It is funny that in all the years that I have been publishing online I have thought more and more about how regular people have been used to make certain companies .. rich .. or richer?

When I think about how you simply cannot start out from day one expecting anything it made perfect sense.

As a matter of fact I did not even think about making anything when I first started out!

But this was put to me in a matter of months by none other than Google themselves. So I thought well that is a good idea and I went into their Adsense program with the idea that there might be a wait but .. down the line if I could do this long enough I might acquire a small amount on a monthly basis. That was just from my blogs of which there are 12 .. read it .. TWELVE. Twelve subjects and I do not even cover all my knowledge bases.

In fact I had a YouTube channel that had been sitting idle for a number of years with just the odd video being uploaded, like breeding a friends Red Eyed Tree Frogs (Agalychnis callidryas).

Yeah .. I don’t only know about corruption.

In fact the subjects I cover are Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish which are all combined into one blog along with British Wildlife, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Orchids, Photography (well more experimental artistic side), Japanese Maples, Films and Music. Hmm .. on yeah Wing Chun Kung Fu though that has been neglected for a fair old while, mores the pity.

In fact as part of my business pitch to the company providing the so-called help to the DWP over their NEA, New Enterprise Allowance, program I deliberately left out the part that I had already been working on this for over 4 years in my spare time and when y health would allow. Which was not very much and not very far, if I am honest.

What I was told, without being given a reason why which was what I was interested in seeing if they could provide, is that it would take too long to build up a decent amount of viewers.

Well that lasted for about ten seconds while I puled out my folder and then explained that I had been actually been building this up for four years and had so far attracted 500,000 odd visitors. Across the board. Then it was like a scene from an old Tom & Jerry cartoon whereby the eyes looked almost as if the word ‘TILT’ had appeared in them.

“I can tell you now that I would not even need to speak to my company .. you WILL be accepted!” was what I was then told.

Well they were helpful .. for about 3 out of 8 weeks and then suddenly and after being approved TWICE the Job Centre and the DWP pulled the plug in the most dishonest way you could possibly imagine.

This was right after spending £20,000 odd, only having half of what I needed and well AFTER I had also made a very, VERY major commitment I could not back out of.

So what I am getting right now is nothing .. at all.

I do have a solicitor that I have been waiting to change the DWP’s PREVIOUS decision to cut my disability money .. oh yeah another thing that had already screwed up my plans to be self-sufficient.

That was after taking it away once before for seven whole years. Technically someone owes me in the region of £40,000 and as this blame could be attributed to either the DWP or the NHS .. it makes it, intentionally, difficult to sue anyone. Not that there is any Legal Aid for anyone .. anyway. But then I now realise that was their plan all along starting many years ago now.

Funny then that when they was first informed that I had received money that they then dragged me in for an assessment and then spoke to me as if I had been dishonest about it.

Funny .. it seems if your dishonest they then throw the proverbial book at you and then love to label you as being as such .. but .. they do it and everyone says nothing.

Just this morning I was explaining this to someone who likes giving them excuses and instead of the usual .. “Oh, you just got a moron working for them!” they must have realised this had gotten a bit tired as they thought that they had confused me with someone else? Umm .. no! “But they cannot do that!” Umm .. they just did. Three times!

When I told them they they treat money you have differently depending o where you get it they also said “they can’t do that” but I answered with “They told me that they can do this and told me over the phone!”


But as the years went on in the beginning I started to wonder if there was ever a time anyone gets paid anything .. even if it is a small amount per month. To someone that has nothing, or has never been able to mustrt together a career of any kind due to health or other issues even a small amount each month can make a world of difference. But that seems at times like something that would take ten years or work or really professional equipment that would be ludicrous to expect anyone to have and use for YouTube videos?!

Except I see time after time that on YouTube that is exactly what people expect! LMAO! Normally by morons that like to go around calling other people names and not realising how stupid and unrealistic they sound.

Fortunately not everyone is like that online but there are enough to matter.

Just the other day I was explaining to a small audience of wildlife enthusiasts in a bird hide what I have done, what I do and how I have worked through a shed load of tools. This was because I explained a bit about photography to these people and showed one guy how to switch his Canon bridge camera onto the shutter speed mode, or ‘Tv’, pumped his shutter up to a 1000th of a second and he went off to take pictures of Great Tits and Blue Tits, they are birds lol, as they were taking off and landing on a bird feeder. After a few minutes he came over to show me how he had just taken a photo and the wings of the birds were frozen in the image. He had a big smile on his face and mentioned a couple of times how he was glad to have bumped into me. I told him I was happy to oblige.

I even managed to get a few laughs from those there and then one old lady mentioned that she has met someone who used to have a store where I said I had one years ago and that he then took her and showed her the wild orchids. I then realised she was talking about me and told her so from about four years ago.

When she realised this was in fact me and everyone else thought it was a perfect example of a small world I then explained I had been through no less than five cameras in that time. This did not include using my phone to start with and nor did it include the three faulty Nikons that were returned nor the Olympus that was also returned all to Argos!

In other words an argument can be made that I have worked my way through nine cameras. Oh .. wait a minute? I forgot .. I have been through two mobile phones in that time. So possibly TEN cameras?

But let us forget about the exact amount and splitting hairs for a moment. Five cameras and it is only my latest one that comes anything close to a professional camera. In fact it sits near the top .. well depending on your point of view .. it is £3,000 for the body when top Canons and Nikons are £6,000 but it does many things better than those two companies mentioned. Well .. Nikon were about to announce the Nikon D850 and I had considered waiting for that model but .. it was an unknown and as good as it is .. there are still things about my Sony A99II that are better.

Does it make a difference? Umm .. yeah!!

Except .. I waited so long to be able to buy it that I have lost out on most of the summer and all the flowers, most if not all the insects and other things besides. Bummer!

Yet I have managed to acquire my first ever photos and video of what some consider to the the holy grail of British Wildlife, the Kingfisher!

Would I have gotten photos with my Nikon P900 of this Kingfisher? No, and that includes both occasions it appeared. It was weird as within the space of a week and for the first time EVER in that particular spot I had been visiting for almost ten years .. the first Kingfisher.

