YEARS OF SPILLING MILK (Pole Shift Part .. well maybe a little?)

There are times when people disappoint me so much that I end up thinking ..

“You know what? Maybe mankind has had its chance and it blew it?”


This is 12 hours late. Have had a really bad two weeks .. really .. really .. bad. Its like someone released something in the air or the damn water supply? I have been at odds with a number of people that have been pissing me off! Have had to bite me lip while people have whined about a load of things I go into in a bit.

This seems to have set my emotions off on a roller-coater and my pains in my finger-tips from typing and wearing shoes blew up until pains across my hands. I could not type or even hold my laptop without pain?!

End Forenote

I am in a living nightmare and I pray sometimes for a truck, bus or bullet to finally put me out of my misery as I only have a few tools at my disposal, been hammering away at them and nothing seems to come from them? Though in all honesty I have been aware of constant attempts to slow me down or stop things altogether.

I am surrounded by people who are wrapped up in their own lives, do not help anyone .. constantly bitch and whine repeatedly over spilt milk or some time 20 years ago when they farcking spilt milk.

Sound over the top? OBSERVE ..

  • Walked into a kitchen to have someone shouting their head off because the full milk has run out .. yeah except they do not use it and actually use semi-skimmed of which there was plenty
  • From a third I have heard a story 50 times or more in a year, a lengthy story that involves London and Brighton, of how he has been accused of spilling sugar ..
    • But mere minutes ago .. going to tell him how a third heart episode was being caused only yesterday your told
      • Not interested! I don’t wanna hear it!”
      • Repeat a story for the first time and he gives you a sarcastic look and says in a patronising way “Yeah you have told me this before”
      • Of the 50 times he has told me the spilt farcking sugar story how many times do you think I did the same to him?
  • By the spilt milk duo
  • One of the above three has caused three heart/chest episodes
    • Caused a massive family division .. walks into people’s rooms without knocking
    • Thinks they have a right to private information in their own family
    • Tells how a son is evil for not telling them how much they ear
    • Not talking to their own mother because they wont give them control of her money after she passes away
    • Not talking to daughter because she wont agree with her getting control
    • If you do not agree with her your right-wing and Hitler .. oddly I thought I was now centre to moderate right but doing a political test I am somewhere near facrking Gandhi?!
    • Now .. if you recall, if you read recent posts, I am called Hitler by leftists online too and accused of hate speech .. (yup did state there was narcissistic socialist here)
  • The there is the third person in the building ..
    • Has spent years winding one up making them worse .. hates the people in the family that are not related to him
    • Every single night for a year now .. unplugs a router lead to the electrical network in the house .. put a HD video on laptop to a second wifi router and clogs up the internet so it does not work ..
    • Once has has done this he goes into a cupboard and does not even watch the YouTube videos
    • So between 9pm and Midnight every single night I lose not just ONE but TWO routers that are not connected.
    • When they are away for a week this NEVER HAPPENS
  • I was suspected of having a heart attack about 18 months back
    • Did not know this until I was in a hospital later
    • I told them at the time that I could have told them that I had not had one
    • I could not say that with any certainty now though
    • So trolls .. do not go hitting my spam folder with your nasty comments and laughter because professionals previously thought I did when I knew I had not
    • Recent chest events I have never experienced before
    • I was nagged on the phone by hmm NHS ‘111’ to go to a hospital in a town I knew as a child that now feels very unsafe and I always tend to get kicke dout of hospitals in the middle of the night .. yeah .. no!
    • NHS today? Quickly get you in .. are they dying? Right OK. Is it something we could plausibly deny? Yup? Kick them out to fend for themselves then and do not worry about the pain or difficulty .. don’t care what is I their medical record!

I could go on with the bullet points but I think I have made my point. Except it is not just them either.

I have many things I can talk about but due to the situation some I do not and people just DO NOT GET IT!! So yesterday another mate that thinks they know everything decides to ask me if I want to go off doing animals and pant things ..

  • Looking at Orchids and enjoying it it suddenly hits me .. what I had and what I was doing with Orchids and everything I have lost .. heart issues go BOOM as does the anxiety
  • This happens looking at Drosera
  • Talking about exotic animals

It happens a few times.

Major shite in my life and major health issues but according to people .. I am just supposed to forget about that and do shit .. because ..

  • You can just flick a switch the the dangers and symptoms so they wont occur
  • You should not talk about things that depress them and only talk about happy things they want to hear
  • Except your not speaking in a depressing way .. just talking about it is all ..
  • And this coming from someone who walked into a shop .. cried and screamed for over an hour because he got out of prison and wanted his flying hamsters back he gave away because he was going in prison
  • For ‘flying hamsters’ read ‘Sugar Gliders’
  • Insisted for months and shouted at me, never fuck off and leave me alone though, that ..
    • NHS and GP’s work a certain way when they do not because I did as he requested and the “COMPUTER SAID NO!!”
    • Insisted DWP and Job Centres were a certain way .. for months sooo .
    • Yesterday he rings a friend up who works for a Job Centre and what does he say?
    • Yeah .. Universal Credit is shite mate .. it has farcked everyone up, no one likes it in the Job Centres, a fact I already knew

People have no idea or understanding of how I so long to be around like minded people and even of late thinking how nice it would be to have someone that understood who was also into photography.

The thought of not just getting out of my own personal hell but to be somewhere where my anxiety can calm down and stop setting off my heart and chest pains but also getting back to photography is like an impossible dream.

Trust me when I state that every single morning I wake up is a nightmare and I waked into varying levels of anxiety. I so, so wish I could get that to stop and get out of here.

