So then thought it as time I updated this.

Many think me some kind of warrior and invulnerable but its not actually true. Being undefeated by any of the thousands of hard-left and regardless of level of education I got a bit of a reputation. Big.

But despite how people have viewed me over time and though I have touched up it I am not without my handicaps. I wonder what one of the original Anonymous members would think of this when he asked me 6 months ago “How are you not bigger then Tim Pool?” and I replied “Because they do not want me to be?”

Despite never losing and even being blocked by Mann, Cox, Hayhoe, Potholer, Honeycutt and others I have had my other battles. My real life battles.

First off is big social media giants like Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook who have been screwing me for years now. But I wont go into detail here and I have in the past.

These have been with the Police on different occasions, local councils and other government departments and public services. In fact I have been asked questions by people within the services who failed to realise that what was preventing me was the very people they worked for.

Among these is the NHS.

They lied to me for 25 years and I am still not getting treatment now. And yet I have had dozens of texts about getting a Covid19 vaccination I would rather die than receive, no fascists are bullying me.

There is simply no getting around it and it is SICENCE this plan and the vaccines were utter lunacy and this was even stated by a man that used to work creating them, Dr Philip Mason otherwise known as Thuderf00t on YouTube. Go and check and go back a year when they said they was going to rush vaccines.

Leaving aside my heart pain and the pains in other areas which include my feet, requiring special shoes and leaving aside my memory problems .. my eyesight is failing.

I resorted to wearing reading glasses over a year ago and yet the ones I found to be perfect are already not enough and I need to get ones a little stronger. I wonder what state they will be in, in two years?

No big deal, right?

Yeah except as my eyesight started going I also started getting a new pain from the lightest of touched and this is called Allodynia.

Now I had never even come across this name but the pain I had around 7 years ago with a friend. A woman I knew had Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome and the most painful condition known to man and at the top of the McGill Pain index at or above 40.

My condition of Fibromyalgia was the next one down on the index at 28.

Now as I learned more about CRPS it sounded a lot like CFS but with more symptoms like this one where this woman experienced pain from the lightest of touches, I did not recall until recently, and skin feeling like its literally on fire, which is the one that stuck in my mind. Well FMS sufferers do suffer from short-term memory loss, you know?

In all honesty I thought she was joking or lying to begin with. It just sounded so mad but over time I realised this condition was bad. She was treated like shit by the UK Government and public services too.

So when I first experienced Allodynia I got it in my hands and my forearms and its always a “oh now what the fork is this now?!” moment.

Over time it become more frequent but here is the rub ..

The bridge of my nose gets exceedingly painful when I try to wear glasses and even now things are a little blurry because I am not wearing them but my nose is burning a little and painful from when I was wearing them an hour ago.

Oh and I am trapped in a building with a socialist bully who thinks the world revolves around her and her politics that a social worker friend calls ‘Hitler’s Wife’ and a relative cannot believe how I have coped.

Thats leaving aside how my daughter was a victim and shat on and how I have lost tens of thousands and over over £250,000 and the horror my daughter went through while they protected rapists only me helping and stopping an attack in London at the same time. Recording with Police on ‘Country of the Damned’.

They say the better you are the worse you are treated? Yeah certainly has felt like that for over a decade now.

If I am honest things go from bad to unbearable and the only time I get any peace is when I am on my mountain bike taking professional photographs for a webpage the government was supposed to help me set up in 2017, before pulling the rug from under me.

Despite my symptoms gradually growing and numbering around 275 (no these are not all permanent) I have been removed from being ‘disabled’ twice, the second time with the help of the NHS and their lies.

Twenty five years it turned out they either got it wrong and lied. They lied for at least two years by the time I self-diagnosed and then lied about there being no specialists. Yeah I have recordings of all those GP consultation lies too.

After a battle and Fibromyalgia Association UK asking me “WTF are they talking about” and giving me Guy’s Hospital I eventually had my diagnosis confirmed by a Dr Kirkham there.

Think about this for a moment. Symptoms that were building up over 25 years, at the time.

Asking if these were all connected and told no and ignored for 13 years.

I eventually successfully diagnose myself and have it confirmed at Guy’s Hospital.

I THEN had my disability re-instated .. and then they took this from me yet again 18 months later.

I was sent back and forth to different hospitals in Merseyside and London for years over my heart and I have Hypertension Stage 2, which I have zero idea if its related to FMS or not.

NHS? Not interested-not interested-not interested and was just given an initial appointment and immediately discharged each time.

Before the diagnosis five separate hospitals contradicted the last one asking if they were insane?


Plantar fasciitis

Pes Cavus

Neurological Disorder

Those are the ones I recall .. the Pes Cavus had two experts state this at Barnet Hospital and they were BOTH wrong.

First was Whipps Cross Hospital.

Last was St Michael’s Hospital.

Sitting in a lot of recordings I tried to get the, now I know is, fake news interested in but they would not even open up dialogue with me.

Many of these are not even online and I tried different social media to get some other independent news or people to approach me but no one came. Had some from Rebel Media once but they did not push for it really and I am not one for pushing.

Tried using Tiger Balm and they do say and it does help, with my chronic headaches but not migraine, but put it on your nose and the fumes cause your eyes to water.

Oh and I have been refused Pregabalin because of cost for 5 years and refused Sodium oxybate the whole time .. but they can give me a vaccine that has tossed the legalities over testing out the window and bully people for it, eh?

Anyway I do not want this to be a long one with me droning on .. so here are some screenshots ..



This has turned out to be a bad week .. information overload.

I just do not get this world.

I do not feel comfortable in this world.

Out today with a intense feeling of foreboding.

Had to go out .. get something .. that I need to help .. deal with things and today I could not return without it. Not today. So a lot of time was spent sitting on banches and hunched over my walking stick in pain.

It never rains but it pours.

End fore-note

OK now this one was meant to be AFTER another post regarding AGW, Leftists, Marxists and the cult that keep lying to pretend CO2 is warming the planet to dangerous levels. Well more to do with the battles and the sheer stupid things and lies they come out with.

I added yet another series on the Grand Solar Minimum with my last post. I have exposed many corrupt things and cover-ups with British Government, and beyond.

We have not only been treated as subhuman and as if we were the perpetrators but my daughter and I have been persecuted in all manner of ways.

  • Persecuted directly.
  • Persecuted indirectly.
  • Persecuted financially.
  • Persecuted through children.

My daughter had to flee the neighourhood she grew up in because of the social workers, Wirral Council and the Police hounding her constantly as well as doing some very evil things.

You need to check up ‘Country of the Damned’ for just SOME of the story and some secretly recorded aufio with Police Detectives. This shite was going for few years before that recording in 2011-2012 and still going on today. You had better believe it.

We had media agents all over us .. lawyers all over us .. talking and promising all kinds of things including vast sums of money for our story. I have gone into this many times on this blog.

Only right now .. I am awaiting a phone-call. Despite the cancer, having a child taken fro her and placed with a paedophile father and another with an evil woman, with three childred all with difficulties my daughter did what I wanted her to do some time ago now.

Enrolled onto a college course.

She picked up a friend, a Chinese woman, though I am not sure if this was from college or some other place?

I was there .. but once again we got screwed over by the authorities which only seems to happen if your native and white, I am shamed to say. I have lost tens of thousands in savings, my car, a home, a business and 90% of my belongings. Trapped in a hell of a place that have people on the phone to me going crazy because of my situation in London and WHO I am trapped with.

Not one impossible person .. not TWO impossible people but THREE impossible people.