Not the first time I have seen one you understand and not the first time I have seen one while taking photographs of British Wildlife. The hots could have been better and it could have been .. well diving but not where I was at. Kingfishers do not and rarely hang round bird hides long in built up areas and certainly rarely fish in front of one. In fact I spoke to someone else about the Kingfisher’s that reside at Rye Meads which is not far away and they said that it was a waste of time because the bird hide is always full of people with cameras.

Yeah to do some real wildlife stuff and get some great and unusual photos and video you need to be .. well .. in the wild, so to speak. Lol. The funny thing is I do know of a spot but it is not easy to get to and .. I wont be able to .. go and sit there waiting as I would like. Hard to explain why right now but I will in time.

I have to find .. somewhere else.

So that is just the .. British Wildlife side of things. Some effort, planning and professional tools required.

Then there has been this long urge to be more creative and artistic with photography which I have been extremely limited to until very, very recently. Still things are too hectic, up in the air and I have far too many people and organisations to deal with .. right now.

So much for that support, eh?

So yeah I see people on YouTube trying to build up there channel while no one mentions the obvious. Why do people have to work their arses off for years, go through various amounts of expenses to buy stuff to be to start to do this and then improve things and still no money starts being paid? It is like this humongous Elephant in the Room. Maybe no one complained as they thought YouTube, or Google, might hold things against them or hold payment back or something? Oddly YouTube have been going around demonetizing videos and so much so that it has affected a long list of popular people. Now people are complaining about it. But that Elephant still lurks behind that .. very broad curtain.

My own YouTube channel was only really used to back up my blogs and by being able to add content. Up until now I could only ever upload certain photos because Blogger, also Google owned and one of over 200 companies they purchased, restricts the photo size. I did have a FlickR account and possibly others .. but as my photos were not being shot on anything even remotely professional I did not really see the point?

I have started to upload again to my FlickR account where I am known as ‘allnights1’ and said photos of Kingfisher are now there. Plus some old photos of the British Orchids I previously referred to.

One cool fact of FlickR, but I guess they all do this, is telling the viewer on what specific model of camera I took each photo on. Hmm .. those two faulty Nikon P610’s, could have been P620’s, might have some photos on their? I do know my Sony A99II is on there along with a Nikon P900 as well as the previous bridge camera, another Sony HX-300 I think it was? Just looking now I see my first camera purchase of a Nikon S8200 is on there too?

Nope neither of the short lived Nikon P610’s, there were TWO, Nikon L810 or Olympus SZ-820 made it onto my FlickR account. I guess I was either too busy replacing faulty cameras or I had decided my equipment and photos were not professional enough for me to bother? Lol.

So then .. if I spend an entire year from this moment onwards .. though I am limited for about two weeks from today onwards, do you think that recently purchasing £10,000 worth of camera equipment and the same amount on a car is enough time to expect something to happen? Oh that is £10,000 on my CURRENT camera equipment. Body £3,000, 70-200mm f2.8 lens £2,700, 24-70mm f2.8 lens £1,800+, Sigma 85mm f1.4 lens, LowePro Whistler, Battery grip, filters, Cotton Carrier chest holster, SpiderPro holster and god knows how many other things. Cleaning equipment for lenses/sensor. Do you think that would be enough? Or will I have to keep on giving away free advertising to Google and its partners for ever more? Lol.

I am actually missing a macro lens for insects and flowers though I am not really sure I need it right now, not sure on minimum focus distance of current lenses and still need to test.

I am also missing something around the 300mm size which I could use with my 1.4x Sony Teleconverter. Or a 500mm size lens. Unfortunately the former is £6,000 on its own and you think that is bad then the latter is double that! There is the option of a 100-400mm lens but not sure of the quality of the images and it is £2,000 and not sure if it would work, or even just work well, with my Sony teleconverter. Oh the teleconverter alone is around £500 to buy!

I am also interested in astrophotography which I MAY be able to achieve with the 24-70mm f2.8. May. Really you want something that is a faster aperture then this .. purely because the faster that light is transmitted then the shorter the shutter speed so you do not get star trails. It gets a bit more complicated, for those already deciding, because the aperture is not literally indicative of a lenses speed and this comes down to something else called ‘T-stops’. Bummer! But it might mean that my f2.8 wide angle zoom might be better than some f2 or even f1.8 lenses? I simply do not know as of right now and am too busy sorting out other things while trying to correct some major errors or pulling the knives out of my back of public services that are anything but public, they seem to be self-entitled morons, or a service, screw you over at every opportunity and are really reluctant to give anyone any help at all while using the feeblest excuses to hit you with a steal tax.

Lol, oh yeah I have been hit by a really surprising steal tax for something I have never done .. except I seem to have this time .. had to think about it and realised that instead of waiting in a queue of traffic that all wanted to go straight across at the lights, I crossed into the left hand lane to turn left right at the end of a bus lane. Well it seems that a camera spotted me and I got a letter of a fine this morning. Initially I was confused and thought … “I have never entered a bus lane .. EVER. How the hell ..” then when I saw the location I realised. I thought “What the fuck?! At the end of a bus lane instead of waiting in the WRONG queue of traffic .. I followed a car in front that did the exact same thing?! Your fining me for THAT?!” LMAO!

Someone said that they saw my car on the photograph and decided that as I am able to be screwed for what is in essence a load of bollocks, £550 per year car tax, I will pay for a stupid fine and have been hit with a stealth tax.

This country.

Everyone I know that is legal .. mainly British people are fed up with doing things legally and then getting caned for it with the most lame excuses imaginable.

It is funny how people do not have the brains to realise what is going on right under their noses .. or their just think that it will all magically go away one way?

Just this morning a social worker friend of mine had a couple of pedestrians have a go at him while I was on the phone to him and he was explaining that he could not go anywhere and if he had gone where they said that he should go, because it was inconvenient for them, he would have been fined. He then told me that he paid a fine once because his car was six inches over a box in a junction?!

I will be happy to see the back of that crap .. which I can honestly say only seems to happen in London. I do not know whether the local governments in London are just clueless to the fact that people they con actually go elsewhere in the UK or they are just clueless and think every local government does what they do? Umm .. NO!

