  • Shortage of food incoming

  • Answer?

  • Reduce Population

  • Method?

  • Let in millions upon millions of the one type of people that ..

    • Refuse to Integrate

    • Have the most Violent and Hateful Religious book known to man

    • Think themselves the master race

    • Know that they will try to take over and claim land as their own

      • Like GAZA?

    • Think that lying to non-believers, though they do not stop there, is perfectly OK

    • Obsessed with virgins and young girls that will irate the natives

    • Numbers reach a tipping point where they start to boast they are the master race/religion

    • Contain the British public with rules knowing they will have to bottle things up

    • End Result?

    • Civil War

    • Aftermath?

    • Millions dead

    • Lots of free properties for banks to claim and sell or rent out

    • Or local government to claim and rent out

I wish someone had contacted UK Column and pointed them at my site? Unless if course they already are visiting and have been for awhile?

It was funny when he said that someone he met worked for David Cameron’s wife and when asked what it was like to work for her .. the response was obviously quite strong and was toned down for the video when he said he was told she was not a very nice person.

What was funny because both he and I seemed to think she was portrayed as a very nice and sweet person on the mainstream media.

Now for something I am pretty sure I did not know about so did not report on but my daughter seems to recall something ..

That it was Jack Straw, told you shite happened under Labour you effing numpties, that was alleged to have passed a law that prevented children in foster or social care, not sure of the correct terms, from filing claims against their carers. Oh .. dear!

This could well have been something that I was told by my old acquaintance ‘N’?!

It was odd how I got the impression that the Conservatives seemed to be all about Israel while today Jeremy Corbyn is all about the Muslims. Except .. Theresa May has issued a video, vomit inducing like Corbyn’s, dribbling on about Muslims which is nothing short of insincere and .. well quite laughable. Both of them.

My God .. there really is and has been a major, major problem in British politics. Brian Gerrish even states as much in his video and states that this needs to be sorted out now!

Oh .. I did not even look at the date the video was uploaded!

Oh .. he does not mention lizard people but he does mention nearly stepping on a snake while in the USA and at that point thought about British politics?! Lol, that made me smile!

I also had a thing against charities for the longest time, as well as these so called help & advice organisations and even personal injury solicitors that are full of shit.

There was also that stuff about Oxfam proving my point and now in this video Brian Gerrish talks about this.

He also talks about the Police working with the social service trying to falsely accuse someone over their treatment of someone with Down’s Syndrome I think it was?

Hmm the Camerons go to church on Sundays? What fucking hypocrites!

I am a scientist and therefore an atheist and no .. despite what one naïve person said to me recently .. you cannot be religious and a scientist. You may be one and work I the other but the two are mutually exclusive and many a scientist has died over this.

You cannot then warp a religious book and then state that the your new version of God is not like that any longer .. sorry but .. NO!

You had a book .. that was what it said .. a book of God. You do not alter it over a few millennia and still claim it is God’s book.

One really bad line put to me is a scientist keeps an open mind to which I replied yes but you do not have to in all cases. I am sure that she did not like the response as I then realised she was religious .. not .. in the case of deities there is absolutely no reason to keep an open mind as you have no proof and nothing in science has ever backed it up.

There may well have been a Jesus character but even proving he exists is not proof that God exists and there is the end of it.

A loving and peaceful God would not allow the things that have occurred and in the case of Muslims he would not hit them with an Earthquake and kill hundreds or even thousands of his beloved children.

That is my belief and the reasons and I am sure that the religious left-wingers and social justice warriors would like to call me a bigot. Go ahead as, as I stated these are my beliefs but I guess it is OK to have a go at me about mine .. I mean that wont be bigotry will it?

No bigotry and other labels only apply ..

  • If your non white to a person that is white, especially male

    • Strictly NOT VICE-VERSA

    • 40 year old males, eh Brie Larson?

  • Your religious and have feeling towards someone that is a scientist or atheist

    • Strictly NOT VICE-VERSA

  • You can also be left in pain, homeless even when this will kill you

    • As long as your white and I cannot say just men .. as it is currently happening to my daughter as well as me





This .. I simply don’t believe!

Nick Knowles, TV presenter, has been accused of cruelty by his wife who claims to have photographic evidence?

At least that is what is being reported by the Daily Mail.

His name is one that turns stomachs among my family members. Even one brother refused to read the headline and said “I don’t want to know about anything to do with him” but then said “Oh!” when I informed him about the accusations.

Oh-oh-oh I must share that story with friends and family members?!

Right, done that.

To my surprise Jessica, Knowles’s soon to be ex-wife, has trouble paying for legal fees to fight him.

That is a shock to me I have to admit. He has been accused of refusing to pay for the the private schooling of his own son. He had also been accused or refusing to provide a home.

There seem to be other things in the accusations to.

This is really strange. It would appear that I am going into a period where everyone that has done anything bad to my family, possibly me too, is going to pay in ways that they cannot even begin to imagine?! Lol, I still have some waiting to do but .. it certainly appears that way to me and for the next month it is going to be .. no, seem very bizarre to me. It has been a long time coming, that is for certain.

They, the BBC, and Nick Knowles embarrassed my father on TV, though they later realised their mistake, and he was dead within a year of that. Five hundred (yeah, 500) people at his funeral all blamed the BBC for his death. It certainly did not help.

In the meantime .. I have to wonder why I have not been contacted on Facebook? Yeah .. Facebook has become a possible line of communication. Did not expect that and did not think it was. Yeah .. I did check actually. Lol.