  • Nasty socially awkward person that thinks switching the WIFI off for people that are upstairs, whenever he is alone, is funny.
    • Fixed a laptop for him over 6 months ago hoping that helping him for free would stop him doing this, it did not
    • He has three adult offspring, two women and one man, from first marriage that have refused to talk to him for 30 years
    • His current partner has four grown children his stabs in the back constantly and none talk to him
  • He gets away with it because his partner is a narcissistic, Marxist socialist and her enabler and agrees with him victimhood
    • She thinks her suspected epilepsy that no one has witnessed and not on her medical records is worse than
    • Cancer
    • CRPS
    • Fibromyalgia Syndrome
    • Her conditions are .. MANUFACTURED
    • She cannot abide anyone else getting any attention at all and demands constant attention all the time
    • Lost a cousin that was like a sister to them, now has refused to talk to her for 6 years
    • Everyone else has very little to do with her
    • Friend of mine thought I was being evil describing her but
    • Apologized after meeting her twice, said she was worse than even I described and they visit same place and he and his girlfriend literally duck and run if they see her
  • Then there is another that
    • Wants to complain constantly
    • Does not want to listen to anyone else’s complaints
    • Not very bright but makes shit up to make himself sound like he is but says utterly, stupidly wrong this that have others staring at him in disbelief
    • Only wants to talk about what interests him
    • Gets annoyed with you if you have a theory he does not like, would make a good socialist
    • Anger management problem
    • Rude, nearly got himself thrown out of a car half way to Brighton and NOT by me
    • Snappy
    • But will talk about the width of a Moth’s arse for hours
    • Likes to talk about ‘burning in’ headphones and not a good idea to state that you do not believe in that .. he explodes
    • Not spoken for several weeks now

Yeah I am trapped in a very tiny room, my smartphone has failed in a way I have never seen before.

My laptop is playing up in ways I have never come across in 20 years. My desktop is playing up in odd ways and I am so pushed for space I cannot work here. It is a little over 8 feet by a little under 6 feet.

Been trying to find help, figure out a way to get an income back in as I have none presently and no access to Doctors.

Want to return to my daughter’s. Can help in various ways and with college as I have a Degree and was offered a PhD place, working in medicine, animals and computing. Stupidly turned this down as I thought I was too old at the time and did not want even more debt.

But they started messing with me and I was not sure why at the time but it seems those trying to take over you lives now only want certain truths being told.

Telling the truth about ..

  • British Government
  • Leftists
  • Donald Trump
  • Climate Change
  • Rape Gangs
  • Terrorists

.. is apparently not allowed but they do not tell you this .. they just start burying your links and other things ..

  • Google
    • Blogger
      • Numbers being shown suppressed
      • Adsense frozen for 3 years despite ads still showing
    • YouTube
      • Suppressing my videos for couple years
      • many thought me mad but have now seen and in a little doubt
      • Same videos posted to YT and BitChute at same time latter did ..
      • 6,000% better despite no followers or TAGS?!
  • Twitter
    • Retweets are deleted
    • Followers or knocked off
    • Anyone centre-left to moderate right are fully suspended, far-right all went ages ago probably to GAB (only a fraction of users)
    • 2,000 followers is considered big if not a celebrity (*sigh* idolisation is our downfall)
    • Have had 4,000 followers knocked off
    • Still .. I have around 7,000 followers
  • Facebook
    • Warning over a link posted
  • Minds
    • Followers shoot up to 997 in 3 months
    • Followers drop back to 772
    • Followers not reached 1,000 yet after another 8 months
    • Posts been deleted, gone missing
  • GAB
    • When I put more effort in followers went up to 1,998
    • Then GAB radically changed
    • Followers went back down to 1,700 plus
    • Like Minds .. 8 months later not at 2,000 yet
  • WordPress now too
    • Refused to link to Electroverse site
    • Was consistently getting message from WP to say my blog was booking then just stopped and they stopped coming
    • Despite being on social media and promoting it

All these have been affected .. leaving only very glitchy, not to mention requiring a lot of work, Parler not doing anything odd.

All the help dried up as did all the promises and without reason and in the early days my daughter thought, along with everyone else, this talk was bonkers. Not me being bonkers just that I was wrong. As did her friends and my friends.

They do not think that today. In fact now that they know everything is real and are seeing things for themselves posted on various social media I will tell you what a social worker, of 25 years, said to me twice recently. Him and his girlfriend said this and she is a teacher. He is Mediterranean and she is African.

We are so fed up with this country we would like to leave”

He often talks about how I was right all along and for years now as, as I stated, this all started in 2011 and I had some bold claims for years up until that point which have since turned out to be true.

He talks about ways of me getting back to my daughter’s, odd as four years ago he was against it and did not believe anything my daughter was telling me at the time. Different story today.

He was amazed that my daughter had enrolled in college and was pleased about it and her moving to Wales.

I think I may, or perhaps did not as my memory is bad, have told him that my daughter has this Chinese woman who seems to be a bit obsessed with her.

Rather bizarre behaviour but if my daughter spoke to anyone else she would, right in front of these people too, say things like “Oh you do not want to have anything to do with them, they are not good friends”.

Now when my friend calls me I am going to have to tell him that this obsession has not got out of hand and that my daughter is scared and waiting for a phone-call right now as I received a message telling me this woman broke her door handle?!

That is pretty extreme and now I am wondering exactly who this woman is and going to have to check her out!

This makes people coming to me saying things like ..

  • Keep doing the same thing, you are going the right way
  • Do not worry this wont last much longer
  • If you do this I will take away your financial problems

My intention was to not only carry on what I was doing but show how widespread the conspiracy and corruption was. If I could use social media to increase my viewers five to ten fold, which I have, people will realise the fact that I am not increasing my revenue means they are messing with me.

This will soon be beyond a shadow of a doubt.

You see while battling with Marxists on social media who still seem somehow confident they wikll get their own way when the proverbial cat is out of the bag, I got put on a shortlist of people that blew my mind.

  • Tony Heller of YouTube
  • Ned Nikolov PhD Planetary Scientist, I believe he is
  • Karl Zeller
  • Don Smith Radio Show host
  • Geraint Hughes author
  • Anthony Watts of the most viewed climate change website ‘Watts Up With That’


In my battles these are things to remember before I move on ..

  • Never had accusations of me lying proved once
  • Never been beaten
  • Never been disproved
  • Blog predictions have mostly been shown to be accurate
  • Predictions not yet, like EU falling, still look like they are n the cards, so to speak

Now think about this for a moment .. the previously mentioned people get a lot of followers on the subject of climate change and get an income from it. Ad Revenue or donations like Patreon, who tend to now ban people talking about certain things.

So how come I have not?

I mean I have been put up there with these people and now family and friends are seeing this and asking themselves questions.

But I also cover ..

  • Child Abuse and Rape Gangs
  • Police Corruption
  • Immigration
  • Politics
  • Corruption in social services
  • Politics around the globe when I can
  • Donald Trump
  • Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and the elections
  • Gilets Jaunes
  • NHS corruption
  • Ombudsman corruption

Now considering that for all of this I have published ..

  • My own recordings, though many are held back as there are far too many to go through
    • Had hoped media organisation would take them off my hands, Rebel Media came close but disappeared
  • My own documents
  • Many links, videos and such
  • Other blogs on reptiles, amphibians, fish, orchids, astrophysics and computers, there are 13 in all

Or to put it in the words of my social worker friend who is friendly with a scientist I know and more and more people are asking ..

How are you NOT making any money?!”

Why have you had so many people offer to help only to have nothing come of it?!”

How are you managing to handle your situation?!”

My answers are normally ..

I do not know” to the first two and then ..

Used to it!

Sometimes I don’t”

Considering my daughter, her health, my grandchildren, one being kept and we were told by social services without any follow up or explanation that the missing one had been ‘beaten’ we presumed by his father?

More and more people are stunned at the way we have been treated.

One follower on Twitter got the shock of his life after a few months when he looked at my profile, in the early days, and said “You are not gonna believe this but we KNOW EACH OTHER PAL!”

Back then I had a few hundred follower and before I lost 4,000 and he told others ..

This is the guy I said told us all this was happening years ago and we all thought he was mad! We lost contact about 6 years ago after the death of a mutual friend”

That friend was a socialist and a sane one and we used to talk a few times a week until 3am about politics and everything going wrong.

Before he died he realised that this country was heading downhill and was worried for me and out mutual friend about how we going to survive and cope. I reassured him I would be fine. I ended up not being fine. As you can see.

Still awaiting this phone-call and I am going to have to check out this woman. Its highly suspicious as my daughter had someone threaten her via a game, of all things, on Android. Oddly enough using the same name as someone who had hounded us on Twitter, ‘Nathan’. As it turned out ‘Nathan’ on Twitter was not even a guy.

They turned out to be Labour MP Naz Shah who had a meltdown when I worked out who she was after she insisted I would never find out.

Considering my extremely limited resources, failing equipment and other handicaps I do not do badly and many admit I do better than most.

Was in the middle of acquiring better resources when it all went wrong for the umpteenth time.

Annoyingly the promises were made with me knowing that the world does not stop until someone, somewhere decides to help. Being told to be patient would involve another catastrophe and another ad infinitum until such a time it WOULD stop. And so it has.