At this rate it will only be a matter of years before everyone in the London area is driving illegally and unregistered .. who will they get their salaries from then? LMAO!

I have invested my own money to try and do something for myself and become self-sufficient but where is the help and where is the support?

Remember that I have a registered disability. A pretty bloody nasty one if I am completely honest and if it is not the bloody aching of my feet from standing around on concrete and tarmac, is is the memory blanks, the panic attacks, the tiredness or even the damn digestive issues .. oh and the high blood pressure .. the blacking out from postural hypotension and the rapid heart rates.

My father and Uncle, like their mother, did not like Doctors and Hospitals much. My father was never even registered with one. Both my father and Uncle died in their mid-fifties and I show worse symptoms than they did and I am 48. But because I look fit, buff at times, they think they can state that because I look fit therefore there is nothing wrong with me? Or at least they did think that .. until the high BP, high heart rates and waking up in a patch of stinging nettles and being rushed into A&E several times despite not wanting to.

Well .. lets just say I have a wee bit more than my medial records. Lol.

So yeah in the meantime I will just continue working to help make ever more money along with a load of other poor saps for what is now widely seen to be an evil company that likes to claim it is not and left leaning, get ever richer.

Is it not funny how all of these organisations and companies that claim they are left leaning, heavily left leaning, do not appear to be so when it comes down to money?

I mean they claim to be very far left but .. wait a minute? Is not the left supposed to be more to do with communities than individuals? As opposed to the extreme right? Like a communist society? Or maybe someone along the lines has moved the goalposts?

To me if your extreme right, your Hitler. If your extreme left, your Stalin.

But of late I have gotten into conversations with people where the have tried to explain different types of left leaning or even extreme left? Umm .. what?

It’s a scale .. not a bloody road map!

There is left and right and different accents along that scale, no up and down or top and bottom and nor is there a north and south. LMAO!

Just crap labels for people who want to cherry pick, that is it and that is all.

Oh and of course it is all about what is fashionable I guess? Well .. that is until everyone realises your full of shit!


What makes it worse .. do you think that working for years at great expense to yourself is bad enough? Well how about demonetizing videos?

What follow is a YouTube link about one independent journalist, called Tim Pool, talking to another independent news reporter, Luke Rudkowski, talking about YouTube demonetizing videos because they do not agree with the extreme left.

You would be forgiven for thinking that these two are extreme right, except as far as I can tell so far Tim Pool is .. centre.

Would you not think that it would be down to the companies that the ads are for to decide whether or not they can advertise with someone’s channel?

Sooner or later something has to give and someone needs to ask some serious questions. True enough some of these questions are now being asked, just as these two guys are discussing in the video.

Maybe it is my imagination but it seems to me that someone seems to be trying to control the world by controlling the Internet? Maybe one company that has been purchasing literally hundreds of other companies in the process?

Once again .. an extreme left attitude .. until of course it comes to money. Which is more or less they way that many countries claiming to be communist countries seem to act. I would love to hear of one that does not act like this .. I might even be interested in living there?!

Six hundred and sixty videos demonetised overnight!


Tim Pool speaking to Luke Rudkowski and some worrying .. trends ..

Oh and I almost forgot the one I was originally going to link in here ..

Vee speaking about the demonetising and a rather large channel being .. well hypocritical about it ..


Jesus .. H .. Christ!

As if a visit to accident and emergency .. or was it an urgent care centre? Anyway .. as if that was not enough .. last night I was in agony.

Stomach pains after eating a Doner Kebab the night before. Did not come on until the afternoon but then it gradually built up and then there was all that sulphuric gas smell. It got so bad I spent an hour or more shoving my fingers down my throat as that takes the focus away from the pain and kind of has a chance of shifting .. something.

In fact I spent so long at it that I now have a sore tongue .. or at least it appears to be sore underneath and I have a sneaky suspicion that .. it will hurt to talk? Lol. Will please a few people, lol.


I am right in the middle of .. well a whole bloody raft of things as it turns out.

I have spent a few days here and there just going through my house like a whirlwind and just throwing a hell of a lot out, re-arranging stuff into .. umm sections and trying to do the garden bit by bit.

But everyone I have been honest with has either pulled support or now expecting my to do the proverbial cart-wheels.

It is a little hard to say what all this means .. right now at any rate. But by the end of the month it will inevitably become clear. Because I cannot change things now and I will harp on about it once it is all over.

Well I say .. all over .. but it might be anywhere between 4 and 12 weeks before it is fully over and things have settled down .. to a degree?

So yeah .. having two flare ups in the space of a week, or a little over as I am having difficulty keeping track.

Also do not forget .. as I do, that I .. forget and have a hard time keeping track!

My word I do not want to see another Doner Kebab as long as I live .. which is annoying as I had one for the first time a few weeks back and I was fine that time!

I did have some serious problems over a year ago each time I had a Doner Kebab, cows milk also and normal chip shop chips. So I stopped eating all three. Had chip shop chips recently to no ill effect and also that last doner so I thought it was something that had passed on by?

I also was given this drink with this ‘clay’ in which is supposed to kill any parasites so when I was OK I thought maybe I had some internal parasite that the Doctors and Hospitals had missed?

Apparently not.

What I am heading towards right now is a make me or break me kind of crossroads.


It’s funny how odd things are said by politicians from time to time.

Sometimes they can say something positive about a member of the opposing side that is actually a negative.

Sometimes when they say this you wonder if they actually knew how the situation was?

Sometimes when they say these things you wonder if they know for the situation is?!

Sometimes .. they can then go and say something sensible .. for a Tory at any rate, but then wonder if there is some long running plan behind their words.

Some Lord of Peckham, South London, actually said that he would prefer, they did say early version, of Tony Blair than the current Theresa May?!

Hmm makes me wonder what happened to ask the finger pointing about whose fault it is we owe so much money?

I also take from his remarks that Tony Blair was not that far removed from being a Tory himself?

Well that lines up with what just about everyone I’ve ever spoken to thinks!

Then he gets even more surprising by stating that Ruth Davidson (Davison?) would make a good Tory leader and Prime Minister?! It gets better as he then says “she grew up on a council estate”?! A Tory who wants someone from a council estate .. in Scotland?!