Often think a lorry collision is the only way and many on the Internet are pushing me that way and are praying it goes that way too.

Because of the numbers I was attracting over a short period of time.

They tell me because of my hate speech, read the truth, because of this blog and the recordings on it ‘Country of the Damned’ and the 90% of recordings I do not have on it.

  • So as well as sugar and milk what else do I hear?
  • Most common is someone moaning at some other driver if I am on the phone .. so milk, tissues, mess, sugar and bad drivers.

So I have been in receipt of ..

  • DLA previously .. then that was stopped for 7 years and finally they awarded me ..
  • PIP .. which was then stopped three years ago
  • Had been setting up and working towards going self-sufficient for well over 6 years except ..
  • My health, the public services, the weather and public services and politicians that constantly kept letting down my daughter .. kept farcking it up

Also wrote two books soo .. I figured that as I am currently unregistered and received no help despite promises from ..

  • Mary Ward Legal
  • Age UK

Basically a friend thinks things are easy ..

  • He thinks I can register with any GP when I have already told him they said no
  • He thinks you can do everything ‘Care Of’ when I have already told him that you cannot
  • He thinks that you have to get paid and can do so my cheque when I have told him they do not do that any more
  • He thinks that with a dodgy heart, anxiety issues and everything else I can just go down to a leftist run organisation like CRISIS where he admits there is trouble, fights, shouting, drug running and other crap and I will be fine?!
    • God give me strength!!

Unexpectedly and after nearly 7 years of blogging about possible global catastrophes that are scientific fact and only a matter of time .. it is surreal that I type this out amidst a running series regarding a very real series of events.

I have spent 30 years thinking about these things and I never .. EVER thought I would be sitting around wondering if doing anything at all is worth it?

What started out as an outside chance in a million has become clearer and clearer and clearer and looks closer and closer and closer.

Now at the moment that kinda grew as what was first the magnetic poles splitting and moving ever faster .. this started me thinking. Then the Arctic blast was predicted and I then realised this could be what causes ice-ages and then started thinking about continental drift, drop in crop and food productions .. farming, and any other things. Would have to happen now that I am buggered health-wise and dependent on things like Vitamin B and Magnesium supplements.

Also thinking about my daughter and grandchildren too. How the hell would I help them?

Apart from my daughter .. and at times my sister no one else has wanted to talk about it .. even the ones interested in science and sorry .. there are no excuses for this.

  • Not talking about it is not going to stop it from happening
  • It is going to guarantee that should it start you will NOT SURVIVE IT
  • Yeah you should really not be thinking about yourself and be thinking of talking abou tit to help your own children or grandchildren should the time come

One things for sure .. if it gets right into the swing of it and considering what I have put here .. and telling you now that you cannot remain where you are and this goes DOUBLE if you live in a big urbanised area.

What do you think the chances are I will be travelling absolutely fucking anywhere with any of the above?

By the time you realise you will have to move there will no no cars, buses or trains so people will have to travel in groups. Yeah I would farcking prefer it if I did not have a shit ton of doubting Thomas type people on my arse for days on end doubting every idea I have like they have done for years regardless of how many times I got I right.

I do not mind someone putting forward a logical argument but hearing something somewhere and just parroting it and claiming it is a credible source when they themselves have zero knowledge or experience in what it is their parroting is extremely .. annoying.

It is why I do not make friends easily and on my own. Those that did listen either moved back home or they died on me.

Hmm maybe people should be a annoying Doubting Thomas? They seem to live longer?

  • No I think your wrong .. that is not going to happen” even though it actually already is ..
  • What do yo mean I am wrong? What makes you think I am wrong?”
  • I just cannot see it happening!”
  • In my head I be like “FUCKING WHAT?!”
  • Or ..
  • Well you cannot stop it so what is the point in talking about it?!”
  • In my head I be like ”FUCKING WHAT?!”
  • So I am being realistic ..
  • Others are not thinking of getting the best advice to consider helping their loved ones
  • And I am the one in the wrong?
  • If the shit hits the fan in one to three years time take a wild guess at what I am going to answer when every single one of them calls me for advice?
  • Did you think I was going to say “farck off2? Well I would except ..
  • There will be no communication by then and I would have arranged to meet my daughter somewhere to get her and my grandchildren to safety
  • Bet no one else has thought about doing that .. right?
  • Sound out there?
  • Yeah well they have just had two major record breaking storms in the US with record breaking snow-fall they are measuring in feet and not in inches ..
  • What if you get another two .. they are worse and they start measuring snow-fall in metres and not in inches?
  • And yeah .. climate scientists never predicted even snow ..
  • Nor did the weather men until the first storm was more or less upon them ..
  • So yeah .. I do not think anyone at all in North America right now would consider anything at all being out there
  • My main issues about anxiety and travelling is .. people
  • If anything happens there will be far less people around .. meaning travel will be less of an issue
  • I have been working on a post on just this subject .. the series of events and the psychological reaction fro the masses .. if it were to ever get officially announced

So everyone wants me to pay by their rules, right?

So let us count individuals alone .. that is a lot of different sets of rules now factor in a all the public services who have been moving the goalposts constantly for the last five years and then consider all the individuals that are of the belief that the rules are the same as they was 20 years ago.

My advice to climate scientists and politicians would be this ..

You might want to remove yourself from the Internet and your pictures and pray that you are forgotten because ..

If the shit does hot the fan and with all that grab for money and taxes of all those billions .. people are going to ask where all the help was .. to see this coming and the provisions for the public to survive.