So as of right now I am awaiting a call and when it comes will use that time on the phone venturing outside to do something I .. have to, to do something embarrassing .. which helps me stop going out of my mind with all this.

Would it surprise you to learn that this is not the first incident with us involving a stalker? Nor is it the second or third either!

  • Was stalked myself at least twice (Ashton, Andy)
  • Was contacted, have recordings, of bizarre women turned to to be linked to GCHQ
  • My daughter was stalked at least three times
  • What are the chances of any one person getting more than one stalker?
  • What are the chances of this happening to one woman and her father?

Now despite the horror stories do you think it could actually get any worse?

How about ..

  • We both have health conditions considered to be bad disabilities
  • Despite all else ..
  • British Government and Public Services NOW wont recognise them as such
  • Either to save money, censor us or more than likely BOTH?
  • Fibromyalgia affects us both
    • Pain in feet, ankles, legs back, shoulders, fingers and others
    • Memory Issues
    • Skin Issues
    • Heart affected badly
    • Now losing sensation in my right foot
    • Hypomagnesaemia which itself potentially fatal
    • Anxiety, well go figure
    • Long list not going into and have done so previously
  • Eyesight is worsening now too
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia with my daughter
  • Social Worker friend it Type 1 Diabetic and he thought his was insane and not is cared (wanted to leave country) as they have been messing him around too
  • Also have hernias as has my daughter, one strangulated needed operation on
  • Cervical Cancer with daughter need op on so we have that to worry about coming back

How about two autistic children they lied about? Refuse to give help for?

My friend Mario often now gets told when he tells me they have tried to screw him over “Well think, if they can screw over children then no one is safe”

The problem with continuing, and its been eight years thus far, as people keep encouraging you to do is your running down the proverbial tunnel and the faster you run the further the light seems to get from you.

Here is yet another insane facet to our issues ..

I know and the science backs it up from many areas we are n a stage of global cooling and I have had sites refuse to post links to Electroverse, Facebook and WordPress now.

If they tell you its been the four hottest years ever they are lying .. an autumn that is exactly like a bad January has already affected countless countries and it is predicted to get worse.

A meteorologist is predicting a record breaking winter for the UK. He follows me on social media.

It can only get a lot worse until 2027 and many think we are in for a big freeze and all the craziness you see is to keep you angry and disguise this fact. I call it Project Distraction. Even hashtag it as such.

Warming of the globe depends on solar maximums in the solar cycle which has gotten lowers and longer over the last 12 years.

2014 was too low to warm hence the harsher, colder and longer winters. The solar maximum due around 2014, was originally supposed to be 2022, to 2015 and counting is also predicted to be half that of 2014. Meaning that it has to continue getting colder until sometime after 2037 at the earliest.

As a friend of mine knows and a few others I am battling against the sands of time.

It is my belief and I have posted about this before than when the reality of the situation dawns on everyone the money markets will crash and its likely to render currency worthless when it does.

Now originally I thought this was likely to happen around the years 2023 to 2025 when this global realisation takes place.

However for the past few months I have started to think, but not all on my side see it happening this early, that it could happen by June 2020?

|Oops .. it is a few hours later and I have now had two phone-calls from two people .. my daughter first and then the social worker who got to hear the shite I am about to divulge on here.

I am now expecting another phone-call from each of them.

This is what I knew of this stalked up until today

  • Oriental in late twenties
  • Married to a guy a lot older then her
  • Parents live four streets away
  • Seem to recall something about a take-away food store?
  • Name starts with ‘S’ is all I will say at this point, despite being told she used a false name

Suspicious minds and all that and rarely wrong on my gust instincts, if ever, I asked a series of questions and this is what I now know ..

  • They were met at college
  • They have upset other people that get friendly with my daughter
  • They contacted a relative when my daughter refused to answer and told them my daughter was dead in her house
  • They have messaged other people, messages are going to be sent to me
  • She claims to be Malaysian
  • A tutor discovered she had dropped out of another course on catering
  • It now turns out they have used false names
  • Who manages to enrol in any college, school or university under false names?
  • No one at the college knows her, nobody from the other course recognises her
  • She has broken a door handle trying to get into my daughter’s house
  • No one has seen her before and nor ..
  • Have they seen her mystery husband
  • Nor have they seen either of her parents
  • Tutors and others have expressed shock at their behaviour stating that even for a man stalking this would be over the top and scary .. but a WOMAN?!

My social worker friend’s reaction was “what the fuck?!”

She had a Mike and a Nathan and an ex-husband and others stalk her. Stalked by Police as well as social workers.

I have had ..

  • Someone move things around in a garden at a previous address, NOT NEIGHBOURS
  • Different someone tried to forced their way into my house with crowbar
  • Police involved in both, have recording of forensics visit .. somewhere
  • These were around three and six years ago
  • Odd person contacted me via a contact site, later turned out to be GCHQ linked and she disappeared along with her profile that was far too perfect
  • Stalked on social media and that numbers in the dozens, one called Nathan who later turned out to be Naz Shah MP, she had a team of at least three people, was literally called a super-stalker by dozens of my followers

So what I stated to my daughter was that either ..

  • She is a registered stalker with something on her record and hence why she changes the name or ..
  • She is another in a long line of people that could well be government
  • The use of false names is not easy
  • The fact that no one seems to have any knowledge of her is highly suspicious
  • If this is the more sinister choice then I expect they will vanish into thin air next

Being government is not that much of a stretch .. contrary to the way people normally react .. these people are not fantasy and they do exist.

No doubt watch people they see as a threat .. to whatever it is.

As I have had previous involvement where they were first interested in hiring me and later I helped them stop a terrorist attack at the London Olympics they did not acknowledge my involvement over ..

Then later started publishing and posting .. SOME of the recordings they have no doubt been watching me for some time.

This seem to be only obvious to me .. and one other man I know who worked for Cambridge University who warned me way back when I started 8 or 9 years ago “Be careful .. they will be watching you now!” while we sat in a pub in Enfield Town called The George.

Since that day the number of catastrophes, screw-ups and stabs in the back have numbered in the dozens.

There is a very good reason my social worker friend often says he is utterly stunned at what we have been put through over and over again for a decade now.

Started this blog because I was already fed up with things and needed a way to try and keep track of what was going on.

At the exact same time I could warn others.

While also in times with enough people I could support myself financially or get help with all of this crap.

Was actually signed up with the government to be self-employed only for them to pull the rug from under me two weeks after I was self-employed. Do you reckon they decided to look at my blogs and realised what I was doing?

This was a few months after my ad revenue froze.

Been trying to keep it going for 8.5 years trying everything I can to get as many people as I can to the blogs so that Google might realize they cannot keep the revenue frozen while still placing adverts on the site?

Here is an idea of what it is like on one level at this location and upon hearing this many people are going to lose it on the phone ..

Bearing in mind people here have just found out my daughter as a stalker .. and not forgetting everything else

  • Was told I was being given a washing up bowl for this room, 8ft by 5.8ft to was up plates
  • Upon asking why I was told I was washing them in the bathroom and getting .. wait for it ..
  • Spaghetti Bolognese up the walls and on the shower head?!
  • Thinking to myself what a farcking nuthouse I am in .. ask the if they have lost their mind and the answer is ..
  • Well no one else is doing it

Here is what else I have noticed while here

  • The selfish tw@t none of 7 children will have anything to do with
  • claims half the fridge for himself in a house with four people in it
  • Food and milk mysteriously goes missing
  • A jar of sliced pickled gherkins that had gone off ..
  • I later realised were in a jar that was for whole gherkins
  • Jars of things that are 75% full one day are gone the next
  • Have a pot of Heritage Ground Pepper in my room because I found it full of salt
  • Now spoken to someone else who thinks he is a weirdo .. he knew about the food and sauce in the shower as he had found it himself .. he now realises its not me
  • Told him about the gherkins and we think now he is trying

Here are some screen-shots



My feelings today were .. weird.

Intense feeling of being alone and cut off .. due to the above. My last post and first for months got out of hand. Annoyed with myself as I am sure I have missed things out.

Then a series of other things with the stalking and deliberate food poisoning and then today I got some other news. Which kind of made sense and I had some slight suspicions.

Still have not learnt to trust my gut instincts despite how many times those instincts turn out to be correct.