Wonders never cease.

Now I have trouble remembering our recalling things at times and have done for several years. Of course what I didn’t know was that this forgetfulness was actually a thing. It’s a symptom of a long running disability that causes 120 symptoms. Yup, pains are included in that list along with skin conditions and other weird things.

I say that because I’m wondering if Ruth Davidson is the lady that I’ve always liked when I’ve heard her talk?

For me that’s no mean feat!

I liked Jeremy Corbyn to until he did something that doomed him with me and the wider British public. Only doing well in the last election because the Tories have done such a piss poor job.

It’s still the job of the DWP and Job Centres along with other public services to lie to the British public. A lot. In fact more so now than they used to .. just in more inventive and clever ways.

Hmm I will have to Google Ruth Davidson to see if she is the person I think she is.

Yup, yup! That’s her alright.

I would go as far as saying that she was the most impressive Tory .. for me. But then .. that would not be a difficult feat to achieve.

In fact if I think of names of Tories I’ve liked I can only think of Heseltine and Portillo. But then I could very well find out about opinions they had our have that would completely change my opinions.

I also never paid much attention to politics .. that is until recently and it’s not something I wanted to do or enjoy doing. Just kind of forced.

That’s because I realised that certain public services were lying which they had others added into a list. That just got longer and before long I realised that along with myself others were suffering.

I then wondered, along with feeling guilt, about the world my child and her children were growing up in.

So I decided to do something about and and not long after I started .. collating .. I then become thrust into something that no one believed .. even though when I told them it was over a year after the event.

They do now.

It appears now that this was only a rinse. A repeat is already currently underway.

Well actually .. to be more precise ..

It’s the fifth time. That’s right .. FIFTH.

That’s a 100% record that when all is divulged .. is going to make a hell of a lot of people squirm in their seats.

Well that’s just too bad! Lol.

It also doesn’t include the other things I’ve been working on that will make all my other targets start squirming in their seats all over again.

I wonder if they have realised and I wonder if they realise what the difference will be between this following year that I do it and the period that I did it previously?

I’ll give you a clue ..

It has everything to do with numbers and a little tiny bit too do with track record.


Theresa May is ‘hopeless and weak’, says leading Tory party donor



This simply has to be a first?!

I’ve been planning several things to be divided between around October 2017 and probably October 2018.

I say probably because there are just so many areas in involved with and all are current in flux .. well that is except for one.

One of these is to do with the NHS, well three in fact and all are very lengthy, Dental treatment.

Bizarrely, you will probably find, this links back to something else that’s been ongoing for many years.

Trust me when I saw this that the NHS were aware of my actions .. well up until two years ago when I then led them in a merry dance .. to get them to drop their guards. Guards, I might add, they should never have dropped.

More fool them for continuing to think they are the most intelligent people on the room and completely impervious.

Except they are not and they might think they survived my onslaught two years ago but the truth is .. I never really .. finished. Lol.

In that time I’ve still been ‘working’ while having something this whole time I’ve kept to my sleeve.

Both these things will serve to add incredible amounts of insults to incredible amounts of injury ..

Along with a breakdown of how and why it was all planned.

But I find myself actually being beaten to the punch in this occasion.

In the BBC report below is a story of how no one can get dental treatment and one guy, it couple resorted in pulling out their own teeth!!

Think that’s news and a first?

Nope .. I just kept my own story on the back burner for a later date because it links to insurmountable proof of what I have to deal with and what I have.

As does my visit to Accident and Emergency via ambulance just last night. A visit that now incudes no less than three visits over 18 months for the exact same damn thing they still don’t have an answer to.

Trust me when I thought I was never getting out of North Middlesex Hospital alive.

Yeah .. I’ve pulled out my own too .. along with an obvious link being missed despite being suspected!

Oops .. guess what I have regarding all the above and everything I’ve said over the last two years?!

Hmm if you wondered why it had gone quiet on that front? Getting the idea why now?

Sometimes things take a very long time.

Along with this I now have had two public services in the employment .. division and over more than one thing too. Also I’ve been embroiled in two local councils too and once again and all simultaneously .. the POLICE!

If you’ve ever been smart enough to go back to the first year or two and see what I’ve experienced and endured .. well it’s all been back for over a year and it’s had a long list of public services added to it very rapidly.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and state that a couple .. well three that have recently joined the fray I’ve been involved with previously, more than once with two of them, won’t end until well into 2018. Likely 2019 with one.

Oooh boy I cannot wait ..

One of many reasons I cannot wait is due to one complete moron calling me a drama queen over three faulty Advent PC Tablets from PC World.

Yeah that comment and label is going to look so fucking stupid that I’m willing to bet that if they ever find out what I’ve divulged between October and the following year they their comments will disappear?

Or perhaps just change their YouTube name so they can go on birding bitching and whining while no one has any idea of how stupid and obviously amoral they are?

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: ‘We couldn’t see an NHS dentist so we pulled out our own teeth’ –


A slight .. mishap.

For the record .. don’t ever trust your local Job Centre or DWP with anything. Anything at all!

Especially the New Enterprise Allowance.

Unfortunately they screwed up .. expecting people to be dishonest the whole time.

They pulled me in and I had to be assessed .. only what they didn’t know was what they had been informed about I had already informed them of.

Then they was rude.

Then they lied three times.

Then five days into being self employed using their own scheme .. they pulled it!

Except I’ve not long come back from .. my daughters who had been attacked by her husband and my four grandchildren along with my daughter are all in danger. Even though the perpetrator is behind bars .. court case 18th January 2018 expected to get ten years then deported.

But others are piling in with witness intimidation.

So I have to move there .. to help them and protect them as there is no one else.

Plus try and get this business going I’ve been planning for years.

But the Job Centre, DWP and Local Council of Enfield just lead me into a trap ..

Except I was half expecting it anyway.

So after being surrounded with social workers and victim support and police .. I come back home start packing everything I have and then get told I’m being stabbed in the back ..