Maybe things are not how they have been .. portrayed? Lol, that would be somewhat sad and .. cause something of a heart breakage. I cannot recall the last time I felt like that .. or like this, for that matter.


Well .. they just keep on coming, do they not?

Just when you think, as I did for years, that the only people that the Tories and their Puppet Masters would not go after are those with malignant cancer and other terminally ill conditions.

I was absolutely convinced that they would go after absolutely all of those people that did not have something … ultimately terminal. I was absolutely convinced.

Now here we go .. you are about to witness a rare thing here ..


There .. I said it. I have said it before and no doubt I will say it again. Only to be fair and honestly trying not to brag .. it rarely happens.

Bizarrely and as shocking as this news is .. it only supports what I have stated for many years and it also bolsters a bunch of other things I have claimed to.

Like .. umm .. where are the mainstream news reports about this?

Seems like the sort of thing Victoria Derbyshire would normally be drawn to like the proverbial fly but everything else, or at least almost everything, gets ignored.

Good time of the day to air stuff like this .. when hardly everyone is watching TV because even those with terminal cancer are ow crawling to work or the Job Centre.

Ooh .. never thought of that .. TV advertising throughout a normal day must be one that all advertisers are now avoiding? Or pretty much soon will be like the proverbial plague.

That will cost most TV stations dearly in the long run, if they are not already?

Oh yeah .. that is because this report states that the DWP want terminally ill people to meet work coaches?!

Are you for fucking real?

Sorry but this is madness .. I am absolutely certain now that the Tories, or their Puppet Masters want to incite either a civil was within the UK or a revolution. They could only be inciting the latter because they think it would never work and that they could clear out a lot of what they probably consider trash in the meantime?

It beggars belief.

The Huffington Post ..


I don’t .. believe it!

What a fucking idiot and what the fuck are these people doing running any country?! Especially the UK?!

The chancellor, Philip Hammond, stated on TV that there are no unemployed people in the entire UK?!

Jesus H. Christ!

Did no one tell him that they have not quite killed off all of the jobless and all of the disabled yet?

Obviously not.
Either that or they thought there were only 150,000 and thought the numbers being given for the dead were all or almost all of them?
What I can’t understand is that with all of this charities for disabled people that you think someone would keep a check of the numbers from year to year? If so .. you would think they would have noticed that the number of registered disabled people has dropped year on year for the last five years or more.

People have been dying .. a lot of disabled people have been dying so the numbers have been dropping. That simply doesn’t add up when the population is growing continuously and with the humongous figures they are predicting for several years down the line.

So who does this registering?
 The DWP?
 Sorry but no. If there isn’t a separate body to keep a register of everyone with a disability there now needs to be one.

One or several of these so-called disability charities need to grow some gonads and start a register that is independent from a government that cannot be trusted to not commit crimes against the people hidden from view by steal tactics and control of all the national media and tabloids.

In the last few years I have witnessed charity of a specific disability after charity of a specific disability state that sufferers of their associated disabilities are safe, wont be targeted, proven wrong and then either go quiet, no doubt through embarrassment or start lobbying the government over it but somehow like a whole list of other things does not make it into the media or gets a small column somewhere no one notices.

Well .. something needs to be done. No. A whole raft of things need to be done and it needs to start soon. Very soon. Though in all honesty I do not see anything happening unless there is a huge breakdown in society and a coup of some sort takes place. Or just a huge revolution which is something I used to argue with socialists I did not agree with, would never take place. Not in the UK at any rate and .. well after seeing the events unfold over Catalonia and their attempt at independence from Spain .. anything is possible.

Unfortunately this takes a great deal of planning and the carrying out of those plans to the letter. I do not think there is anything or any actual body large enough, tactical enough, smart enough or with the know-how of how to put a plan into place and carry it out with the greatest of timing.

Maybe there exists an organisation like this but I for one have certainly never heard of it. I would be willing to bet there are people and maybe even websites that talk about this possibility though?

What I do know is more and more each day I do not see any public body and in fact many courts with anything in the way of authority any longer because they have all become amoral and all lost the very sight of why law was introduced in the first instance.


Well it seems that not only is Twitter in meltdown over the Doctor Who casting so are the comments sections of tabloids too.

The BBC had the cheek to say it’s trending .. yeah because people are losing their minds, that’s why.

Also there are far more examples of people that simply don’t have a single foot planted in reality.

You only have to say you don’t like it or not watching it any longer and you get verbally attacked and called names and labelled sexist.

You see? This is what the extremes do. They want to control how you think and how you feel because of their own feelings. It’s so fucking backwards and hilariously stupid it’s not true.

A small minority saying that the large majority’s feeling don’t count and are ignored because of the feelings of a minority?

Yeah .. you have countries like that in the world already and they get accused of breaching human rights year in, year out.

Other countries like this are called dictatorships where you get locked to for opposing those dictators.

Good God, can I emigrate to a country where people are not kidding their minds and telling you what you are allowed to think and feel?!

The hilarious part about the meltdown is most of the name calling is coming from the extreme lefties.

Many people that are simply saying they are not happy or not watching it are called names!

Be careful .. in a few years there will be squadrons of people that will stand in your house holding a gun to your head. They will force you to watch it and unless you smile and like it you will be shot.

Well .. it’s the natural next step to from name calling isn’t it?

Of course someone with a very basic maths 101 understanding are going to point out that is highly likely that they are going to be proved wrong. Because it seems to be divided fifty, fifty and of there is one thing these extreme lefties don’t like, it’s being wrong. Ooh no they won’t like that when they realise it so you’ll either get told lies, to begin with until it inevitably becomes obvious, or Smith & Wesson are going to be rubbing their hands together?