Yeah if I was you there is no way on Earth I would want my face to be seen and recognised and I most CERTAINLY would not ell anyone I was previous a climate scientist .. tell then you worked for Amazon or something, yeah?

Oh my issues and all seemed to be mostly linked are ..

Fibromyalgia, Hypomagnesaemia, Vitamin B Deficiency .. which causes ..

Pain in finger and toe tips, feet, ankles (might be unrelated), back, shoulders and chest along with memory loss, tachycardia, arrhythmia as well as skin issues that require things like Tea Tree Oil, Lemon Grass Oil or Lavender Oil. Or I will eventually get massive sores.

Those oils, it might interest you to know. Are very good for skin conditions and will likely help for eczema, psoriasis and other things? Cheapest way to but them is from those large hair product stores. £5 for like 100ml but you will note it might say 100% pure? Yeah they are most certainly not and will even state they contain other oils.

Seems you can get away with anything in the UK if your a certain nationality or religion while the rest of us get hammered with rules and unfair taxation.

Out of what I have left that has not been taken away from me ..

  • Orchids
  • Fish
  • Amphibians
  • Insectivorous Plants
  • Japanese Maples

I cannot enjoy ..

  • Photography
  • Cycling
  • Movies
  • Games
  • Music

On top of that I get bitched and moaned at other spilt milk and bitched and moaned at that I am not the company I used to be .. pleasurable and interesting.

Now someone I follow I have just seen told has gone down on Twitter and someone has not only announced this but tagged in Piers Morgan. Though I am not sure why this is.

Never say him arguing or even debating for that matter. DO not recall ever seeing him call anyone names?

Oh and he only had 117,000 followers which is he relied on these followers financially .. he might very well be getting punished.

On my blogs everyone only read what I had to say and that was how I wanted it. I was told it would be a good idea to start a forum or chat page. Think now he was probably right but I was adverse to the idea.

People might complain that I think I know everything but I first of all do not and I have a very, very wide knowledge base. But a great many people DO actually think they know everything despute NOT having the knowledge base .. are insistent and yet have nothing to back this up and argue about it. They they fucking hate it when they end up being wrong.

They then go straight back to doing that all over again. Many wont read websites, watch videos or eve listen to the theories but they are all experts. Many wont even watch the God damn news because they say its scary and depressing and I tell them they are not even showing you the worst.

It is like watching the Devil who has blinded everyone leading them all by the hand to oblivion and your yelling at them to stop, they refuse to .. blame everything on everyone else and carry on walking towards eventual death.

I often wonder how in the God damn hell we become so effing stupid and so effing blind. If this ice-age or other catastrophe ever hits and we survive ..

  • Priority in EDUCATION
  • Not about what religion you want to be on
  • Not about whether you should be homosexual or not
  • Not about what words offend others
  • Stop thinking that you know everything and what is going to happen on Earth ..
  • .. based on the 60 years you have been on the planet out of 4 billion years!!
  • Get the news to tell the truth and make it FARCKING LAW that they should watch it twice a week!!

Oh and let us not forget the nasty evil narrative following pro-EU, pro-Muslim and pro- Climate Change tosser that hammers mu GAB spam folder every day still, proven biggest liar on Twitter over and over again and ignores the links to mainstream news, the weather channel, the weather news, the YO .. (gave up at this point .. hands hurt like hell and now I cannot recall what I was going to say!)

Shit while I was typing this things went nuts my hands and arms hurt.

People seem to like wrangling me with their lack of knowledge and experience and do not stop to think and this sets of my emotions I now realise also aggravate my symptoms..

I seem to have to do something to get them back in check and that is altering my .. emotions .. which I know for one that I need to go from anger to being upset. I have to watch something that upsets me. Luckily I do have something I can use .. though I am not willing to admit what that is.

Have put this to someone .. about putting me up in a flat somewhere, where I can run a business for them. Never thought of this previously .. but .. wish I bloody well had!

If I could find somewhere where I could live in, like a caretaker, that would be cool. If this is somewhere, where I could reach nature spots with a camera either on foot or using my mountain bike then even better!

Way too oppressed here and without being registered I cannot do anything.

Had hoped that hitting social media like I have that something would come up .. someone would have an idea? Doing things online for others .. political or otherwise .. promoting things for them?

My .. devices are all playing up now too .. I do not know if this is their age .. but a lot of devices are playing up from wifi to phones and computers so do not know it is down to the magnetic field doing some high-jinks?

Cannot be certain just yet.

Could achieve so much if I could just shake off the anxiety .. get something to calm the tachycardia and arrhythmia down and had access to the right equipment.

Justice or death is what I am all about. Provoke and anger the establishment to do something .. end my turmoil or shoot me. That ha been the plan since I realised three years ago they were messing with what I had spent four years building up. Helping as many as I could along the way.


Sometimes I honestly cannot believe how life has turned out.

There is not a single day where I do not wonder what in the fuck happened and what in the actual fuck is going on.

Let me give you a run down of last night ..

Spending another day stuck in a real life living hell and wondering yet again how I got here and quite how I am going to get out after spending four days taking down seven really nasty, evil, selfish bad guy bullies which including professionals on Twitter I get called out of my room.

So mid doing .. something on Twitter while trying to watch a film about a little girl in World War 2 I get a knock on my door and told someone wants me.

Now let me tell you this .. two of us were demanded to go to another room about a technical problem .. same problem with a phone and a tablet. Already explained.