A few hours later I feel a familiar feeling .. worse than it had been before .. so I grab my BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR. After the reading above I ring 111 asking for to get my pulse down to stop the pain in my chest .. next thing I know I’m being tested and then they notice in sweating .. a lot. Hallelujah! Finally after ten years someone sees this in the world of medicine! Something is then sprayed under my tongue .. given .. gas .. see .. stuff, nitrous oxide mix I think?

Then I’m strapped into an ambulance bed in the back of an ambulance for the first time in my life. Then the ambulance moves .. and I suddenly remember .. my motion problem!! I’m now panicking and I look at the paramedic and say ‘uh-oh!’ and explain.

I’m put in a seat so I can see out the windscreen .. it helps .. a bit.

Gas-gas-gas and then REAL gas-gas-gas .. hoping one or both will take my mind off things.

Three ECG’s later I’m currently in the waiting room .. at North Middlesex Hospital. Feeling better but don’t want this recurring. I want to go, I want a cigarette, I’m dying for a drink, I’ve no money and my Land Rover feels a million miles away from where I am sitting at 12.30am.


I have typed out a shed load of posts I then forgot to .. well .. post.

I was just doing some editing and reformatting as neither Google nor WordPress seem to be able to the most simplest, basic and very first of digital tasks, TEXT!

Anyway as I was re-jigging things and try to spot the stupid mistake that Android makes in changing words you typed to ones that render the whole sentence .. unintelligible. Yup .. Google manages to fuck up writing text in two completely separate pieces of software.

How they ever got be where they are now and with their narrow minded and what are now exposed to be extreme left, Stalinist attitudes I will never ever know and constantly ask myself about.

In fact there is a list of things they are guilty of .. a very long list like corporate tax dodging and getting free advertising from Bloggers and YouTubers who work their butts off for years at great expense while they sit, grown stronger, buy out everyone else and collect up monumental piles of cash in the process.

I dread to think of how much time, effort and money I have put into my own pursuit to become self-sufficient and .. they have the gall to make out they are not evil and are all about the people?


Anyway .. while correcting my own mistakes as well as those of others I discovered this little video I had play while I was messing around with .. things ..

Only I thought I was heaing things and then went and looked closely at the video and I simply could not believe what one couple were doing to their own child in Sweden!

Oh boy, oh boy. I would hate to be normal and live in Sweden and to think that about 7 years back I almost very nearly did!

Dressing their son in girls clothing and making him play with girls toys .. as well as boys clothing and toys.

Remember that forced evolution I have harped on about for what now seems like time in memorial?

If he grows up gay and the Muslims take over as they keep saying they will, do you know what they would have forced upon their child?! I mean it simply doesn’t work like that and the child will no doubt have complexes and God help him if he ever travelled to other countries.

How narrow minded can you get? And for the love of fucking God, who do they actually think they are helping out here?!

Take a look ..


Well it’s taken longer than I first thought but it looks like one set of wheels on an Apple cart are becoming loose.

In the BBC report below many people with Apple iPhones of the 5th and 6th generations don’t want to upgrade to the latest 7th generation.

It’s not just Apple owners either.

These phones are bloody expensive for what they are and they are not even designed to last beyond about two years.

No? You disagree?

Ready to change your battery is it?

It’s really expensive to buy these things and people are feeling the squeeze everywhere now. I know it’s taken a bloody long time for people to wake up but they are waking up.

For the cost of the top of the range phones I can get a pretty decent laptop. The funny thing is that’s about to change. For the better!

A laptop is far more useful to me right now than a smartphone. In fact I hate fucking phones but that’s because of Android, WordPress and the mobile phone networks.

My provider Three have just hiked to the price of their unlimited package by a whole £10 per month. This is after hiking it twice by £5 per month. Yerrr if you haven’t worked it out its been raised by more than DOUBLE!

Also since this new change my phone’s run out of £10 credits twice in less than a week. Before the change £10 lasted six weeks.

Confused? You should be.

I did state I get unlimited internet sooo .. how am I running out of credit with a package?

For two fucking years I’ve had to run not one but TWO mobile phones.

Because they are all unreasonable and greedy.

At the exact same time they show that big companies simply refuse to tighten their belts like the rest of humanity. Seven years into this financial crisis and they still haven’t figured out it and because they haven’t bothered to we have to pay for it.

Makes a mockery of governments and public officers dictating and lecturing to individuals about then tightening their belts, does it not?!

Ooh .. you don’t know what I mean?

Trust me that over the next month or two that one is also coming!

I’ve been tricked, double crossed, lied to and then lectured about what I can and can’t do with my own money. I’ve even been moaned at fit going away .. from a public service that had already suspended their support. Yes .. I get nothing and they are still dictating as well as being extremely rude and our of place.

Yeah .. that’s something I’ve worked on since February and a continuation of something I’ve worked on since last October 2016.

Yeah .. then there’s the stuff I’ve secretly worked on for two years now.

Yeah .. then there’s the stuff I’m going to be working on.

Plus the unboxings from the shopping lists I’ve got but have had to pause.

Bit big businesses refuse to budge and bills their hands out for our tax money or be trading favours when it gives to the law and advertising standards. Yup .. the ASA will likely have awkward questions out to them.

If I buy something that’s advertised as new then I fucking want it to be new. That has not been happening .. a lot .. and due a long time see where is the tax funded Advertising Standards Authority all that time?

I me them aware of this scam several years back and since then I’ve drawn attention to others that have done the same thing.

So what have the public funded ASA been doing? Sitting on their arses stuffing their faces with doughnuts? Taking back-handers? They most certainly have been looking the other way and for many years too.

Built in batteries you can’t replace so you have to buy a new phone?

Funny how the environment morons are never around spouting their crap about this?

I say morons because they get things wrong, just like these hack climate scientists. Funny how everyone that’s an idiot or spouting false but sensationalist claims all get week paid jobs while I don’t get an interview?! Lol.

I reckon that mobile phones manufacturers emit more heat and chemicals than anyone else. I say that because everyone in the world more or less has a new one every year or three!

But it’s slowing down and the Dixons Group board members are worried.

Not about construction change. No we get charged for that .. like the fucking £550 tax I have to pay every year for my car?! That’s more than what I was paying for fully comprehensive and protected no claims insurance on an Alfa Romeo 3.0 V6!!