This has to be the most uncomfortable I have felt with a feeling of loneliness I think I have ever felt my entire life?

End footnote



Someone seems to be admitting, or even just realising, that people are not to walk or like walking too much?

Though this is not true of all people it certainly is true of most .. and everywhere. Seen it here in London for years and see this on The Wirral.

So much so that the Evening Standard seems to be suggesting that walk signs, green man symbol, on traffic lights in key locations be left on for longer.

Two things from this ..

One .. I fecking told you so and ..

Two .. that’s going to cause mayhem no doubt?

Now considering this plus the fact you can’t get a seat on a bloody bus for love nor money, plus they are pricey these days and hot as hell in the summer ..

What do you think it’s like busing around and walking around for people with disabilities?

What do you think it’s like for someone that had more than one disability?!

How about those that have several disabilities?!?!

I fall into the letter category, strangely enough and not a day goes by when I can’t believe how bad I am or the situation I’m currently in.

Hell .. not a day goes by when I think I’m going to survive it!

Feet, ankles, legs, back, shoulders, pores, head, chest, heart and entire body when it comes down to sudden loss of energy. Though to be fair this lady one is just legs .. again. Adding to the Fibromyalgia Rubber Legs this makes two things for the legs.

Well .. not considering the thigh pain I get off I forget to take magnesium pills.

That’s also just legs .. not including the two things with both my feet. Bilateral things.

It’s frustrating and worryingly unbearable and no, before anyone thinks it, it’s not a case of getting used to it. There is no getting used to it.

Some things are constant and variable while other things occur out of the blue at different frequencies.

But the fact remains that even the things that are seldom .. there are just sooo many that they are frequent .. collectively.

Like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates you just never know what your going to get!

However .. when it comes to the public services and these so-called advice agencies and charities in my experience no one gives a crap.

I’ve been trying to continue to do that which I not only love doing but in time can bring me an income.

Acquire photographs of very high resolution and, to my mind, quality.

However despite not doing hardly any of that last year and a lot more this year .. I’m still cancelling days doing this shit.

Because of my health.

I’m also now experiencing stupid and unfair treatment from sites selling photographs from unreasonable demands. Go figure.

But what I find repugnant is this attitude that disabled people are fully fit, according to the government.

Even more annoying is the fact that I’ve maintained for years that is the public transport infrastructure was better a lot more people, like myself, works work. Even if it was just on a part time basis.

I myself constantly wonder if there was something I could do locally .. except I’m not registered here, can’t do full time as much as I would like and it’s far too built up here.

I know the area as I spent the early part of my childhood here. But when your forced to have to stop and there’s nowhere to rest for large sections your .. fecked!

Green man to be left on at pedestrian crossings in radical bid to get Londoners walking http://flip.it/visPpU

A FEW DAYS (Part 3)

Oh dear .. outside for a cigarette and I go dizzy again and it was actually slightly worse than the first day and this is now getting a little .. weird. I have no idea why this is happening.

I have tried to eat more the last few days thinking it was that but .. does not seem to make much difference.

Also my memory problem has kind of been striking again because near here there is a spot that I have used for years that I discovered a couple of months ago has couple of rare plants .. one of which I have grown and have on my YouTube channel and .. probably photos of. Well the same family but a different species. In fact I could not believe they were supposed to be found where they are and so close to London in Epping Forest?!

Well the location is about two miles from here and there is a bus. Unfortunately this is up yet another hill that is even bigger than the on coming from the other direction.

So I am thinking a bus and yet .. I am a little apprehensive because of the dizziness and weakness that I seem to keep feeling in the mornings.

There are a lot of subjects at the site that is for sure .. though I am not sure with this drought what condition they are all going to be in?

I also have my doubts I will actually find the very plant I am going there for. But I simply have to go and look around and if I find it and photograph it this would be very cool.


I did not make it and I was put off by the hill which is long, quite an incline and on a very busy and dangerous road. I tried to find maps to a bridle path that went that way but I could not find one.

In the end I bailed and in all honesty and due to the drought it probably would have been a waste of time anyway.

So I went somewhere more local but I really did not feel like going out. However I had run out of tobacco, something I seriously need to quit .. again. I also needed lemonade to make shandies with and so as the shop was at the bottom of hill I went to an area not far from there. A place called Gunpowder Mills.

I did not find a building I wanted to photograph but I did end up seeing several things, I did not get photos of, and several other things I did get photos of!

But I was having extreme difficulties and I felt way too hot. It must have been humid today as I suffer really badly and the humidity does not even have to be that high. I have heard tales of countries that are hot and 90% humidity? Yeah .. thanks but no. I could no go there as I would die and even if I did not I would not be able to do jack shit!

Still I got a few flowers .. several butterfly species and one might be a Brown Argus .. ooh I need to look that up.

Yup. Brown Argus.

At one point I walked up to a bend trying to spot a butterfly at rest and a fox was walking towards me but had not seen me. It got within around 7 or 8 feet when it suddenly noticed me, paused for a second then ran into the long grass. A few seconds later a second one did he came except this one noticed me a little sooner. Odd.

Had difficulty getting back and once again I could not get up the damned hill. Managed to lose a bottle of lemonade as it fell through the bottom of a plastic bag, rolled into the road and was about to roll under a truck when I stopped it with my foot. Great!

I have been stung by stinging nettles quite badly .. again so my legs or tingling but before even this happened my lower legs started feeling sore. At one point I actually looked down to see some marks on my legs .. not sure what they are. Scratches or maybe a series of bad bites and judging from the size could be a Horsefly or Clegg? Jesus if it is the latter and I have more than one bite? Just a single bite can cause your leg to swell up and if I have several? Dreading that!

So it is my last day here .. but at least I made it productive.

In a way I wish I had more days but in all honesty I would need to bite the bullet and try and get on a bus. It is not the buses being packed that is the issue .. it is the buses being few and far between and old. Not a problem normally but it is .. hot. Unfortunately buses become unbearable for me as I will just soak through within minutes while watching others frantically fanning themselves without a bead of sweat in sight.

Coming up the hill there was a lady in her late fifties coming down the hill, bearing in mind she is coming .. down .. hill?! She looked as if she was struggling and she looked at me and said ‘unbearable isn’t it?’ I said ‘yes’ while thinking, my word you have no idea! Of course I had a bad headache again which I always seem to get when the heat gets too much.

Bearing in mind we are talking about very local trips for a couple of hours outside and it becomes unbearable. Had I had tomorrow too I might have not gone out at all today in the hope tht I would recuperate and get further? Would have helped had I had my own bike but some hills will still be too much. That they also happen to be on dangerous stretches of roads and come to think of it .. I do not ever recall seeing cyclists use them and I have known these roads all my life.

I did not use the 85mm lens in the end.

They have returned late and I have stayed another night and am being taken home at some point this morning.

For the fourth morning in a row now I have felt nauseous. Really not sure what in the hell is going on there. Not sure why I have not noticed anything previously. Maybe it is because I normally do not leave the house for thirty minutes or so? Maybe because here the first thing I do is go outside and therefore on my feet that I notice it? Where I am the room is so small that standing up is not an option unless I am using the lavatory. Have no recollection of ever feeling nauseous doing that!

I am just thankful that this did not dog me during the day while I was here and out on the bike and wondered if it would have done had a I try to get anywhere on foot? I had planned to try but with each morning experiencing that I ended up using my nephews bike.

It is hard enough what with everything else I have to work through and then there was the intense sunlight and heat too.

Now I am just looking forward to working with the first lot of photos at some point later on this afternoon or evening and getting them up.

I had hoped that I would have gotten a reply from one of .. five people or organisations while I was here? But, no.

I have also just remembered that there were two emails I was supposed to read and respond to, one being from Healthwatch and one from NHS England?! Yeah .. this damn memory problem is really a thing and when no one is doing anything to help and your trying to keep on helping yourself .. things get forgotten very easily.

In fact I am thoroughly cheesed off with trying to get someone to help with each one reactcing and responding like your a fully functioning human being and coming out with some crap as to why they cannot help.

Father and daughter with serious issues and neither one of us has had one bloody bit of help for over a year now. Quite the opposite, in fact. We have had things taken away from us and I fear they are not done with us just yet.

My daughter was supposed to have an operation yesterday that she did not have, as her only help is more of a hindrance from an evil, selfish and inconsiderate thief and liar of a mother. I only discovered this yesterday evening.