  • Rant starts while I have to stand and listen

  • Goes on for 20 minutes .. one of us gets annoyed at the woe is me rant about how terrible their life is, yup worst narcissistic leftist you could ever meet .. EVER

  • She then rants that one is refusing to listen

  • Another 10 minutes ranting that the other one does not want to listen to the rant

  • I ask her to continue several times

  • She rants that I am not letting her rant

  • I tell her it has nothing to do with her problem

  • She rants that she is not allowed to rant .. again

  • I tell her that if she was in a store doing this they would have charged her £40 to rant and probably told her to fuck off by now

  • She rants about that

  • She rants about side effects to pills for mild epilepsy that has never been confirmed and none of us have witnessed .. like it is the worst thing in the world ..

  • One side effect she rants about she CLAIMS causes memory loss .. a side effect

  • No other nor serious health issues

  • Forgets that I have a confirmed issue with memory loss that is on my medical records sitting 10 feet away

  • Forgets that when forced to stand my feet hurt

  • Forgets that I have a serious heart issue and the fact that I am clasping my chest she also shows no fucking sign of that either

  • I tell her that she has pulled me away from defending someone from a nasty evil bully on the Internet and she says the following .. because she’s a total fucking not and the worst kind of narcissistic leftist bitching selfish you could ever wish to meet ..

  • Oh marvellous! Well I WISH someone would defend ME for a change!”

  • I lose it ..

  • Defend you from what?! Go on defend you from FUCKING WHAT?!”

  • Bitching and moaning about how terrible he life and her health is despite the fact she has had this mild epilepsy no ones ever seen for several years she claims is worse than terminal cancer .. and side effects from a pill is sooo terrible

  • Might I add that several relatives refuse to have anything to do with her

  • As she tries to rant about her side effects and mild epilepsy because she has come out with bullshit because like all leftist socialists that are fucking amoral .. she cannot answer the question about what it is she needs defending from I say this ..

  • Yes and more DAUGHTER .. has an operation for cervical cancer in five fucking days time!”

  • A little fact she is unaware of despite the fact that she tells everyone on the phone that I keep on at her all the time telling her everything that is going on .. and I keep telling everyone that I do not ..

  • She did not know that little detail

To cap it off I had an intense toothache that throbbed like there was no tomorrow and ended up having a pretty shit night.

All my days and nights are shit .. it is merely a matter of how shit that they turn out to be and last night was a particularly shit one.

The leftists closest thing to a sibling .. a cousin called Anne has refused to speak to her for five years. One son refuses to speak to her at all. One daughter she bitches about is on and off talking to her and has a go at me if she gets it in the er about me.

No one has learned not to moan about the person she is going on about at the time because if it is not that thing or that person it will be something or someone else. But she has spent years turning everyone else against each other.

I have told people .. she does it deliberately .. she is the worst kind of SJW or NPC and she will literally cause trouble intentionally … basically goad you into having a go at her so that she can then go off and create her victim card.

Now here is the thing ..

There is no one to take any notice of her victim cards?!

She has three people .. her daughter who she moans does not listen or give her enough attention, yeah really. He partner whose an amoral twat whose three kids have not spoken to him in 20 years and her own other. Her own mother who tells us on the sly that her daughter is often too much.

Now here is the mentality of a leftist .. when she is not getting attention she then tries to put the fault and blame with her four kids because ..

  • We are not like her

  • We are all right-wing like out father, one BBC killed

  • We ever listen to her

  • We have never agreed with her extreme left-wing politics

  • We never fail to realise that she is lying through her teeth because what she accuses us of and tries to blame our dead father for .. actually applies to everyone she has ever met in 50 years

  • But in her fucked up twisted leftist mind she thinks that if she can keep repeating the same fucking tripe .. she will eventually be right and we will eventually giver her attention

  • That is why I am so good at arguing with LEFTISTS!

Now are you surprised by all that? Are you actually sitting there and thinking that there is no way that this could be as bad ans this guy is describing?

Yeah I have a friend called Mario who was a social worker for Camden Council for over 20 years and he thought we were unkind. He thought I was being over the top. He thought there was no way that anyone, even a hard-left person could be that bad.

This is what he does today ..

At a large boot sale where they both go .. both Mario and his partner Nancy .. keep an eye out because this woman frequents the same Boot Sale .. if they see her they ..


  • Told two of us once he was sorry

  • That after meeting her a couple of times that realised not only were we not exaggerating or being extremely unfair ..

  • That she is actually far worse than we described

At this point have you got your hand over your mouth in disbelief?

Are you wondering how someone, a leftist, can be that selfish and knowingly aggravate someone’s serious and painful health conditions for nothing more than they want to rant and have some attention?

That this person seriously needs to speak to a professional psychiatrist?

Are you wondering how anyone survives this?

I am afraid it gets better ..

Want to know why I was ordered out of my 8ft by 5ft 10 prison cell?

Because she expected two people to help her remember the password to an iPad she had entered wrong several times and was now locked out for an hour and therefore could not be entered anyway.

Told her a hundred times over 6 years to buy a fucking book and a fucking pen and write them down .. and the absolute shit she comes out with .. pure lies like all leftists because they have to appear to be right.

“Oh you don’t know what its like?! There are too many passwords to remember! I am not the only one (LEFTIST CRAP THIS ONE) as EVERYONE is moaning about it on the Internet!”

Her passwords?

  • Google phone

  • Apple

  • Facebook she never uses

  • Wifi

No Twitter, no news subscriptions, no cloud storage, no photo sharing sites, no GAB, no blogging, not even aware of Bitchute, Vidme or any of the others lesser known things. No music apps or subscription services. Just those four!