Mugged in broad daylight.

But I’m a poor individual, of which we have no rights and they can move the goalposts around as they see fit.

If I received money based on false information is below locked up for years.

Be interesting to see what happens as this showdown of mobile phone sales unfolds?


I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Why does no-one want a new phone these days? –


What an absolute load of rubbish.

The absolute shite that Members of Parliament and the biased news groups come out with at times of simply mind boggling.

It’s times like this when I tell myself that surely this time the British people will realise that not only have we been lied to for years but after the ‘transparency’ claim they now clearly lied about that too.

What is it that has got my ‘goat up’?

This Chukka Khan .. or rather Chukka Umanna, maybe it should be ‘Chukka Himout’, states that Brexit harmed integration?! No .. they have done that and they continue to do that and other than the odd crap line about not condoning it .. do nothing about it either. Because really and truly .. they do not want to.

Fuck off you lying half wit.

Well let’s be analytical about this shall we instead of stating factual labels?

So 14 million, or whatever it was, people voted to leave to stop immigration then .. became what I think he thinks is racist?

Or .. or .. he is saying that the actual ‘campaign’ turned 14 million into racists?

What the fuck is the point of this clearly false statement?

What does he think he is trying to achieve?

If another referendum was on the cards I’d state that he is clearly attempting a mass guilt trip.

I only stated to someone today they Members of Parliament have clearly been idiots for some time and that they need to have competency or IQ tests before they can run.

Now this cage about because someone that I know bits into this conspiracy theory that the rich and a group of Tory MP’s are and have been planning for sometime now to basically cut London off from the rest of the UK.

Oddly he made the usual big claims and more or less said my blog was a waste of time and he was right. He had thought of everything I had said and had an answer. Except I never got any. Maybe he did give me some but the fact they never registered meant that what he thought was factual was, in reality, far from factual.

I pointed out that Members of Parliament are from constituencies all over the UK and that 90% of them wouldn’t stand for it.

His argument was that they had been planning this for a long time and did so undetected. I said well if that’s the case they need a competent test brought in.

To be planning this for well over a decade without anyone knowing, raising concerns or raising hell would mean every single MP fit the last ten years would have to be a complete idiot.

I then asked where their taxes would come from. I then asked how they would get all the people out of the area. I asked how they would seal of London. I asked how they would handle the costs of closing down the capital while it was sealed and them ferrying people out.

The funny thing was he said he had thought of all this already .. except I didn’t see any answers. Well none that made sense.

I said that if I had time I would come up with a long list of why this conspiracy theory was impossible.

He answered he could do the same with why it was possible?!

How are you supposed to convince someone with that logic?

“I can think of loads of reasons why it’s possible therefore the reasons of why it’s impossible are nullified”

Jesus H. Christ!

He then said that they would not have to seal off the city because it works elsewhere?

What works elsewhere? When in history, the Vatican doesn’t count, did a city cut itself off from the rest of its own country?

What was annoying about this country argument was it came across as desperation to be proved right. You don’t get to prove yourself right and especially with your own theories. Because theories are just that, theories!

It was doubly annoying because I then recalled a conversation about this from ages ago with him. I also didn’t agree with him then and tried to tell him. The annoying part was that on this earlier conversation they’re was supposed to be a wall being built. I even think it was a steel wall.

Now I’ve just come back from a long stay very far away.

A fucking shed load is happening which had forced me to alter plans which now means there is a shed load to do. A single mother and her kids were attacked, the attacker is in prison .. court date set for the 18th January 2018, I’ve got to protect them. While I’m starting a business while I’m starting a business and going self employed at the same time. Right at the end of that process to go self employed the DWP have reneged on their agreement and have stabbed me in the back and trying to force my business plan to fail. I have to move home too and that was part of the business plan. My car developed a fault. It turned hot and is unbearable for me. I have to deal with my Fibromyalgia all at the same time. I still have tools for the business I haven’t bought and an now scared to because the DWP wilfully led me into a trap .. except the only ones that fell into any kind of trap is them. They have lied to me three times since I signed the form to go self employed. More or less admitted that they lied at the same time, because I pulled them on it with the real facts. I had two children crying about me while I drove 70 miles crying myself.

But I get this question about something I’ve already said I don’t agree with .. “Oh so what’s your thoughts about what’s going on in London?”

I thought I’d missed something when really he just wanted to prove a point with some lame information and flimsy theory.

And the wall has now disappeared.



The remark about my blog being pointless was .. infuriating.

Let’s review shall we?

  • NHS bosses phone my GP to warn I’ve been recording.
  • Michael Meacher MP requests of he can use my data in House Of Commons to attack Iain Duncan Smith
  • Michael Meacher MP asks permission to send my data, stories, blog to the news media
  • Vicar listens to my recordings and I .. answer his prayers and save his family life
  • My stories are constantly mimicked in the news media without acknowledgement
  • help MI5 who call me a genius (REASONS)
  • help Merseyside Police who call me a genius (AGAIN REASONS AND ON TAPE)
  • I’ve reached quarter of a million people and in one to two years will be in the millions, plural
  • I’ve attracted others who have done the same but only within certain public services, not across the board like me, so I’m not alone
  • After arriving in certain area I was spotted by victim support who had to file a report that I read present (the rules and the law!!) and within 24 hours three social workers and two Police officers are around me, yeah I have .. previous and it’s all on here .. giving away big clues to my secret goings on I’ve only hinted at

If I think about it I can probably add up to half a dozen things to that list, but you get my point?

But my blogs are doing nothing.

No people get annoyed because they have no patience .. it’s affecting them and they want it right now.

Also he seems to have forgotten something .. he used to frequent several forums but I remember him complaining he got banned from them all?

Yeeah .. you can’t go around getting angry with people because they don’t buy into a theory that not only sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory but which you have zero evidence of.

Maybe there is some plan to cut of London from the rest of the UK? But believe me when I say this ..

  • It will be an absolute meltdown of the highest order and extreme left wing groups will come from every corner of the globe to wreak havoc!
  • For several reasons it won’t work .. cost, physical removal of people, closing down one of the largest cities in the world for an indeterminate amount of time.
  • Ninety percent of MP’s won’t stand for it.