I also looked into her Trigeminal Neuralgia and I cannot believe what I read about that and not sure how I did not come across this before? Well ..

It is one of the most painful conditions known to man?! So up there with CPRS?! Never read that before now and wondering why I have not or why it is not on any of the McGill Pain Index charts? I know it certainly sounds bad the way she describes it,

So now along with the cervical cancer, hypomagnesemia, vitamin B-12 deficiency, ‘S’ Protein Deficiency and Fibromyalgia she has this on top of all that?!

While having her rent refused, threatening letters to leave the council property (yup council), being threatened to be taken to court by the social services for something preposterous (seems to be a new and nationwide thing now) and ignored deliberately so by the NHS as I have been for over thirteen years now.

Onwards and sideways.

A FEW DAYS (Part 2)

It is now the next day .. my legs were weak again but not like yesterday, thankfully.

Today I do not plan on going as far so I am fitting the Sony G 70-200mm f2.8 to the A99II but attaching the 24-70mm f2.8 via the two Lowepro cases, thank heavens for Lowepro!

Of course I planned a route and a road on the map I did not know was there .. was not there! I passed across the M25 and found a spot where there were some butterflies and dead trees.

I crossed back across the road to find the spot I was after from the other side of the M25 motorway as according to the map there was another road that joined up with the one I could not find and I figured I could find the shorter route back. But no .. the road went nowhere.

Then I heard this peeping noise and three birds flew into a bush .. I got off my bike and waited .. Greenfinches?! Not seen them in years.

Of course I did not get any damned pictures!

Went a different way to a place I used to know a great deal, and where Jade Goody lived but did not see much.

Of course now I had to come back going up that damned hill again but once at the top I went to a spot a little past the road where I am staying. Put the bike against a weak fence and tried to get some more butterflies.

There were Large and Small White Butterflies along with what I think were Gatekeepers and Ringlet Butterflies. There was also the odd Skipper here and there but many proved to difficult to photograph.

I had intended to say longer but could feel my legs burning and as I managed to get three dozen or so photographs I decided to call it a day and head back to think about tomorrow. After a bath!

It also turned out I had 346 photographs from the first day. Still due to numerous .. distractions from health to the intense heat and tiredness they wont all be usable. But still even a third of them being usable would be pretty fantastic. Well to me it would be.

I also got something in the region of about 120 today. This has taken my tally well above 450 photos and if I can get the same or a little more tomorrow than I did today I will be pretty happy.

However .. the thought of post-processing all of these and going through uploading them and then tagging them all .. has my head spinning.

It is difficult so this is probably going to take me two or three days. I wont start until Friday night and likely not be close to finishing until Monday (8th July 2018). But I will upload as I go so there will be some by Friday night, some Saturday night and some Sunday night and if any are left then Monday night.


Well .. it could be argued that King Harold will make an appearance over the weekend, as will one other character.

I cannot even recall what I took photographs of?! Just realising there are over 400 photos and trying to think what in the world I saw .. but I am having trouble.

Actually I just checked .. make that 473 images and one day to go .. provided it is not pouring with rain as, as of right now there seem to be some dark clouds brewing and it poured with torrential rain in Paris last night.

Ruins, characters, texture, flowers and a few other things .. rivers, plants the odd bridge .. wild flowers, ornamental flowers. A few insects.

Now after this third day and the three days of post processing? I really must think about visiting a museum and a few buildings in London on my bike with my camera?!

If I can do that .. even a day on my bike with my camera .. my professional camera, I will actually feel like I am getting somewhere. At long last!

Now if I can manage to get to a museum or art gallery too?! That would be cool .. the Tate Modern is the one I would like to get to. Been on the outside of it once already. I was very tempted to go in but I felt I would end up overdoing it.

Would be cool if I could find someone that could accompany me.

Be uber cool if I could find someone who also wanted to do photography themselves and this way we could chat about the subject of photography.

Hmm I just had a thought .. this would leave me with one single thing to do .. but would involve going much further afield ..

A day out doing landscape photography .. or better still a few days. You cannot go a long way on the hope that the one day you are there the light will be perfect, mores the pity.

Scotland, Wales or the Peak District would be the ideal places.

Maybe by the time I have had a day out on my bike something might have worked out with the media thing? Maybe my cancelled trip to Scotland and the Peak District and North Wales might be back on?

Fingers crossed!

I wonder if I should take the Sigma EX 85mm f1.4 tomorrow?

A FEW DAYS (Part 1)

I should have titled this ‘A Few Days of a Freeloader’? Lol.

Well I am away for a couple of days.

Looking after my brothers dog while he is in Paris.

I will be a lot closer to nature, while I am here, and not far from somewhere I can get some interesting photographs. Though I do have my usual problem .. I have people nearby that can help and I have a .. secret weapon.



As it turns out the chest issues seem to calm down if I have alcohol and as I have not been able to see a GP since my return .. it is all I have available and I do not even know if there is a drug for the chest issues? Maybe the Tachycardia has a drug, I seem to recall reading about that some place and that may help. But without a GP .. no prescription medication.

I only have my magnesium, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B pills which I kind of hope help with some issues. But on that afternoon on the beach where I had felt calm for the first time in a year and never wanted to leave? Yeah I had a pint of shandy and two extra pills of each.

My sister seems to think it is the pills where I am inclined to think that the alcohol played a part because it was not just my chest issues that seem to be held at bay .. my anxiety was too.

Though I tend to think it was a combination of the two?

So in the past few days I have put the alcohol to the test and I have purchased pill boxes, because I could not find my usual pill box .. well I did today. So I purchased two others .. one for my Holland & Barrett pills to be taken in the morning and another smaller one with just four compartments .. to take out with me.

Actually it will be a little odd as one thing I have in mind to photograph was one of the very first things I took a photograph on with my first Nikon S8200 digital camera. In fact I used the picture on my corruption blog and it got some likes and attention. It was kind of .. fitting .. in a way towards what it is that I intended to do.

I will not say any more about what it is but with my professional camera and my knowledge of post-processing software for RAW images, Serif Affinity Photo, I should get some much better, much more dramatic and much more fitting .. photographs. Fingers crossed.

Probably rain for the next two days which would be about par for the course with my luck.

Very close by to my target is a couple of other things that involves some very old walls and a gate and I am hoping a couple of other things besides.

There is also a nature reserve nearby I used to frequent a fair deal.

However I have to think about weight and I forgot to ask what buses go by here, if any at all?

The nature reserve really requires a second lens and .. it is kinda .. heavy. Though I do have new ways of carrying this stuff which I have not put to the test so will see how it goes.

Unfortunately I do not have all the lenses I intended to buy .. really could do with a Sony 70-400mm f4 and a Tamron 90mm Macro. Could achieve so much more with those two lenses but .. well .. life and all that. Maybe in time something can be worked out ..

Provided these damn conditions or government does not do me in, in the meantime?

I also spotted a Passion Flower right outside the door sitting atop a wooden fence so that will likely be photographed tomorrow morning, if I am up early, or tomorrow night? Hmm .. maybe I should check the weather?

Yup supposed to be sunny tomorrow and partly sunny Wednesday and Thursday.

I should have the pictures up between Friday night and Saturday night on my various accounts ..

  • Flickr

  • Instagram

  • Tumblr

  • Pinterest

I am hoping that if I push through this and I get a goof few days I may able to add a fair few photos, maybe between 100 and 200? Mixture of architecture and nature and I might even get some night time shots?

As I want to build up many more shots on my professional camera I have decided to not even bring my Nikon Coolpix P900 Bridge camera along. I will be too tempted to take it along with the other camera and will just end up weighing too much.

I also think I will be too distracted, and I am at the best of the time due to various symptoms, from concentrating on what would make a better photo with the pro level camera.

I always thought I had an eye for a photo and have started looking at things in a new light but I never expected that I would get good photos from day one so am still experimenting and getting used to the camera and menu system.

Often I think I have a good shot but when I have it in post processing I then decide I do not like it and cannot do much with it. Sometimes I get shots I do not think I can do anything with and might end up with three or four pictures from it?

Sometimes I get back and I look at a photo and think “Ooooh that angle was just .. wrong!” Southwark Cathedral springs to mind. There was one I liked and one I hated.

But therein lies another problem. When I do this I am thinking ..

  • Poster

  • Large Wall Picture

  • Book Cover

  • Magazine Cover

  • PC Wallpaper

  • Must try to think of other uses for pictures

Except what I like others might have a different taste and what I do not like .. others may well like?