I just can’t believe they did it, several hours later too!

Lol the fucking morons. They should have spoken to Marvel before they did this! Marvel would have said “For fuck sake, don’t!” Or said “When this fucks up, which it will, we will buy the property off you for a couple hundred”. Lol.

I’m sure people will moan at me about my views and I will simply answer ..

“Oh yeah, great! Everything else on TV is reality shit show crap and already over the top PC. I had one single fucking thing on TV I got any enjoyment from but no, you had to go and take that away from me too?! Very fucking considerate of you!”

Oh well .. the next person that tells me to move on and make the most of life is going to spit several teeth. Then I’ll say “Oh, never mind. It’s just one of those things. Move on and make the best of things!” Lol.

I still say that they simply are acting like they need to shove their politics into existing roles purely to prove their narratives correct.

Mainstream media simply don’t get it along with many others ..

So now they can change from one gender to another randomly?

So don’t Time Lords form relationships? Well I guess they must and therefore they procreate, yes? Umm .. so you seem to be so sure that an advanced alien race thinks like you do that you shove it in our faces?

But what are they shoving in our faces? Well that sex with anyone is OK and in the case of time lords .. procreation is extremely dangerous.

Does that seem strong? Well I imagine a lot of religious people are going to be highly offended by it.

You can’t go around shoving things in people’s faces and forcing them to accept things that they cannot.

To me it’s like telling us .. you have to be bisexual and look? An advanced alien race will be bisexual too.

Will you start pressurising children in school that they have to be bisexual? Or is it trisexual now? I did see a video on YouTube where someone stated that they should imprison you for refusing to date someone that does not fit into either the male or female genders?!

That latter point about imprisoning you? What next, imprison you for refusing sex of someone of the same sex as you?

There is a lot of crazy crap like that in the world and on YouTube and I’m sorry but it’s wrong.

Forcing your beliefs into others is wrong and it does not matter who you are.

Many, many people online have seen shit like this in the Internet and I can tell you they are so scared and threatened by it that they are getting angry about it. This is not only just another example of shoving this crap down your throat but it’s something that’s going to cause divisions. And I cannot help but think this was the intention.

The stupid thing is that they also have this fucking idiotic idea that if they just keep on doing it, it will eventually be accepted as the norm.

Fifty years.

Fifty fucking years fans have loved this show and you just put a giant two fingers up to most of them.

I still maintain that they are basically stealing iconic characters to either force change or price they are correct. I also maintain that there will be no roles left for white males to look up to. But that doesn’t matter does it because you have something girls can look up to?

Yeah, having two female prime minister’s doesn’t count or is not enough. Nor is having Wonder Woman being a highly successful film. I’m sure I could feel off plenty of other examples?

But no these things are done because white men are not only not allowed opinions anymore but they are not allowed feelings either. This sums up everything that has been wrong on the UK for twenty years.  For twenty years public services have helped absolutely advertise except White British born males.

You can’t be racist towards us and sexism doesn’t apply if it’s towards a man.

Do you know what the hilarious things about all this are? I’m a fucking prime example of everything that’s been wrong and I can go back twenty one years and prove it over and over again and every step of the way.

This is still happening today and something is going to be revealed very soon, as well as revisiting some other things.

I will also explain before words like ‘mansplaining’ enters anyone’s heads that I use to be involved in the gay community, no I’m not gay personally, and I had several lesbian couples simply couldn’t believe what had happened to me. I also had one black lady and her mother hear only a few of the things that have happened to me. Do you know how they reacted?

The lesbian couple overheard me telling a couple of make friends and I turned around to see them sobbing. I asked them if they was OK and they apologised for hearing what I was saying! I did it was OK.

The black mother and daughter did that not only had political correctness gone far too far but they they felt sorry for single white men. To the shock of two Greek friends I then asked them why they felt sorry for people like me. They said that we were treated like third class citizens, we can’t even make second class, by our own country. Three chins acquired some scrapes from being dragged around on the floor, lol.

Imagine how they reacted when I told them about my disability that had been ignored for years.

Outright refusal to diagnose. It was all their chins collecting scrapes from the floor!

There was never enough time to explain it all .. not every gory detail. I’ve had people ask me how I’m still alive and either not dead (suicide) or lost my marbles and ended up in a mental health hospital.

The truth is that the first one was close and due to several breakdowns I didn’t understand at the time I admitted myself to a few mental health places too.

In fact a psychologist .. counsellor at Mind saw me for 15 one hour sessions. Fifteen hours and I still didn’t cover it all.

At the end she actually told me that she had been shocked at soo many things I had divulged. She was surprised I had stayed sane.

The Mind counsellor was the only person I confided in when it came to my future plans. I’ve been patiently waiting for something to happen since January (2017). I was last at Mind in February and I was confident that the little thing I’ve been waiting for was only a couple of weeks to a couple of months away. If I bumped into her tomorrow she would be utterly shocked that this .. issue had not resolved itself.

In fact, due to who I am, what I do and everything I intend to do, I’m sure a would day that someone was trying to stop me.

She realised what a .. disruptive influence I am and that I was a stickler to facts and the truth.

She knew I was well aware that the world and even the UK was full of people that believed in stupid ideas. That they would win down a theory that was not that far fetched while believing in something whole heartedly that was easily disproved.

Face to face she knew damn well it was easy fit people to pick up that I was both honest and genuine.