So when I point out that I manage and with a memory issues and with three dozen passwords her get out of being caught is this “Oh I am old!” to which last night I answered ..

“Oh fuck off, I was just chatting to a guy on Twitter in his 70’s!”

Bearing in mind her mother is still alive!

If her life so so fucking bad why is it that I very literally hate waking up the next morning after she pulls her leftist self-centred crap and I very literally want to leave the house and walk into the path of the first oncoming lorry to end the pain?

Social Worker Party ex-member! Fucking thirty years arguing with her socialism does not nor will ever work and you can’t destroy a country on a gamble and totally ignores facts, history, mathematics like all fucking mad loony leftists.

Lives in centre of London .. and for five years has been constantly bringing up something she told us she got wrong that she wont accept. Another fruit loop leftist thing .. cannot leave things alone, cannot accept facts or science or history for that matter. The leftist repeat-repeat-repeat until it becomes truth ..

.. are you ready?

In her 8ft by 8ft concrete garden in the centre of London she saw ..

  • Large Copper Butterfly -Lycaena dispar

  • Extinct in Britain since 1851

  • Family of animal experts .. not her

  • We are all wrong .. she knows what she saw

Or how about ..

  • Pie & Mash?

  • Only Londoners will get this ..

  • Her Pie & Mash is better than the Pie Mash shops

  • Pie from packet out of Asda, Parsley Sauce and Mashed potatoes

  • Shops are famous for their Pies you cannot get anywhere else

  • But as she cooks it, it has to be the best in the world ..

  • Despite the pie being a cheap Asda frozen pie

Life has the most cruel sense of humour when it comes to my life .. it was bearable and I could get by but .. yeah .. lately .. it seems to have one hell of a sick and cruel hand of fate vibe about it.

She complains no one is like her and has no idea that I am God damn thankful that I am not because I would not be able to stand myself and certainly would take my own life being like that!

Abandoned by all public services .. no GP, no Dentist, no income, Google screwed me because of the politics on my blog I am proving with each passing day on Twitter. Daughter repeatedly raped as a child and had two children as a child. She now with cervical cancer. If being abandoned by our own government, the DWP, Local Councils, NHS and Police among all the help and advice agencies .. we got no help, compensation of any kind and are even being persecuted and had our lives destroyed.

All the details alluded to in that last paragraph and others I have not mentioned, like ombudsman and bailiffs, can be found on the various posts on my blog.

Going after bad guys bullying others and making threats to people on Twitter is currently all I have to stop me going insane.

Related to the worst leftist of all time short of Stalin himself and hence why I am so good at dealing with leftists on Twitter as I know what they are going to do and say before their NPC algorithms even .. EXECUTE! Which is what most of the would like to do to me.


I await .. nervously.

I often wonder how much the living body and mind can take when under consistent pressure?

How intense does it have to be?

How long does it have to go on for?

Obviously the answers are different from person to person.

The effects will vary wildly too.

I watch people drunk as skunks talking to themselves, butterflies or yelling at others.

I see and smell weed from others.

Some might hurt others.

Some might get destructive.

Some might self-harm.

Some may take their own lives.

But at the end of the day the source of all this is the same. Some source of pain. An inability to cope with something.

Others are just unhappy .. rowing with others online in places like Twitter. Over Donald Trump. Over Theresa May. Over Jeremy Corbyn. Over right and left, Socialism and conservatism and good versus evil and even Tommy Robinson and paedophilia in Hollywood. Often I see these get preoccupied with this to see sine real horrors going on. Others I wonder if they concentrate on what tending to get more clicks?

I’ve watched the news suppress information and other times twist it around.

Tin-foil hat conspiracy theories seem to leak out of every crevice these days. The last one I heard about was a fire in America in a place in California called Carr. Pictures of a what looked like a laser beam coming from space and a house that looked like it was clean cut in half.

Pressures seem to have been continually piled upon people for years. Bills getting higher and homes becoming impossible to afford. Weird and troubling claims regarding those that are rich or famous defended only by those afflicted with blind fanboyism and showing no morals at the time.

I think people are both confused and scared?

They don’t understand what’s happening and looking for answers .. anywhere.

Because the mainstream news media are not providing them with any and are not trusted anymore.

There are two single things that, each of which, the public should feel they can trust. Once the trust dissipates from these two things you have a growing and unavoidable problem. You might ignore it for awhile but it is a coming.

Doctors and the news media.

The two things that are supposed to be everybody’s safety nets. Are today anything but and certainly true in the UK.

They have both consistently failed me in the UK for well over ten years. Along with all the public services.

Public services. Services to the public and they take our taxes. Except they are not services in anyway to the British public and haven’t been for years.

My family is a dysfunctional mess because of it and most of them have horrific stories to tell. Whether they are working their arses off or not no one is happy and everyone has issues. They are still in denial about certain things going on and you can hear it in their voice and it’s frustrating when they all have iPhones and laptops and can search for themselves.


Because the news media avoid stories and have been doing so for a very long time. Celebrity gossip is where they think it is at.

For me this was always a time bomb and I have maintained for years that the longer everybody ignores it the worst it will be. I also predicted that when enough realise it will really kick off.

But everyone else knew better.

Tommy Robinson and others like him probably did what they did scared that what had happened to other children will happen to theirs?

Brian Harvey may very well have done the same?

Except this happened to my child and repeatedly do for years. She had two children through it before she even turned 16.

I tried to get custody of her a long time ago and I tried to tell them that she will have a childhood from hell of they ignore me.

No investigation.

It was worse than even I imagined.