So I try to take various images at various angles and even in post-processing if I think it looks a little bit cool or very cool .. it gets turned into a jpeg and uploaded.

Though I am getting better at this while I am becoming more choosy about the way I take pictures as well as what it is that I upload.

So hopefully from here on in I will get more hits than misses from my shots and this I think can only be a good thing. With a good base already it allows me to build something up.

However .. I do not the right subject matter of course and I am not always sure what I am going to find.

For instance in Kent recently we walked a but of a way to our first .. beach though more estuary and there were these chest wader boots hanging from a frame. I was not really feeling up to the job but was there. I had left the pro camera in the car and only had the bridge camera. Took a shot with the bridge camera and that has been looked at four times more than any other shot I took in that 24 hour period?! Go figure.

Though it was too far of a walk I wished I had gotten shots with the pro camera .. but then I would not have got shots, admittedly bad, of the Oystercatchers.

Oh dear ..

I had planned to write this over the night I was here .. then the following night after I had managed to get out and get at least some shots with the camera. Only I am typing this the following morning because something odd .. happened. I will also need to check something out, which I am now recalling but not sure, when I get back later.

I got up this morning and descended some stairs and stepped out of the flat to have a cigarette as I cannot smoke in the flat.

Only as I started smoking I noticed I felt a little .. weird. Could not work out why at first but the feeling became stronger and I realised I was nauseous.

After another minute or two I also noticed that my legs felt very wobbly and the last minute or two of smoking my dreaded roll up I actually thought I was going to go .. down!

Now though this has happened many times previously it has never happened quite like this. This normally occurs when I am standing up from a seated or crouched position and does not always occur. In fact I seem to go through phases where I can have nothing at all for a series of days and then several times per day for a series of days. I have never managed to figure that one one out and neither have several GP Surgeries nor hospitals purely because they did not bother, did not really want to find anything and had part of the puzzle staring them right in the face.

Now two things about this ..

  • Chomping at the bit, so to speak, to get photographs

  • Worried now something will occur while out

    • Though I do have the use of a mountain bike, thank God

  • Had alcohol last night to calm palpitations

    • Seem to recall alcohol has a negative effect on .. something

      • Hypomagnesemia?

Jesus .. this is a good start! The first morning too!

Just watching Frasier right now while waiting for my phone to finish charging and thought I would just type this out regarding the nausea as I would likely forget later. Unless of course this ends up incapacitating me for the day in which case I am unlikely to forget!

I have decided to not carry weight and so the Sony A99II is fitted with the Sony Zeiss 24-70mm f2.8 only. Others will be left here.

Fast Forward and it is now 16:40 on Tuesday 3rd July 2018 and Sweden are 1-0 up against Switzerland. Not long now before England play Columbia.

Yikes that was great .. and .. that was a .. nightmare at the exact same time.

Bike had a rusty chain but was OK but seat a bit low for me and not quick release. Had to pump the tyres up some too but despite hesitating about going out .. it was not far and would be a piece of cake if not for that bloody .. hill!

Get down there .. get a few shots before I move onto my old target, which I am sure I can get a couple dozen pictures from when post-processing. Should cause a stir as it did the first time I published the picture of this .. subject over five years ago? Many more people visiting now and the will likely see the same .. symbolism, let us call it that, they did previously. I will wait and see.

Massive headache from searing heat and long and also dry batches of grass everywhere. I used to frequent this area a great deal .. not seen grass this long nor this high.

So .. after a winter and spring with a lot of rain and hence the very long grass it is now immediately obvious we are in a period of drought?

Lots of old walls and lots of old .. entrances. Photographed! These ancient walls also provided me with more subjects vie little islands of plants growing on the old brickwork.

I walk around a corner and .. lo and behold a whole line of different flowers of different shapes and colours. Well this is a bonus as I have not even made my way to the garden I know is there yet! A dozen photos.

Then I find the garden .. another dozen or so photos.

Then I am at a shop to buy some drinks .. a Root Beer and a Ribena, one for now and one for the bottle holder. Outside I grab the bike and start to walk .. oh wait a minute, this is not my bike?! I look down .. no bottle holder!

Into the dragonfly sanctuary I am buzzed by a flash of metallic azure blue as a bird flies across my path! What the hell was that?

Looking like an escapee exotic bird I did wonder if it was a Kingfisher but it seemed far too big and the blue far too dark?

Trying to photograph butterflies with the wrong lens I am then buzzed by an overly large yellow butterfly. Way too big to be a Brimstone or a Clouded Yellow Butterfly .. I suspect I know what it is and that it is not a butterfly at all but instead a moth. No photographs this time but I have shot this species previously.

My head is starting to hurt. I hide in the shade, camera on my lap awaiting a butterfly to rest for more than a microsecond? Naaah!

I decide to come back but stop at a rock carving feature and then an Abbey. Few more shots.

My head banging like a thunderclap and a sharp long incline beckons. I do not make it 100 metres of the 400 metres or so and am off the bike, under a tree onto some grass and I am down. Might as well roll a cigarette if I am down?

I decide to walk for a bit until the hill levels out. Which bloody road was it? Ah this one? Hmm I do not recall that name? Maybe I should just carry on going after all I might see somewhere else I can visit with my camera tomorrow?! Oh .. there’s another road? This one looks more like it and .. what is that? How the feck did I forget the name of this God damned road?! Dumb-arse!! On let me cycle down to that roundabout was I am sure there is something along there? I am sure I walked around some footpath or other with my brother a few years back?

I find a footpath to my right but keep going, what’s that? Red? Poppies? I will look on the way back and when I do there are a few wild flowers. Through the gate with the bike and .. ouch!! What the f …?! Ankle high socks and I think I just hit a big batch of stinging nettles?! That is smarting!

Dozen more photos and I am back in the car park outside the flat where I am looking after a dog and a flat! I made it and I have not died! Though I have to say it feels like my head is going to split in two!

Ooh that Passion Flower?! Couple more shots and .. oooh those red flowers in the car park?! Few more shots.

Hmm I wonder how many photos I took today? Thirty at least .. maybe as many as fifty? Actually ow that I think about it must be closer to a hundred? That must get me a couple hundred pictures right there?! Day one of three .. not .. bad!

Pounding head and umm yeah .. look up Hypomagnesemia and alcohol?!

Done. Doesn’t make sense as any talk about alcohol dropping your magnesium levels only seems to apply to alcohol abusers. Well .. alcoholics basically which is something I have never been in my life.

I had worked my way through a couple of cans and had thought that my wobbling legs this morning had some link to the alcohol from last night?

Which would have been kind of ironic as I was using the alcohol to calm any heart palpitations and it also calms the anxiety too. The only thing I have ever had that does have a positive effect on both these things and as I have been screwed over backwards over and over and over again by the NHS, because basically they can with no come backs, happy 70th NHS, and currently without a GP I have no choice. If I need to get anything done .. which I need to do.

I am stuck here currently because of my health and would like to get things done I did not get done last year, but am being held back because of my health.

Today I should have a portfolio of .. let me check .. 4,000 plus photographs on my Flickr account which many early ones do not count as they are not of professional quality and were mostly just shots of various animals and plants.

I currently have 2,400 plus but I think if I get a good day I may be able to raise this up by a few hundred over this weekend?

I also have around a dozen photos from around three months ago I did not finish post processing .. from my visit to London Bridge on the day of the London Marathon.

In something of a twist I had planned to visit the city are of London to get a few dozen shots but that plan went south when I picked up my front wheel and the tyre was flat. Seems to have developed a pretty bad puncture around the valve area, which are normally not fixable. I did not remove the inner tube to inspect it .. I just heard it hiss from that area.

So I have a few photos currently but once again I am down again. I am pleased at what I got today but only in as far as that I had to force myself to do it and work through various symptoms to get what I did.

On any other day and had this been just a few years back this would not have bothered me as doing this would have been fairly easy. Today it is not.

I am at the top of the hill while my targets today were a couple hundred metres form the bottom of said hill. This was an area I visited twice a week just two years ago and I could easily have visited had I been fit enough and not bogged down with these damn symptoms.

Not even going to bother mentioning the Fibromyalgia crap I have had to deal with for years that I am not even sure is linked to this or not yet.