She was also very interested to see what I was going to do next. Think I got that wrong? She asked for this blog address! Lol, took my email too.

Hah! I’d love to see her face when I told her that the issue that occurred on the 8th January (2017) had still not because resolved by 17th July?!

Umm .. yeah I’ve not touched on this and I apologise I’ve just realised that I’m being misleading..

It’s been RESOLVED .. SORTA?!

We know the decision and this was to be followed up by action, for those that read my ‘Revelations’ series and waiting for a concussion. But this action has STILL not taken place and we have been misled all along.

I can tell you also that in a series of correspondences via group emails that the person that’s supposed to act also got at least three email addresses WRONG!

I stated to receive phone calls from others in my group of eight people. Yesss .. it’s not just me this time but includes many others. They had not received any information from anyone at all, including someone who self-appointed .. themselves whose sole task is to keep us informed.

Think that’s bad? Trust me on this .. it’s nothing compared to what’s coming .. not even close.

It will seem a lot worst when you know what it is and then when I divulge .. other actions? Ooh boy! Lol.

No action and I last had an email a day or so before Wimbledon started. I remember thinking at the time I would be too busy .. or elsewhere before the tournament was over. Well it is now over and two weeks have passed without a single contact by anyone. Trust me the action is inevitable sooo .. what the fucks the delay?!

I did two family members and friends .. it .. might be because of me.

It’s a government controlled thing by a public service I have history with. Bad history with. So I would show up on their records.

Now if the public services have all been informing each other about me, which they bite look to have been doing judging by their behaviour or lack thereof, they are currently bricking it.

Before now I’ve been someone with no financial back up, a disability and no resources.

Two of those three things are about to .. evaporate! Not good.

Now I would imagine that these public services have realised something? That even though they attacked me and forced me into a dark corner of dread to the point of self harming .. that I not only survived but was still to to my .. tricks? Lol.

They may have figured out I’ve not only been to to them very recently but been up to them for the last few years too?

Now if they suspect this they may have well realised that despite battering a disabled person down to near death to save money, because I’m a white male, that .. well if I could still manage to outsmart them during that dark time .. what could I do once this issue is .. resolved?

Yeah .. if I was them I’d be shitting myself too.

So I’ll send yet another email in the morning, or by the time you’ve read this.

I’m going to mention that after the decisions were made the entire Wimbledon tournament had been and gone and still we are all told nothing.

In my head .. it’s already well over the given time periods and it’s already beyond ridiculous. So it must be happening this week or I’ll have to come up with an even more extreme expletive to describe the diabolically late conclusion to this .. issue.

Oh and if you missed the last part or missed one key part .. the BBC killed my father, this is believed by every single individual of the 300 to 500 that attended his funeral.

I can’t even look at their logo without thinking of my father and what they did to him nor ask those poor people who were abused by people within the BBC when they were children.

I remember now a politics reporter for the BBC reporting live from Parliament Square. Someone came on camera and said something about the BBC, their lies and the abuse of children and they reacted like they were annoyed and it was a minor inconvenience.

So yeah I get a bit pissed off when they are trying to ram their politics and hypocritical rhetoric down our throats.

People are so blind and .. what’s the word in trying to recall? Apathetic? No that’s not it.

I also just wanted to touch on something I mentioned in the last part .. or maybe even this part too? I mentioned that as soon as people stated that they do not like it a flurry of labels and name calling and downright rude insults got flung at them. Every single one was absolute crap but the one I wanted to touch upon was the ‘sexist’ label. In their argument they stated 99% of the time that it was about the actor/actress and their abilities?

Well I have now found out that the new moron running the show, Chris Chibnall, has now stated that he only ever wanted a woman and even reports that he only ever wanted Jodie Whittaker.

Umm .. is that not sexist? It certainly blows that argument about talent out of the water! Oh but wait? Maybe it is a case now that as well as not being racist if you hate white people you can not be sexist if it is towards males?

I cannot help but thnk that at some point in the future there is going to be abuse towards anyone who is actually heterosexual and they will be the ones that have to live in the proverbial closet?!

I will state one last thing .. I am promoting small YouTubers below because of their opinions. I am also doing this to point out something and its the hypocrisy behind those doing the name calling and bullshit and I am calling you out …

  • When I watched the reactions I liked many videos where the reactors actually like the casting choice!
  • What I see is that it is absolutely undeniable that people dislike the videos because the opinions do not fit in with their own narratives
  • Yeah nothing wrong going on above .. because your not allowed to have different opinions are you with this lot?! lol
  • What is the betting we will get a white male companion and they will die at some point? Lol

It’s late and I’ve rambled long enough.


Here are a few more videos of not liking or not sure about the gender swap..

More children do not like it .. maybe you should go on their channel and throw labels like ‘sexist’ and other things at them too?

Now I get the feeling that this following guy might suffer with mental health issues and he might suffer if his favourite show is messed with because … reasons but that is OK as long as you get your agenda out there, right?

EDIT: Oh and of course the elephant in the room .. all three Time Lords are now all women!! LMAO I forgot about that!

Mundane Matt .. I have been waiting for the centre and anti-SJW YouTubers to comment on this and I am sure there will be more .. that is how much people are disliking the casting. In trying to defend it he seems to forget what genders evolve for but there you go. One of many. Check the comments and here you go ..