Over time I knew there was going to be a tipping point in British society.

I tried to tell people but no one listened.

I tried to tell the authorities but very little listened and even when they did .. they did nothing and lied about it.

I tried to tell the mainstream media and they ignored me. Every .. single .. one.

Funny then that they portray themselves all today as being the wise ones, know better than everyone else and tell if still that all will be OK?!

Yeah didn’t see ask this coming though, did you?! Even though I warned you.

I talk with my daughter about all this and how scary it is. She believed them and that’s how she got into her predicament in the first instance. With some encouragement from some very evil people.

No one involved was ever charged outside the original perpetrator who went to prison.

There were four of the same crime, one went to prison and rightly so while the other three got away with it, despite going to court.

There’s a marked difference between the one that went to prison and the three that got away with it. It’s obvious what that difference is. But this is for the same crime.

I’m not naive enough to believe that’s the only story out there like that. And that’s what’s scaring the hell out of people.

But I do believe that combined we have the craziest sounding set of stories out there.

Which is why I knew for sure back in 2011 and 2012 we was being ignored.

I thought we might get ignored and sure enough we did.

Only we had to wait six years before the deceitful acts of the mainstream media to get out. Even though it now if we await to see if our lives can be saved?!

I was pleased to discover YouTuber after YouTuber talking about all this.

From the tapes of children to the lying mainstream media and the tricks and lies of government.

Sometimes it all actually feels quite close to the end and other times were not so sure.

Too many times we think we have spied the light at the end of a very long tunnel. Interesting for our hopes to be dashed once more.

I’m hoping that either today or one day soon we don’t post the ultimate price for everyone else’s ignorance?!

I’d also like to have the anxiety lifted from the two of us but even if we did I may still lose my daughter to her cancer or other health condition?!

I sit stunned at the thought of where we are.

I think of when I was a child around here and think of what I’d have thought had someone told me of my future. I would have thought them mad.

But here I am patiently waiting when bit wondering.

What to do and how long either of us will survive this constant flow of living hells?

And to think I’ve long thought our stories were the ones to bring the whole house of cards crashing down.

Everything everywhere all at once.

Workers within these organisations suddenly realising they were being used a pawns then thrown under the proverbial bus when caught.

That each of the actions everywhere .. combined were knowing used to commit the greatest of crimes ..

.. to the British people.

We still have to wait, survive and find a way to fight on.

My last post is somewhat telling as to why I feel the way that I do and why my daughter feels the way that she does.

I fear what the remainder of this day will bring?

When all this is done and the truth is out how many, I wonder, will prove to be complicit in all this?


Well this just about proves a theory of mine.

I’ll start by saying that there are a lot of people in America and in the UK and Europe that believe suffering dark and sinister is going on with the left.

Now I didn’t believe it and thought it was one of these batshit crazy things. But I saw more and more references to this paedophile stuff leaking out, especially in Hollyweird.

The claim was that they were trying to desensitise people to having sex with children because they wanted to make it legal?!

This is something that has affected my life and in a bad way and had done so several times.

It had also been ignored by the mainstream media for twelve years and counting. Though one of the three incidents got a two page piece in Love It Magazine.

My daughter absolutely detests the media now as she realises that for the last ten years I was dead right.

A shame not enough of my viewers didn’t believe this as we wouldn’t be going through our living hells right now!

That’s the dangers of being naive and sticking your heads in the sand. Sometimes people and children pay the price.

As a result of what she went through and something that the hard left obviously have not considered outside their own depraved needs they twisted into believing are natural, my daughter has cancer as a direct result.

Yeah so imagine my shock when Lionel Nation Tweets a link to British newspaper the Telegraph where Patricia Hewitt of the Labour Party is calling for the age of consent to be brought down to 10 years old?!

Now when exactly do they start performing smear tests on women? Is it not 25?! Haven’t people called upon the government to bring this down because of the deaths it’s caused of cervical cancer missed?!

Note what the fuck so you think will happen on this alone?! Leaving morals and sanity to one side for a moment.

Dozens of women die each year because they don’t start testing until 25 and that would rocket if they dropped the age of consent to 10.

Now let’s leave that aside for a moment ..

Are you fucking .. kidding me?!

Oh wow, I just checked. Desire the fact this is doing the rounds now this was published in 2014?! Funny how I missed that?!

It also states that Patricia Hewitt had apologised for it and fit having links to a certain group and stated she got it wrong.

Well .. DUH!!

How the fuck so these people get these jobs being paid humongous amounts out of British taxes who then get to lecture people given peanuts from the same taxes to survive on?!

If it was fit enough I would do a better job than probably most of them. Maybe all of them? Certainly some of them.

I thought it must have been some kind of joke or spoof when I saw the Tweet, I really did.

It’s funny all this and the way people get things wrong, their opinions are wrong but they will look for the tiniest scraps to prove themselves right, even though it often doesn’t prove then right at all. To show their narratives at right .. except when it’s done to me I’ll argue that they are wrong and why. This happened in Twitter and suddenly I wasn’t getting notifications about Tweets anymore.

Yup because that’s what you do when your proved wrong and won’t admit it. Shut off someone from the thread. Real mature.

Their argument to why I was wrong about James Gunn being fired for paedophile stuff? Oh and not jokes as they weren’t funny and some were statements.

Because they found that I liked a couple of Info Wars videos on my timeline?!

Do they have ANY idea how many things are wrong with this argument?! Well it’s not an argument for starters.

First off that night have been the first free videos of theirs of I’d seen .. or anyones and until they lie I think someone will tell the truth. Until I realise they got it wrong anyone is going to think they might be right.