Oh I forgot .. when I asked how they were going to do this he said “With a referendum”?!

A referendum?

A UK wide referendum?! Yeah .. no and obviously no. Won’t win that one in any reality.

Oh remember they are going to get away with it because they will keep it hidden .. so a secret .. referendum.

A bunch of rich people stating that they are taking the capital as their own because they all voted for it?!

I tried to tell him that his theory of it being kept secret until after the dastardly deed was dead .. buried.

Any announcement that there would be a referendum of this nature or that there just had been a referendum of this nature?

Instant civil war!!

I also said good luck to them removing all the ethics out of London. They can’t even get the Grenfell Tower residents out of Kensington & Chelsea!!

I don’t know why this guy persists to get someone to agree with his theories? What he is trying to achieve I simply do not know.

When someone presses like that there is one thing that crosses my mind and I guarantee that as I mention this disagreement with others they will each state exact what I thought ..

This is some government hack that’s been working on me for some time to try and discredit me by getting me to put some crazy sounding shit on my blog.

I guarantee that at least three people I know will say that!

Would this guy expect me to have a go at them because I know he is right because .. he said so?

But when I think about it I don’t think it’s government related. I mean they would have to think I was completely thick to allow myself to be used like that. On such a mad sounding theory.

But they have already called me a genius and that comes from both the secret services and Police CID.

I didn’t need to be told this and it was not the first or even the second or third time I’ve heard this. Not even close.

So I’m preparing .. everything. To sail of to be pastures to dig out a series of evil villains who look like they have plans of their own? I have to protect people who are close to my heart who have no one else in the world.

And in doing this well and truly alone.

Then I get buzzed and bugged about agreeing with some far flung theory that’s only a few steps closer to sanity than the flat earth theorists.

Then I click on the BBC News app and there is an idiot MP trying to claim that Brexit is why there is unrest and distrust with the Muslim community.

No, you absolute moron ..

It’s because they keep murdering people, openly walk about with banners about how they will overtake the UK and secretly think like the Nazis, the new master race or new Nazis, and thick they are superior to everyone else. Despite coming from countries that have none of their own decent inventions and repeatedly reduced to piles of rubble!

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Brexit campaign ‘harmed integration,’ MPs claim –


Yup as the title suggests I feel (or DID) like crap.

Today could have gone a whole lot worse and I see my first sign that my memory could have caused serious problems. Though to be fair I think I could have avoided it .. once I remembered.

I had one of my more .. let’s say debilitating symptoms play up .. umm yesterday morning? The morning before?

I think it’s partly my own fault as this one is aggravated by diet, though to be fair I’ve been really busy. In fact memory issue number one ..

This morning I finally managed to get a key cut, something I’ve been trying to remember to do for a week now.

This afternoon I had bad heartburn coming on .. ooh that’s three, and around the same time I started to feel like shit, tired and sleepy.

It was about thirty minutes into this I remembered that I did got get much sleep last night. Because of the other effing symptom I mentioned.

Painful, embarrassing and in my case it gets .. messy. In fact the messy part is when I know it’s over! Lol. That’s just one.

I was supposed to be on a long drive today and when I realised .. or rather recalled about 4pm that I was feeling like shit because I had no sleep I thought maybe it was probably for the best I didn’t drive?

Plus. Well. I’m supposed to be somewhere on a certain date and .. I cannot remember the date.

I get annoyed at times like this .. because .. it’s so bloody disruptive to plans.

I’m trying to watch a film while typing this in the hope I stay awake until at least a little later?

I did sleep last night. It just wasn’t for very long is all. I recall it being after 4am and I know I woke up prior to 9am. I’m just not sure if there exact times. But it always results in the same whether too little or not at all. I end up feeling really, really low, sleepy and anything I have to deal with that’s a little worrying feels ten times worse.

So, yeah .. I get annoyed when I let something slip by me that aggravates things. Only this time several things have been aggravated.

I was thinking earlier what I wouldn’t do to get my hands on some Sodium oxybate for a few weeks to see what difference it makes. Then I remembered. “Oh yeah! I was going to look into that once the inheritance issue was resolved!”


Damned stomach pains too .. luckily that’s not been too bad. Mostly twinges but with the odd pain beyond that.

I really, really, really must do something about my diet. But I find things so hard to stick to and I get bored of certain foods.

Plus some things I’m supposed to eat actually aggravate other symptoms.

For example in supposed to eat plenty of fibre but I can’t eat bran or milk. Go figure.

Some things I love I can’t eat either. Fish and chips I had to stop eating over a year ago and now .. it seems curries are no good either.

Every now and then there is something new I can’t eat.

If I ever have to stop eating pizza, proper pizza, and Chinese food .. and cheeseburgers and you might as well just shoot me now.

The funny thing is chip shop chips affect me but French fries do not.

Jesus Christ.

I have loads of diets I’m supposed to be on with things supposed to eat on one diet is a no-no on another. And all that with short term memory loss! Lol.

Keep on cross referencing five different diets while out shopping with memory loss happening every hour or so and I’m on edge because I know taking too long will hurt. Umm the pain in my feet I’m referring to .. not my current pain and discomfort.

Oh and I’m going to try and be self employed and it in plenty of work to meet their unfair criteria I didn’t know about until a few days ago.

Still .. I was intending and praying to do a lot more than they expect .. we will just have to see how it goes. Fingers crossed I can keep it up.

Ooh .. I have to go to a stationers .. maybe Rymans or Office World. Hmm Office World?

Oh good God and I’ve still got a bloody shopping list of other things to still get.

Oh and I have to find a new home and then move home.

Ooh I thought of an Easel. Well along with a whiteboard. Got to get a rota together .. well more of reminders and lists of possibilities. Depending on weather, time of day and certain opportunities presenting themselves .. I need to be able to glance at a whiteboard and plan my working day instantly.

Feck knows where it’s going if I get it before I move?! Lol.

Oh boy, life had to get easier and less confusing at some point?!

It’s quite insane as well as amoral to expect people to do all this without support. I mean I’m more capable then most so how must others be finding all this?