I refuse to do a third part on this and I was watching more reaction videos when I came across someone who is 1 .. A big fan and I have watched their stuff before .. 2 a WOMAN and .. 3 So ‘ethnic’ she does not even speak English in her videos … LMAO …

It is about the fans and the numbers .. not feels and political agendas and just because your under the delusion that the UK is all extremist left and feminism does not mean that the whole world is and they got rid of Capaldi because of … SALES!!


Oh and do not be an idiot and take it out on Jodie Whittaker this was Chris Chibnall and not many would say no to being offered this part.

As for Jodie Whittaker? Brilliant actress, gorgeous and funny and .. well .. she is fro Yorkshire! If I ever discovered she was into areas of science? I would simply die! Always liked her in what I have seen her in.

There were a couple of other videos on YouTube but WordPress, just like their inability to deal with editing posts, simply cannot find them?!

Just like Blogger they cannot provide a simple text editing field when that is all there is that they have to do, lol.

Admitting that the ratings are going to drop from a show where the ratings have already dropped .. she also says that there are 18,000 posts on the Facebook page and the majority are negative.

Sorry .. I told you so..


I got contacted by someone who asked me if I knew what was currently happening and pointed me to a stream on Facebook.

I didn’t realise what was happening and initially thought it was done news article running down the Tories.

I’ve been listening in and I’ve just heard something I thought I’d never hear .. I just told my friend this ..

“I can’t believe this is happening and right in front of my eyes?!”

First off a BBC reporter was ripped into by a member of the public and said “Well don’t ask me stupid questions!!” while another member of the public interrupted him mid .. reporting to correct him on his false account.

This was in the space of just a couple of minutes and then one got on a megaphone and said “the BBC are not interested in listening to members of the public”.

Funny as they went back to the studio after that and stayed there for a while.

It seems the real fake news is out?

I said to another friend that it would appear my message about the news media either avoiding or twisting things has gotten out.

Of course the Police have turned up on high yellow jackets.

Someone tried to keep everyone calm, a member of the public I should add. He got some answers from the council but .. well as he stated, they weren’t good enough.

I have noticed that the crowds seem to be mostly of ethnic origin.

The sensible one stated that the Police turning up and going inside with some pushing and shoving and baracades going up is not helping. He says it’s only making people angrier.

I have heard several times of the claim of the different rules for ‘us and them’.

Of course the council don’t have the money and .. well I’ve gone on about the reasons why this has happened and would happen for five years on my blogs and a lot longer off them.

Three days after the fire and the council have not contacted anyone about where they are going to live.

I’m being asked if I think this will be the start out rioting?

Yeah well of they had controlled house prices like I did they should, they should not have stopped building council houses, like I said they shouldn’t.

Many believe that there had been this push to get everyone out of London to keep it for the rich and wealthy. There was even talk about building a wall around it. Someone been talking to Trump?

The tenants want to be rehoused in the borough and even I know there is simply no way that there are the available houses. Especially council houses.

Sorry to the government, councils, NHS and others but .. I told you so.

But then it’s easier to deal with one tower block going wrong than it is for dozens of them? Cheaper too?

They have played a game of Russian Roulette with people’s lives all over money.

Deal with it one at a time when it goes wrong .. only this had now become the catalyst they forces things everywhere to all go wrong all at once!

As for Theresa May? I can guarantee that she is “getting on with the job”, somewhere?

Oh wait? She has no doubt heard of the protest and has announced £5 Million for them. Huh thought we had no money?

Hmm maybe to save billions of pounds they cut corners and keep a few piddling million aside for when it does go wrong?!

Funny too was hearing one member of the public claiming that someone stated that they are behaving this violent because they are Muslims and this is what they do? Where in the world did that come from?

Oddly I only remember seeing one white guy among the protesters who seemed to be doing a lot of shouting. I hope he is not one of these anarchist extreme left wing people trying to stir things up?

I also heard that the protesters reacted badly to the announcement of a public inquiry? Oooh .. I wonder why that could be? Because no one ever gets done, it is all just a farce to feel us naive and stupid members of the public? Because this shit just keep on happening?

It is funny because I have heard enough things said by the protesters that I am started to wonder if everyone has been reading my many blog posts?

It is somewhat surreal to hear people on TV, members of the public or not as the case may be, saying things that are word for word something I had stated on my blogs at one time or another.

I think this will lead to some bad things happening and if the signs I am reading are right and the crap keeps on spewing.

I mean, Jesus Christ BBC! I heard your reporter state in the evening that people ‘wanted a quicker inquiry’ when several tenants clearly said to you much earlier ‘We don’t want a public inquiry because nothing ever comes of them’.

Fake news in action, ladies and gentleman and I am sure that many people will be picking apart all of this and I bet that despite re-running the same sections over and over again they will not -re-run the sections where the BBC reporter gets ripped, not one or two or three but several new holes?!


I had a few videos recommended to my by YouTube.

In one a journalist woman in Italy, the land of fashion, travels around to different Mosques to ask them about women and how they dress.

The answers are basically what you would expect from these morons and they basically state that if you show any of your body at all in anyway then you are disrespectful. They claim that women that cover up completely get and deserve more respect.

As if this was not bad enough they basically stated that every woman in Italy should cover up!


Umm .. the land of fashion and you want every woman to cover up in a country that is not yours, that took you in and helped you and now you want to press your culture on the entire country?

I do not think that I need to explain that you can imagine what is said when a camera is not recording them?

I do not think I need to explain what would happen if these people every become the majority in any country they have .. invaded. That is what they have done and in a long list of countries which are all white in their origins. So they complain about western countries going into their country for short periods, often to help, but are perfectly OK in becoming permanent residents in countries that were originally white?