So it is kinda strange to think I am really happy to get to a spot that was actually fairly local to me just a few years ago and take bloody pictures and get back again.



Not quite what I thought, this story when I first clicked on it.

Some years ago I attended what were purported to be a pain clinic called The Tranquil Group after keeping on about my pain they were very simply doing nothing about.

Pains that I now know are

  • Fibromyalgia
    • Pain in feet,
  • Hypomagnesemia
  • Behcet’s Disease
    • Though not diagnosed for myself it was for my daughter
    • Though this was first Behcet’s, then it wasn’t and it was something else .. then it was Behcet’s again now they claim it is this something else ..
    • Yeah except Behcet’s Disease is genetic and even my daughter knew I had it and when I read about it I knew it too!
    • Uunique Ulcers, Skin shite,
Good God I really have no energy to complete this and cannot recall where I was going anyway.
Yeah .. this is a damned cheek though of the NHS and caused a few raised eyebrows from where I pulled the link from.
Oh I remember now .. yeah I went to three pain support groups which were nothing of the kind. Eighty minutes of beig told to bugger off and go private .. when they did not even bother to investiage at all about what ails us. Then twenty minutes at the end trying to get us to work five days a week for the NHS and they just about give you enough for a sandwich and cup of tea per day in ther canteen?!
The money from canteens and vending machines, I am not sure it is all public services, normally goes to the company running things. So likely Serco?
Google Serco and just read the info that comes up in the results to the right.



Well what do you know?

Everyone one of the Brexit morons transfixed with Brexit again like Rabbits in headlights trying to stop a car with no brakes, exact representation of what is going on, purely over selfish reasons and that democracy now does not work for them .. so ignoring it.

So almost as if getting the British public into fever pitch, not that hard to do despite the fact that it is staring the in the face this is inevitable, deliberately some new crap has come out and the DWP release some stuff.

Remember how the government got caught out stating that due to the British populations tunnel visioned obsession with something else at the time it is a good time to get dirty laundry released so that no one would notice .. or care because of their self-obsession for amoral reasons or .. feelings?! Yeah I cannot recall what it was over either!

Anyway it has become clear that they have not stopped doing this because they just got caught .. well .. doing this!

Hmm maybe this is a possible reason the mainstream news media wold come up with for not reporting on a lot of stuff that they should have?

  • Oh well this other thing came out at the time and we thought the public would be more interested in that and could not afford the screen time?!
    • Non-reason
  • Oh .. everyone loves celebrities and there was this celebrity gossip or celebrity baby or this happened in I’m a Celebrity .. or X-Fuckter!
  • Add your own theories?!
Maybe? I mean if your going to be controlled and have obvious political motivations you have to first have a plan to hide it and then have excuses for it when people notice after many years, right?
  • We will release a few of the not so serious stories for .. tokenism and manipulation to produce misconceptions to hide our true nature or goal
  • After another number of years when this has been spotted we have these excuses we have spent all those years preparing and coming up with
  • Add your own theories?!
So according to the report they are claiming that Esther McVery lied to parliament, and everyone else, and not just once either?! Well that much was obvious ..
I have long since told you she is not sincere! Hence why I do not like her as she comes across as very far removed from anything representing genuine and I have been shocked that she is not seen as this by the wider British public?!
This is another woman in politics that my daughter is disappointed in and now makes a trio of women Conservatives that have disappointed scores of women everywhere.
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Esther McVey (gets second because she was there before Theresa May showed her true colours)
  • Theresa May
So no one would be denied disability help under the new benefit, which they planned to get rid of anyway ..

.. around 381,000 DLA claimants who were reassessed for PIP did not get it – (The Canary see below link)

“more people are getting PIP than were getting DLA. That really needs to be heard so that we dispel any myths from the Opposition” – Esther McVey to Parliament (see The Canary link below)

Or how about ..

 “supports more people than DLA ever did” – Esther McVey to Parliament yet again (See The Canary link below)

Or how about ..

“I reiterate that under PIP we are supporting more people than before” – Take a wild guess who said that and where you can go and read the report? lol

I am sorry but does not the DWP report show that she lied .. three times?

Yeah I would bet that there are a lot more lies than that!


The Canary report .. 


Finger Tip and Toe Tip Sensitivity .. Pain listed here as Fibromyalgia ..

It also states Raynaud’s Disease and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, of which the latter will make a certain someone .. laugh! Osteoporosis is also listed and I was diagnosed with Osteopenia, which is like an early stage of the former.



As mentioned above, Behcet’s Disease could well have been called Hippocrates Disease, and that might be more apt, because the disease can have periods of being dormant, called remission, and periods of activity called ‘flares’ and that the symptoms can appear individually, making it seem like you are a hypochondriac. – http://www.behcets.org/reference/symptoms_in_detail.html

Well there you go.

It is documented on here about my issues with my finger-tips regarding touching the two damn things that I do the most, dirty minds out there can put their first guess straight out of their heads!

My touch-pad on my laptop and my Moto X phone screen. God .. it is irritating as f…. screaming babies! Lol. I find myself biting the tips of my fingers in frustration and as I said when my daughter discovered she had Behcet’s Disease.

She immediately realised I had it asked me how they have missed this for over twenty five years with me and .. well .. yeah I have had it over twenty five years!

Now if your an idiot that thinks this is all a good idea to save the taxpayers money ..

  • How is this saving taxpayers money
  • How can not treating something to allow someone to go to work and therefore pay taxes saving tax payers money?
  • In twenty five years how many times have I spoken with General Practitioners and been fobbed off, also costing the British taxpayer? Trust me it is a phenomenal amount.
  • How many times have I visited various departments in various hospitals costing the British tax payer?! Trust me this alone is a phenomenal amount!
    • Eight GP Surgeries with dozens of Doctors
    • More than one GP seen with all of them and three I met at least three Doctors each
    • Whipps Cross, Barnet, Chase Farm, Royal Free (twice), North Middlesex, St Michael’s and Guy’s Hospitals .. wanted to effing send me to a place in Hillingdon over Fibromyalgia .. right across London (West)
    • All missed Fibromyalgia
      • Upon discovery I knew they had known about it for at least two years
    • All missed Hypomagnesemia
      • Upon discovery failed to link it to other symptoms I had experienced for years
      • Since discovery failed to link it to other symptoms that cropped up
      • Failed to inform on how dangerous it can be
      • Failed to refer me off to check why this occurs
      • Now developed into Malabsorption problem
      • Pain, stress and agony this causes is beyond belief
      • Might not have placed the condition on my medical records, yet to be determined
      • Clear results for other things points to the condition, like Osteopenia
    • All missed Behcet’s Disease
      • This is what actually goes back twenty five years
      • Told condition like this does not exist
      • Discover if not dealt with Fibromyalgia then develops
    • Right Knee Physical Issue
      • Spotted for the second time in three years or so
      • By Dr Kirkham who diagnosed Fibromyalgia
      • At Guy’s Hospital
      • Test done
      • Yell of pain
      • Told physical problem
      • Completely omitted from letter to GP

Also and as it turns out the government have been found to have acted unlawfully over Universal Credit ..


Quite how there can now be anyone left that agrees with the government is beyond me. Obviously to suit there own purposes. Because the one thing you get is ‘It is the law’ or ‘It is not unlawful’ when you put this stuff to defenders of these morons.

Hmm I know Leigh Day!

Now explained to my daughter I am pretty sure I was in contact with them around 14 years ago about my foot pain? Well my case was sent to them after I was pounded upon by the representative of a company like Irwin Mitchell and Slater & Gordon called The Accident Group.

Stated I had the best case they had ever seen, funny as now no one even asks to look at the evidence I collected, and they went bust several months later. My case was passed to Leigh Day I believe?Who were not very good back then and said something completely different to The Accident Group but basically said that because they did not want to fund it.


I have been searching for sometime now on and off to discover why I might not be absorbing magnesium into my body. This was diagnosed three or four years ago, that I have a magnesium problem, and I have been getting signs that there is more to it but ignored this as I thought it was my memory issues.

The fact I have memory issues is even more of a reason as to why these things should have been checked out but instead was ignored by the NHS to save money!

In fact after a discussion with a friend of mine who suffers from Type 1 Diabetes he told me that in recent years he does not even bother seeing his Doctor because every time he ever complains about anything his response is always “Oh it is your Diabetes causing it” ..

There are so many things wrong with that crap and this attitude that I do not even know where to begin?!