I even get told I’ll receive the minimum of support for certain things and then only get one third of what I was promised.

Sort of insane when I think about it. Get lied to about this, get lie too about that, watch as the goal posts get moved back and forth repeatedly and then get promised things you either don’t get or lucky to get half of.

What’s the real shocker is how all this is supposed to be accepted as OK and the way things are but .. if a member of the public steps out of line or does not do what they say, even with disabilities, .. week just look above your head. There will be a ton of bricks suspended in mid air waiting to be dropped.

I’ve felt that a fair few times.

At first you survive it and it becomes second nature.

But no one is made of stone and after awhile you start to get weary of it.

When this occurs from every possible angle the weariness comes on a lot quicker.

These days .. as soon as your given a life line the vultures seem to catch a wind and they start to circle.

I’ve seen the faint sighting of distant birds up on high. I’m interested to see where that goes.

Despite everything that has been done to me what with being lied to and lied about and the lack of support .. you then feel like a criminal when it becomes clear that the smell of available meat seems to be carrying on the wind.

You start asking yourself if they genuinely see you as a criminal despite doing nothing ever to give them that idea or they just yet everyone like a slave. Because for God knows how many years now I’ve felt like many have stood behind me with a proverbial whip.

Of course during all this my .. usual habits with what I do have changed. Getting about is very different and there were things I didn’t consider before.

I tried to do things I’ve been doing for several years now and yet I have had .. trepidation with every attempt. I’ve held back, suddenly realising that things are a little different.

I’m apprehensive. Each time I go out. I do my stuff but in my old haunts I don’t do what I used to do. It’s .. weird.

It’s a combination of physical as well as psychological and I’ve got to work through it. I have to get used to it. Iron out the kinks.

I never foresaw that occurring.

That’s just the local ones.

Going a bit further afield is not a problem.

However .. going to the places I want to go is .. disconcerting and I hope only temporary.

I know why .. but it doesn’t help. It’s because of the lack of support along with the taking away of what little support I have.

You see no matter what they think or what they say there simply is no getting around the psychological effects. No getting around them.

But of course and in Britain at least we’re run by people and have been for over a decade that think they can just snap their fingers or crack their proverbial whip and everyone does what they want them to.

The reality for those that think this course of action is correct but .. it just doesn’t work like that. Force it and people suffer, self harm, end up hospitalised or even die.

If those things are occurring then your simply wrong on your actions.

All these things have been occurring and I’ve either read over and over of people being affected as described above or talking about the fear they feel and fear of heading in the directions I’ve mentioned above.

Now normally and as most normal moral people would expect .. you would not think they would get away with this. But then for them not to get away with it everyone or at least enough people need to know it’s going on.

Except they don’t.

The reason why not enough people know about it is it’s simply not reported by the news media. Not that I’ve noticed and is it is at all it’s in piece-meal fashion and journalists have been really bad at stitching it all together.

Or they have been intentionally ignoring the stories or deliberately releasing things .. piece-meal.

Now taking about myself and what I have believed?

I have strongly believed that the news media have intentionally ignored the stories. I have for a very long time and before I even started blogging.

I thought for the longest time that I was on my own in this brief.

Then I stumbled across the so-called skeptics on YouTube and then the fake news stories started to fly after Donald Trump more or less coined the phrase.

It doesn’t matter in the slightest whether you like Donald Trump or not or whether you agree with him or not. When something is a statement of fact then it’s a statement of fact.

If someone states a few things that are wrong it does not then mean that everything else they said is wrong or false.

I don’t know anything about Donald Trump in actual fact and he was part of an American version of a British show I hate with a passion.

He did make me chuckle once in a clip they showed in the news media but that’s about it.

I don’t care whether you far right or far left .. if something is wrong then it’s wrong. If it is not going to work then it’s not going to work. If it’s false then it’s false.

You also can’t force people to change what they feel or feel the same way you feel.  Never, ever, ever.

Maybe it’s the religious effect?

Just bear with me for a moment .. if your someone in power and your not religious .. then you might think that the majority of the public are easily led because they believe in the existence of an impossible deity or being.

So .. not much of a stretch for them to believe that entire populations or societies can be swayed into believing whatever they want them to believe.

I personally get internally very pissed off when people tell me that stuff I went through didn’t happen because they don’t believe it. When it’s far, far more believable than some cockamamy idea they believe in. Be that a supreme being whose full of love but allows suffering, full of love but tells his people to murder or steal from others or even that the Earth is flat or vampires exist or equally daft theory. Secret societies on the moon for instance.

I often state this to someone that I know as soon as they start to give reasons why my theories are not agreed with. But sometimes this is because someone believes in God. Sometimes it’s because it’s something I’ve been told that I believe but others do not. I’m also not kidding about flatland and secret societies on the moon. I think I’ve honestly heard them all?

But what I’ve pitched for almost five years does not come close to supreme beings or secret societies or anything else.

I have no theories that wild other than stating that I would not be shocked at all to find out aliens had visited this planet.

I’ve witnessed nothing else the last fifteen years but sheer madness and watched in disbelief as it got worse.

To begin with I saw the signs but I really didn’t believe it.

In fact it was just in one place .. and then before long it was another. Each organisation more shocking than the last.

There was one I really couldn’t believe was involved in the exact same lies and corruption. I found out the hard way and this was first hand and face to face.

People today still make excuses. I hear it over and over again to each person that gets to hear.

It’s just that they employ idiots.

Well .. they seem to employ a hell of a lot of idiots and if this were the case I would have gotten many people fired and her my issues rectified.

Only .. any corrections that got made that would have given them the benefit of the doubt then got taken away again.

Yeah sorry but if they didn’t realise the deliberate mistake .. any excuses they had asking those lines evaporated when they pulled the exact same strokes all over again.

That leaves only one possibility.

That they know full well what they are doing and they are lying and they are cheating and on so don’t leaving people’s lives in ruins. Or leading them to death. For the sake of small amounts of financial help.

Bizarre then that those that commit to and back up the lies are receiving amounts of money greater than those suffering in pain or mental torture by factors of ten or more.

Who gets to decide that this is OK to be paid these amounts from the taxpayers money while people suffering don’t get any help or support at all.