I state white because I cannot think of a single country that is non-white that have taken Muslims into their country and let them set up their own communities and, of course, terrorist cells.

I am also willing to bet that for every single country they have invaded and now starting to make unfair demands and expect to impress upon others their values and beliefs there are videos like this one I linked below? Yup, I think probably every country in Europe that has Muslim communities has someone making videos about Muslims destroying their country and attempts to try and show this.

I find it absolutely stunning that Muslims would go to a country, especially Italy, and then start dictating how everyone else how to behave, what to wear and what they can and cannot say!

If you have such strict views on how women should dress then why in the FUCK would you go to Italy in the first place?!

When they entered the country did not the Italian authorities turn around and say “Look, this is Italy and seen by man as the capital of fashion around the globe and it gets hot in most of the country. So we are warning you now, women dress very sexy, scantily and revealing, are you sure you are OK with that?”

Of course they would have lied and said ‘Yes’ anyway.

For another video the guy, who I do not know from Adam, shows you a picture of the stream of refugees that travelled to Europe. You know that Tsunami of refugees that is stuck along with a deep-seated fear and the many pictures the news media hit us with? Fucking mainstream news media! I bet they showed these pictures thinking everyone would feel sorry for these refugees but it backfired did it not?

So yeah, he shows this picture of this very long stream of Arab refugees and then he points something out. He stated that if you look at the picture almost all of these refugees are young men and that this is not what you expect with any amount of refugees. You expect mainly women and children. He is right. But he then goes on to say that what you have to consider is that if millions of men come into the country they will then call for their wives, children and other family members to be let in.

I do not know how many are let into the UK or any other country in Europe for that matter but …

..let us say it is a million? So over the next year or two does that mean that an extra 3 million or more? That is excluding everyone else that is coming as a refugee for the first time, of course.

What if it is 3 million men? Does that mean that we are going to have another 10 million come over because they are related?

Adding ten million to any European country will be bad news, especially if they already have a large enough Muslim community. Like France and as it would now appear, Italy? I had already heard tales about Italy from people that were on holiday there who were themselves told things by the local Italians.

These are the sorts of figures that scare the crap out of the people and with every attack that occurs now it gets worse. Now when you think that these attacks suddenly seem to be increasing and not just in the UK?

So a very large number of people have been let in and suddenly the attacks go up exponentially?

What is it we have had now in 2017 alone? Three attacks? Maybe four attacks? Could even be five attacks and we are only in the 6th month of the year thus far! Now consider the summer is here and there is a huge increase in the summer where outdoor events are concerned. People are out more there are more fairs, shows, party like things happening, concerts and all manner of things. I dread to think what could take place between now and September?

Also of interest is the title of one of these videos where it states what I have been saying for a bloody age now. I was speaking to another member of DPAC that I know and we got talking about the general election. He seems to still have hope that Jeremy Corbyn will win. But I told him that though man are conditioned not to speak about it, well white people are not allowed to speak, secretly everyone is worried about the immigrants and refugees that have come here and are still coming here. I pointed out that for a very long time now and that I could not possibly put on DPAC’s site, because some people are still blind idiots, is that it is white people that get kicked in the nuts. To get this message over to him, as he has had a rough ride over things and even contemplated ending his own life, I asked him one question.

“Other than Sarah *******, how many non-whites have you seen on DPAC’s site over the last few years?” to which he answered, none.

I then said “What do ethnic minorities not get disabilities or never end up losing a limb or not have to have one amputated?”

I never even noticed it at first and God only knows what caused me to realise but I seemed to be the only one that had. Considering I have not been a member of DPAC all that long and many others have been members far longer than I, I find it all bloody bizarre.

This is a good example, people with disabilities, of how and why it is not only not fair in the UK but has not been for a very, very long time now.

Everyone has either been affected by this now or knows someone that has been and they may not have even realised it at first but many now have. That number that have become aware can only grow bigger. As people realise they are not the only ones that feel like this they start to get more brash about it. As they realise that their numbers are actually quite large they then start doing a lot more than just being .. brash about their feelings.

That is the problem the UK faces and as I have been slowly discovering a lot of other countries too with several being in Europe and outside of that America and Australia. I have been hearing that things are going downhill in Canada too according to many Canadian commenters on YouTube.

How are you going to deal with it?

You cannot simply try and label millions of people as racist, like you would one or two in order to shut them up.

If a large percentage of a population feel this way then you have a problem, especially as some of that percentage will never feel this way because they are the ones everyone else is complaining about.

Now if the complete population, at least near as dammit and … well the only portion of the populace where this feeling counts, feel that way then you have not only a major problem on your hands but a potential and very major crisis.

I can tell you of two sure fire ways of making it worse ..

  • Ignore it, pretend it is not happening and keep it out of mainstream media

  • Just tell them all they are being racist

That second one would be quite entertaining if it were being said to me because I would tell them that not only is the boot on the other foot and that whites are actually being racist towards whites … but that I have even had two black women tell me they felt sorry for me, all British born whites because we have been treated like second class citizens by our own country.

Except here we are today and they are now doing this to white disabled people. Because in every single case I have come across, and there have been literally hundreds, I only know of one single non-white woman and I do not even know if she has been a victim of all this. Maybe she joined because it happened to a friend of hers? I just do not know.

There are only two groups of people that can do anything about this.

The question remains open whether they will actually do something or just sit until a civil war sparks up? Well .. I say ‘civil war’ but its not is it? That suggests a war between factions of the same race of people within a nation. As does the use of the word ‘revolution’ that was so highly liked by anyone within the socialist circles.