How many videos does it take to change a light-bulb?

What would have given them a better argument?

If of been a subscriber to Info Wars or Alex Jones which I am not .. of either.

If I’m looking into a subject I listen to what everyone had to say .. that’s called doing research.

Apparently the rule of socialism is of you stay from it .. your out and automatically wrong. Wrong!

Secondly .. if I get to a video down the line where someone is wrong, lying or even batshit crazy it doesn’t then follow that all previous videos are wrong, lies or crazy.

Do you know what these things are called? Reality .. bitch!

I have heard him being wrong and I’ve heard batshit crazy stuff. Batshit crazy stuff doesn’t mean that’s not true either. It just means it sounds absolutely insane.

A good example of this was when I first heard the theory that on the far left they say anything goes. Looking into what they were suggesting by this it was mainly about sex. When I saw they meant sex with children, animals and family members I thought these people were more batshit crazy than Alex Jones. Not that I think Alex Jones is that batshit crazy. Like David Icke he can sound sensible most of the time then waddles across the line.

But then I’ve read that this tactic is deliberate of Icke &, Jones. Hmm sounds like a potential TV series?! Yeah day something crazy now and then, normally one particular thing and it’s did the clendestine organisations and government bumping you off? Sounds plausible. Quite clever if true.

I’m still alive though. Though they do seem to be trying .. really hard. Seems more to drive us both to insanity. Or perhaps suicide?

When the paedophiles in Hollyweird kept getting outed or accused I soon noticed they were all self-promoted socialists. I started to take a little more notice.

Then I started to look at more conspiracy theory videos mainly to read the comments. I like running through the comments ignoring the chaff and looking for more interesting things being said. That’s how I ended up on Info Wars in the first place. Another mistake these socialists make with their knee jerk accusations to make themselves look right when they are both clearly wrong and immoral.

Oh crap?!

I just realised my theory about people leaving Earth to survive a coming global holocaust has a very major flaw. Lol. The clue is in this blog.

Anyway ..

So I started to see people compare the far left and far right to good and evil. More specifically God versus Satan. I’m not religious myself and I’ll admit it’s proving to be my downfall but .. they did have a point.

I had often started to think about Stephen King’s The Stand when thinking about the world today and mainly the western world. I didn’t put it into religious contexts of course.

It’s like this gay pride parade.

I’m not against anyone and don’t call people names or insult them. Worst I would use is idiot.

If people are a certain way and within limitations then fine. But when they start shoving it in my fucking face, in getting attacked and insulted and my grandchildren, my daughter and myself are being made to suffer then I’ll go on the attack. When I see lurid sexual acts performed in these parades while scantily clad for all to see not only do I disagree but I’ll also tell you your disgusting as well as a complete idiot.

Children could be watching you and that makes you look bad and it will make people react.

You have overstretched yourselves in your demands .. a growing backlash will build up and, in your view, you’ll all be sent back to the stone-age.

If you are I’m sure it will be the far rights fault, the alt-rights fault and Donald Trump’s fault?

No. It will be your fault for being a fucking selfish idiot!

What is it?! Your mixed up and fucked up and you know it so you have to make the rest of the world like you do that you feel normal?!

In fact that statement is probably true of a great many people.

Guess where you normally see people like this acting on TV or in films? Depraved and heinous sexual acts? Normally in films depicting the devil and evil people. Normally in some battle against good and people that worship God.

I always thought it was odd that vampire films became such a trend years ago. Maybe that was leading up to this?

That’s the kinds of things I think about when it comes to possibilities. When I see what people think and their view on what’s going on I start to think about why this is.

It normally needs to be a lot of people for me to start thinking about it.

But this has become sooo divided they civil war is being talked about in America. A lot. Even YouTubers are talking about it. Even the tabloids have mentioned it.

Funnily enough I have long since previously posted about the possibilities of this happening in the UK and Europe. Didn’t think it would go racing in that direction in America.

The UK and Europe are being fucked over and squeezed more so than America.

Native Europeans are slowly realising they are being screwed over and in favour of people with no other intention for the majority of them to invade, rape, pillage and steal before taking over.

I’ve been at a loss for years as to why. Not only have people been blind to this but there are even idiots who go out, protest and get destructive and violent to protect them?!

These people are in the same category as those in Nazi Germany who sold out their own kind to the Nazis. Funny then that George Soros is widely believed to be funding all this evil as he had been accused of doing that.

Does that seem a bit .. rough? Are you crying right now? Well .. you better leave because ..

These violent people today are in fact worse than people selling out Jews in Nazi Germany!

People in Nazi Germany selling out Jews might have had at least an excuse. Like they did it to survive?

The extreme lefts excuses? Peace, love and all kinds of stuff like that. Yup .. destruction, violence and murder for ☮️ and love .. mannn!


Looks very wrong that doesn’t it? No matter how you cut it you just can’t make it .. fit.

Scaring people into agreeing with them so then they can appear normal and their disgusting acts become legalised and also appear normal? Yeah .. sorry that had far more going for it than ☮️ and love!!


This was unexpected on several fronts.

I awoke this morning with a little anxiety and a lot of panic .. in pain from my bladder as per usual and heart racing. I am meant to try and find a NHS Walk-In Centre to try and obtain my prescription medication but did not really feel .. up to it.

I had also awoken late after a night of not being able to sleep again .. probably thinking and panicking about a court hearing fast approaching and if I will get there as it is so early, due to my sleep now playing up, whether I will win and how much is resting on this court case? Probably? Definitely.