As I said to my friend ..

Fuck me, they can’t say that! They are GENERAL Pratitioners and are not specialists and nor do they posses the x-ray vision I am always accusing them of thinking that they posses! This could and probably has caused many deaths and who the fuck is going to be around to check this and stop this?!”

They spent years forst getting my Fibromyalgia wrong, then realising that I had it and then started to lie to me and then when I realised that I had it then lied to prevent me from being diagnosed. The fucking moment that they did admit that I had it everything fucking else, just like my diabetic friend, always drew the response ..

“Oh .. it is your Fibromyalgia” ..

.. even high blood pressure and so I did not get a referral .. despite the fact that having Fibromyalgia does not make high blood pressure any less deadly!

Hypomagnesimia .. also deadly .. more so than high blood pressure and guess how many referrals I got for that? None! I did not even get warned it was fucking deadly!!

Anyway .. enough of that ranting .. I FINALLY discovered some details regarding malabsorption of magnesium due to having two pills in twelve hours, three in twenty four and my thighs still aching ..

No doubt if I ever see a Doctor again, which I doubt, they will roll their eyes at me because I am supposed to and fully expected to believe ehtir bullshit and lies .. because them being overpaid to do fucking nothing is more important than people’s lives and those poor unfortunate people relying on what little is left of the welfare system.

So here is a list of things that can cause the malabsorption of magnesium .. if it states Behcet’s Disease in this list I am gonna flip!

Possible Causes of Hypomagnesemia ..

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Celiac sprue

  • Whipple’s Disease

  • Short Bowel Disease

  • Intestinal Mucosal Disease

  • Cystic Fibrosis

  • Cholestatic Liver Disease (from Behcet’s?)

  • Pancreatic Insufficiency

  • Intestinal lymphangiectasia (WTF?)

  • Radiation enteritis

  • Systematic mastocytosis

  • Terminal Ileal Disease (?)

  • Tubular Disorders

  • Congenital renal (kidney) magnesium wasting (Behcet’s?)

  • Interstitial nephretitis

  • Acute Tubular Necrosis

  • Kidney Transplant

  • Renal Tubular Acidosis

  • Bartter’s Syndrome (Well I seem to have a collection of these damn syndromes they deliberately ignore?!)

Now to make this whole thing about Hypomagnesemia complete .. the symptoms ..

  • Neurological

  • Behavioural Disturbances (Yes)

  • Irritability and anxiety (God yes)

  • Lethargy (God yes)

  • Impaired Memory and cognitive function (God yes)

  • Anorexia or Loss of Appetite (WTF?! Your joking, right?!)

  • Nausea and Vomiting (ooh great! Yes))

  • Seizures (ooh great! Yes and yet another one they lied about)

  • Muscular

  • Weakness (Yes)

  • Muscle Spasms (God Yes)

  • Tics ( I don’t think so)

  • Muscle Cramps (ooh great! YES)

  • Hyperactive reflexes (No idea)

  • Impaired Muscle Coordination (ataxia)

  • Tremors (ooh great! Yes!)

  • Involuntary Eye Movements and Vertigo (ooh great. Yes)

  • Difficulty Swallowing (ooh great. Yes)

  • Metabolic

  • Increased Intracellular Calcium

  • Hyperglycemia (No I think)

  • Calcium Deficiency (No idea .. oh wait .. Osteopenia?)

  • Potassium Deficiency (brings on Sudden Death Syndrome)

  • Cardiovascular

  • Irregular Heart Beats (Yes)

    • Had over eighteen months .. recently discovered its the low magnesium which was discovered three years ago plus

  • Coronary Spasms (no idea)

Funny really recently reading that report that stated that a collection of Doctors had stated, maybe to government or the NHS, that there has been a sharp rise in patients with a combined series of physical pains and mental health problems. At a time when even Doctors and Pharmacists have admitted to me that the NHS and the government are going well out of their way to ignore people’s health problems.

One pharmacist in Enfield shook his head when he admitted this to me and said ..

This will be a time bomb waiting to go off and go off it will down the road!”

When I asked him how he knew they was doing this he said that for many months they had noticed that way, way less prescriptions were coming through the door and that they were throwing away a hell of a lot of money in drugs because of their use-by dates. Due to this and the cost that he said all pharmacists were enduring, guess they are not good enough to save money for, they are now not ordering in a lot of frugs they would previously stock.

Ooh .. dear.

That conversation took place around two years ago and God knows how long that had been going on for. I was annoyed for not even thinking about this aspect of the cutbacks and not asking a pharmacist sooner. I could literally have walked into every pharmacy with a recorder in my pocket and sparked up a conversation and just collated all the recordings?!

Hmm .. maybe someone else is already doing this?

Maybe someone out there might start to do this?!

Causes of Hypomagnesemia


Symptoms of Low Magnesium or Hypomagnesemia ..



Right then? A magnesium deficiency and what it can cause?

Now remember .. I was diagnosed as possibly having a magnesium deficiency around three or four years ago. I was told to buy Vit ABC+ from Holland & Barrett which I did, despite not believing the incredible pains in my thighs were a Vitamin deficiency. The next conversation I had with Dr Andrew Theivendra, who left the practice two years ago give or take a few months, involved me admitting I had my doubts but that the vitamin pills worked. Me admitting I was wrong. Does happen. These pains has been going on for a few years before they got bad enough for me to ask as is always the case with me. Annoys me because I never go straight away, go at the eleventh hour and then spend a year or two getting fobbed off. Then down the line I realised I was also being lied to. Go figure.

Fast forward a few years and suddenly I am having all these heart and chest things going on I do not understand and, never ringing ‘999’ I get dragged into hospital several times.

Now I know that the deficiency was behind the thigh pains but I had absolutely no idea about the rest in the lists below.

You will note that some symptoms on the lists below I have been having a lot longer then three or four years? Well it now looks like they are all linked to this magnesium deficiency .. only the heart palpitations do not stop, .. umm I think, when I take magnesium supplements but the thigh pain does. Most of the time but sometimes the heart does behave for a few days at a time. Or at least did a few months ago.

The fact that the heart played up sometimes and not others may be down to the levels of magnesium in that I might have eaten foods with a high quantity of it and that along with the pills calmed the palpitations down? A possibility.

Things I did know about and points ..

  • Muscles can hurt from magnesium deficiency

  • Was originally given Quinine Sulphate for a fair old while

  • Was then told, three GP s back, to buy Vit ABC+ from Holland & Barrett (for over 2 years)

Did not know about but which I have experienced

  • Anxiety Attacks (Daughter might have)

  • Panic Attacks

  • Bowel Disease?

  • Cystitis

  • Depression (Daughter has too)

  • Fatigue (Daughter has too)

  • Hypertension (Stage 2 and Crisis)

  • Heart Disease

  • Cramps (Night Cramps)

  • Fibromyalgia (Comes from?)

  • Insomnia (Daughter has too)

  • Tooth Decay

  • Seizures

  • Numbness & Tingling

  • Abnormal Heart Rhythms (Daughter has too)

  • Personality Changes

  • Memory Function (2nd link below)(Daughter has too)

  • Osteoporosis (diagnosed with Osteopenia)

  • Mental Disorders

Others I am not affected by as far as I know..

  • Liver & Kidney Disease (Daughter might have)

  • Hyperglycemia

  • Detoxification

  • Blood Clots (Daughter has)

  • Migraine (Daughter has)

  • Diabetes (A Diabetic friend was convinced I did have years ago)

  • Asthma (Daughter has)

  • Raynaud’s Syndrome (Do not know what it is)

  • Coronary Spasms

  • Cancer was mentioned .. increased risk? (Daughter has)

  • Sudden Death (obviously not just yet)

Other notes

  • Magnesium levels can be tested but they have not done this as far as I know (no blood taken)

So I have to ask myself if there is some problem with my body processing/absorbing the magnesium and been trying to find out if there is an issue that exists that affects this process.

This is because of what should be plainly obvious ..

  • I am already taking magnesium pills and still having issues!

To think I could have had this all in hand for years if only they had bothered to .. investigate?! I am so bloody angry about this right now and it is probably just as well I do not have a GP because I would have a few choice words to say about them and the NHS.

I have bene trying to find something that I caught sight of that said something about some disorder to do with the uptake of magnesium and wondered if I had that



Sudden Death article from the USA’s answer to the NHS, the National Institute of Health ..