I know where it looks to be heading which is why, given the options were they available to me, I would live deep in the countryside somewhere.

Because they also produce as many children as they want, because ‘culture’ and ‘religion’ while factions of the UK are being limited to just two and .. well as we know, more are arriving all the time.

They have kept stating this will change for several years now but it has not, nor is it likely to and .. will bee too little too late anway.

And THAT is why I would rather not live in a built up area anywhere now.

I am sure that if I tried to pick a city or even a fair sized town anywhere in the UK not one of them would have an area that would either be suitable at the time or not be suitable in, say, a decade.

I have personally watched this happen in two areas that I have lived in and am watching it happen in a third area and everyone I know spends half the time talking about it happening.

It is the same and crappy old story .. nothing is said or done until enough people have been affected and by then .. tens of thousands of lives have been ruined and I am being conservative here. There is a list, look it up, called Calum’s List that states that 100,000 people have already died because of this.

As more and more people come across these facts more and more people get angry .. that is nature, son!

The longer people are angry while being subdued into, or rather scared witless, silence then the more this anger gets pent up. Eventually and as any psychiatrist will tell you … this simply wont end well. It all turns to venom and that is inevitable. You cannot control nor tell people what to think and what to feel. Especially when they start seeing the reality of a given situation.

Then of course there is the realisation that this has gone on for bloody years and they have therefore been blind to it all.

Sometime after this everyone will raise questions about not only central government but also the media.

I was surprised recently when there was a tirade against the BBC by a whole bunch of disabled people and jobless.

I mean I know what the BBC is and I have known for years. I know they are corrupt, self-righteous and have this unbelievable level of self-entitlement.

We wont go into the fact that they love to expose people while having one of the darkest histories in living memory and you can bet your bottom dollar we do not know half of it.

I said previously that the BBC showed the migrant exodus which was probably to make us feel sorry for them but that it backfired? Well is it not funny that they are still coming but you do not hear about it much as far as the BBC is concerned? It is almost like they have realised that this has not got everyone concerned for these people but more so concern for what negative effect it will have on their own lives.

This situation was created, end of story. It is not because of ‘reasons’ against this lot or that lot .. no, it was created and created over a very long period of time.

But will anyone admit to it? Hell, no. It will be someone else’s fault or their predecessors fault and they will promise you they will do something about it.

Claim that Welfare State favours Muslims ..

Italian Journalist Asking Muslim men about the way Women Dress ..


I saw some people online accusing the BBC of bias, I suggest you like at .. or was it

ADDITIONAL: I just checked both addresses and that webpae appears to have been removed?! Oh .. that is very weird! … Oops, my bad ..

However in their angry attacks I saw them claim the BBC was in favour of Theresa May and her Conservative Party?

I howled with laughter at that and tried to explain that the BBC is not .. right.

I’ve also tried to previously explain that extreme left and extreme right, there isn’t much difference. People get hurt, suffer and are oppressed. One way or the other.

But it for me thinking. Thinking because you can see how it might now appear that the BBC is leaving to the right. But .. only because they see it as being in their best interest to do so.

I would not really waste my time focusing on stuff that nigh on everyone now knows to be biased, regardless of which way they are biased or whether or not it turns out that the BBC are flip-flopping for personal gain.

I stated to those doing some of this waste of time focusing that the BBC are in fact left or at least have appeared to be for a long time. I remember the first time someone pointed it out to me and I had a hard time believing it too. But before long I realised it was more likely than not and it just got worse from there on in.

However .. it could just be the case that as Tony Blair was in power for so long that they were just pandering to him and it just appeared that they were left leaning due to the length of his tenure? It is possible and I simply cannot remember far enough back to recall what they were like when the Conservatives were last in power.

Yeah they might have been behind Margaret Thatcher in a big way and they certainly did not show any of the celebrations that were rumoured to go in when she died.

I could not say for absolute certainty that the BBC are or are not talking up Theresa May right now because I simply do not watch TV. So it was kind of funny when a reply basically ased me if I needed glasses. No, I need a TV .. but I could have made jokes about their age or lack of knowledge of history.

I have spoken to many people over the years and academics and on each occasion the BBC is talked about there has been talk about their left leaning. I have never, until the other night, heard any single person ever state that they are right leaning.

So if they are now doing this it would not only be most interesting but over time would allow me to destroy their integrity. Well .. if they have any left. Probably be a waste of time as I think most people now know the truth about them.

There is still the small matter of them being behind the untimely death of my father which, if you are really good at searching the web, you can still find today. Despite him being dead for well over 13 or 14 years now.

You see that title? I wonder if there will come a time whereby the opposite is true? It is possible in theory.


​Well I simply don’t believe it … I’m hearing it but I simply don’t believe it. 

The American government have actually gone and done it despite it being over the top, at the worst possible time to make it look suspicious, the reasons that they have against those they accuse and with no evidence declared. 

I was not expecting the American government to take any actions at all over their spurious claims that the Russians hacked the American government. But they have and then some!

They have requested that a large number of Russian diplomats leave American soil! 


It gets better as despite what I stated about how ridiculous it was to state that the Russians plotted to get President Trump elected they have actually cone out and stated this?!

So they have declared that the American public are naive and stupid.

They have also declared that due to the existence of the Internet no future election in any country is safe. 

They have declared they no longer trust and believe in their own ejection system … yeah that alone was not a bright thing to do. 