Well I say .. ‘late’ but not as late as yesterday morning where I woke, to my utter shock and disgust, around 10.45am.

But this morning I was receiving texts as I woke up and I realised that it was Tuesday as my daughter was off to her appointment. Her appointment over her cancer where I thought it was just going to be about what, when, where and how they will operate on her. Except it appeared there was more to this appointment than either of us realised.

Before long she was dressed in a gown and looked like she was going to have an operation and they told her she wont get home until 6pm .. though quite how the children were going to be picked up I do not know.

I still do not know what this appointment is all about .. unless it was being kept form me so that I would not get upset or worried.

I am upset and .. well .. worried.

Is not doing my heart rate any good .. not that I care very much.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much the human body can torture itself, for all the proclaiming by scientists of how much of a miracle it is. These scientists have obviously been very lucky in the health lottery and likely never had to endure prolonged physical pain nor mental pain?

I am in a room that is no doubt smaller than the minimum required size for a prison cell. Of that I have no doubt.

But being shoved into something this size with all the pains, stresses, anxiety and along with the tools required to try and earn an income at some point along with the tools required by someone with a disability .. like my damned bike and it gets a bit of a squeeze.

Then you have days like this. Days that no one should endure. Not even the devil himself.

After trying a different tactic on how to do what I need to do while cutting down the pain I spent last night trying to think of something else I could purchase that might help. When I was not focused on other concerns.

It feels like a million things are racing through your head at once at times.

I have often also stated that I honestly do not know what is worse at times, severe mental anguish or severe pain and when I experience each I always think “This .. definitely this!” The truth is that when severe enough I think they are equally as bad but beyond a point things change. The mind breaks with one extreme and passes out with another. This far I have only experienced one of those two.

At the end of the day you feel condemned .. on both sides. What makes it worse is knowing that others have knowing you put you hear and that many do not give a flying f.. shit.

Ultimately you ask yourself why in the hell you are here and what you are here for?

Maybe it is just me? Maybe being alone, or feeling lonely whichever you prefer, is what does this and maybe I am just unlucky in the set of circumstances I find myself in? But it was anxiety that drove me to my current situation and location. Once again brought about because others do not give a crap and those tasked to help or protect you also do not give a crap .. and lie and cheat to save money while awarding themselves all kinds of things?

What this results in is you praying for it to end in the only way you think it will end. Death. You even start to wonder about bringing this about yourself and whether you could build up the courage to do this and how you would do it.

It almost always came down to carbon monoxide for me, not being able to get a hold of the necessary drugs to do it. Christ .. I cannot even get the only damned drug that works on my condition .. sodium oxybate! Like I said .. condemned and knowingly condemned at that.

But we are not supposed or allowed to end it and nor can we be assisted. We have to stay alive .. endure whatever is thrown at us and .. do as we are told and what is expected of us, come what may?! If we were dogs we would be ‘put down’ or ‘put to sleep’. That would be far more humane than what the British government and the UK’s public services have been knowingly doing to people in recent years.

Of course there is that one other thing that stops you and that is that if she does survive what my demise would do to my daughter.

Does not sound like I have a lot of faith in winning my court hearing does it? Mind you this may be because I feel like I will let myself down over it all .. but failing to turn up? Though I am supposed to have a representative there I have had no confirmation that they will be.

I have also expressed my concerns about this but have not heard anything back.

Even my social worker friend says that they have been bad at replying to me and never seem to read my emails .. which they do seem to be proving correct even right now.

I do not even know what I would do if anything happen to my daughter while at the same time am well aware that her life is itself yet another living hell.

Once again another case of cancer and no fucking sign of any of the big cancer organisations that appear on TV in adverts begging for your money.

The operation for this specific cancer is not guaranteed and in fact has a chance of the cancer returning rather aggressively. It is also very close to reaching the stage, if it has not already, where it would require radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

During all this .. they have gotten out of paying for their rent, first only wanting to pay 25% of it and even now only 50% of it. They have lied and conspired to not pay Disability Living Allowance for a severely Autistic child, despite this being extremely dangerous, there being three other children and with one of those possibly being autistic too. To put the cherry on the proverbial pie she also has my disability which, like me, they have wondered about and missed for many years. But then some completely incompetent Doctors do not believe our disability exists .. STILL?! Morons! Yeah .. I had all the perfect symptoms listed for it for fifteen years before I was discovered what it was that I was afflicted with .. something that was both missed and I was not warned about when I had the severe road accident 36 years ago. Yup .. that was they key point that set it off .. with weird symptoms piling on one by one over the years for 22 years when my feet became affected. I then asked for another 13 years before I discovered what this was myself and even then they tried to deny I had it and then tried to avoid a diagnosis by making excuses to not refer me. One was that a department that specialises in Fibromyalgia within the NHS simply did not exist. Anywhere. I later discovered from a Fibromyalgia charity that this was a lie and that there were dozens all over the country.

Now at the time you only had two choices, incompetent or liar? I am pretty good at working things out and .. knowing people and I called liars. Many said I was completely mad or just plain wrong and I stuck to my guns because I knew what the facts were. Well those facts have now been exposed .. they are being paid not to refer people and to do that they have to .. you guessed it, lie!

Yeah that crap about Doctors being paid not to refer people? Yeah .. it is not only about referrals and it has been going on a very, very long time. Told you.

Now I am just babbling on because I simply do not know what to do with myself as per usual but this time I am .. somewhat restless and more so than normal. Because I do not know what I am going to be told in several hours time!

Do you know what life actually is, has been for a long time and on different levels?