The outgoing government have stamped their feet and return their toys it if the pram over either the American people’s choice of President or the fact that they kept joking Donald Trump would not get elected, ended up with a case of eggs on their faces and trying to find an excuse to their incompetence. 

Or of course they are trying very, very hard to make a certain subject appear as if it is not true? 

If there was something they wanted to hide or wanted to appear to as many people they could that there is doubts, what better way to do it than to make it look like it’s actually another reason by expelling a bunch of people related to the accused? 

To expel a bunch of Russians to cover something up it would have to be both pretty serious as well as having pretty devastating effects on those committing the nefarious deeds. Nefarious deeds that would have to be pretty bad. I mean really bad. 

Say like that of Pizza Gate?

So what else is odd about this? 

Well the Russians might not protest too much as Putin and Trump appear to like one another and it all goes away in me days or couple of weeks?

Might be a reason why the outgoing government did it, not too much fuss from it?

What else is odd?

Well the timing is odd what with President Obama into having a couple of weeks left. I mean, why? Why do it now? 

What are the alternatives? Or rather what if the claims turned out to be true? 

Well that would mean that there was a conspiracy or deal done between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Yeah I don’t think Vladimir Putin woke up one morning during 2016 and thought ‘You know what? I think I’ll get Trump elected President this year?’ What weeks he get it of it? Nothing. Unless he knew that he would? 

Vladimir Putin just doing this without knowing for sure he would get some benefit out of it is quite simply preposterous. Especially as he is playing the peacemaker over the middle-east right now. 

The man’s an idiot but not that much of an idiot. 

So where is the evidence? 

If the US government have enough evidence to take the very harsh actions that they have then they surely also know what Putin took such a humongous risk for? What was it? Presently they seem to be insinuating that he did it purely because he could? Errrr NO! Pull the other one out had bells on! 

Imagine the body fiasco in America of it turned out that there was some deal between Trump and Putin? Oh the Social Justice Warriors write be over the moon about that! They won’t stop to think about the upheaval it would cause the entire country. No, just as long as they get their own way. 

Also reminds me that the BBC seem to have done their extreme left tricks by interviewing protesters in New York that were clearly Social Justice Nutters.

One was asked about Trump and the lady said that he was hated and especially by New Yorkers?! Oh? Did the BBC back that up with numbers before they decided to air that? Short answer is no. 

After all of the BBC stated that 40, 50 or 60 percent of New Yorkers voted for Trump that is not quite everyone is it? Even if it was lower than 40 or even 30 precent it’s still not everyone. For me it would have to be below twenty percent for me to say “OK you exaggerated a little bit I see your point”. Anything else is just an outright lie to make him look bad. A man that win the presidency. 

I still hear about the popular vote when it was declared after one recount that Hillary Clinton lost 60,000 votes.

So what is really going on? 

Are they trying anything to keep Donald Trump from being sworn in? Yeah … that’s not going to end well. 

Are they just doing this knowing it won’t cause a fuss but spread doubts over the consensus of opinion over the WikiLeaks leaked emails? Yeeah the smarter people are going to raise what I have done and this will steel their resolve … soo that’s not going to end well either. 

Was there actually done conspiring and deal between Trump and Putin that the Americans somehow missed despite then snooping on most of the world including their own? Yeeah … guess what I’m going to state next? Perhaps that this is not going to end well either? That with all their snooping on so many people at once that they missed this one very major thing that could cost the American people dearly? 

However … what I tend to think and probably stated previously is that if you are involved in the worst types of crimes and it involves elites from the the USA, UK and Europe while possibly others then I would be so paranoid that these disgusting things got it I would snoop on everyone! To make sure no one ratted me out. 

God only knows what is going to happen next? I think it might just blow over and Putin rants for a bit and then calms down. Possibly after a phone call from Donald Trump, maybe? 

How the suspicious ones will react is something of an unknown but my guess is they will be more resolute? At least a few of them will be. 

I know one thing. I still don’t believe it. I still can’t believe the US government took that action. 

I can’t believe they took that extreme action at a time when it’s mere days away from an ‘all change’ in government. Well … unless the US President doesnt actually govern the country at all and it is others that do? 

That statement about the US President not running the country would not come as a surprise if it ever turned out to be true. 

I have thought for many years and so have many other very intelligent people I have spoken to, that the UK Prime Minister does not run the UK and has not for at least twenty years. 

If your in the UK just think about it for a moment? How many people have you heard state that Tony Blair’s New Labour turned out to be no different than a Tory government? Well if he wasn’t running the country and things more or less stayed the same then it did not look so ridiculous any more does it?

What he did manage to do is get away with outright lying to the British public, wmd for instance, and borrow as well as give out humongous amounts of money to make himself look good the Brits and the rest of the world we could never pay back when the gravy train dried up! 

If there was one thing I wish I could do before I die it would be to borrow a Tardis. Then go forward in time ten to fifteen years and buy some history books on politics of both the US and the UK to see what they say.

I .. might pop to another country and pick up books by their authors about the history of British and American politics as they might be more likely to punish to truth before we or the Americans do? 

Well 2017 is going to be one hell of a year for the happening in the areas in interested in as well as in the things I blog about on this blog. 

I think I’m going to be extremely busy?

Hmm was just thinking while typing out my tags … I wonder if Barack Obama felt sorry for Hillary Clinton and promised her anything she wanted as a Christmas gift? I thought of this due to what many Americans thought they would get if Hillary Clinton was ejected president … maybe that is what she asked for? WORLD WAR 3?!