Not quite so critic that title.

Well Easter has just gone and May is the general election month but has a double meaning due to the link below… that would be Queen guitarist Brian May and he confirmed what I already suspected about him so he is a good ‘Egg’! Lol!

Yes I know, dreadful!

However what I wanted to pay briefly about is what is said in the link below.

On the BBC News there was a debate of what they referred to add celebrities, though in all fairness I had not heard of one of the three. An FA director or something called Heather and the other was Peter Stringfellow.

Now Stringellow’s comments were a bit brain dead to be honest but never thought much of him anyway. His idea of how society should be is an ancient out of date one based on animal instincts when we live in a society where these are supposed to be controlled and not down, hence why we have laws and rules based on fairness.

But his IFRS seems to be one that gives me a vision of an alpha male, or female, that has cheated, destroyed and killed and stands atop a pile of dead bodies they eliminated to get to the top, covered in blood and snarling.

Despite the fact that business remains like this, and I’ve exposed and pointed out enough cheaters on here and some even on TV portrayed as business experts but are nothing of the kind, all other areas of society the rules are strict and tight. The penalties severe and unforgiving and even the same crimes committed by such and powerful who get away with them have others that commit them have a tonne of bricks and the law books thrown at them, locked up and the key thrown away.

But I now turn to Brian May, a guy of intelligence and with at least one passion I myself share with him and even own a book he co-wrote on the subject claiming while, animated, it states but I never watched the programme, stating that the poor should not be the ones to pay with austerity?!

I simply knew he was a cool headed dude!

Still cannot get over one of my brothers turning down an offer from him and his daughter to join his daughter’s new band! Sheesh! That occurred in the infamous guitar shop in Denmark Street of Charing Cross Road in the west end. Whatever you do if you try out s guitar in there do NOT play Stairway To Heaven, you will get yourself thrown out! Lol!

Hmm still a few weeks to go and with my little self possibly being out of town at the time to have … meetings with legal teams, Judges and Compensation Clerks, or whatever they are called, and compiling his and what I am going to release on here and how the heavens open for all of my enemies.

If you have not been following these are a long list of public services, government organisations and private companies (of the household name varieties) I gathered so much evidence of corruption on it tipped over 100GB months ago.

Please try to keep up. Lol!

In fact seriously this might be a good idea as it’s now inevitable that this is going to come thick and fast very soon. From the end of this month (April 2015) the first of a long list of posts regarding the most shocking corruption which will completely vote the heavens wide open for local councils everywhere, Police Forces everywhere, organisations supposed to be protecting children everywhere, the news media, the legal system, legal aid along with all the ombudsman associated with them along with the Criminal Prosecution Service, the DWP, PC World and the Investigatory Powers Tribunal and a few other things in the pipeline I have forgotten about.

The details regarding this outcome asking with the sentencing that I have been told is certainly assured will drive 6 inch nails on gold plaques into everything I have ever done on here and river stamp my endeavours into the hall of fame and strike living fear into the stragglers who keep avoiding my jabs, like the NHS, still under the delusion that they are more powerful than me, smarter than me and in a better position than me…

Well that is what I wanted everyone to think until this largest of dominoes teetered over the edge and stated its show animated fall into the depths of hell taking the biggest organisations down with it while sweeping up others along its path down into the fiery brimstone smelling pits.


I stated on here as a message to those I have no doubt view this site for clues and ideas to beat off my advances that if you concentrate on one hand the other will strike you in the temple when you least expect it and so hard that you will be rendered unconscious and unable to defend yourself from either me or the public.

Once published then another industry… and by this I mean the entire industry has spent three years walking into… no sleep walking into the most genus and intricate of traps and this is the News Media. Both TV and tabloid news and journalism when everyone asks …

Wait? You were all sent these details on this case just won hands down single handedly and you did not even bother to answer this guy? Despite you all reporting on a case linked to it on your front pages a year after this guy informed you about it? That being absolutely mind boggling alone and serious questions need to be asked regarding incompetence and possible corruption widespread thought the news media but you ignored everything else too and possibly stole all his stuff? Are you even aware of plagiarism?

Umm I shall state that in the beginning I said you can take my stuff and use it as you see fit… If you are a victim or can help someone who you know is a victim.

Taking my endeavours and making them your own to make a name for yourself and make lots of money and selling newspapers and getting higher TV ratings… well to make money was not part of the deal and this is obvious.

The fact I knew you would both do it, not mention me and contribute to ignore me I was already aware would happen.

Did I not mention that to beat opponents that think they are so smart and deserving is to continue to let them think this way while ago the time leading them down a long dark path that one they realised what was going on it would be far too late and they could NEVER find there way back?

Did I not make this clear?

Ooh dear! Sorry about that!

Back to Brian May and I am right behind him on his thoughts on this but I’m not sure his animated debating week be rewarded by End Milliband and the Labour Party. Because on Tony Blair and because of too many broken promises. I do tend to agree with UKIP on a couple of things but will Nigel Farage think out of date thoughts like Stringellow? Especially on the welfare state? Or are his claims about getting the British people mean everything and across the board?

Election 2015: Famous faces spar over May 7 vote – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32327579


Odd that they speak about how inhuman or is to refuse treatment to non British people and yet the subject of British people being refused not only treatment but the diagnosis in the first place!

I always find these debates confusingly bizarre because they always shite that they know very little about what is really going on or just simply ignore it.

I also don’t like the fact that the audience gets to ask questions because they appear to be in the same boat as knowing very little. There are plenty that know a hell of a lot and yet they ate nowhere to be seen…or heard, even.

The other thing I find bizarre is that they attacked someone for being inhuman who has managed to get more in the way of support from the British public than anyone else outside of the big three and even managed more votes than them on occasion! So do attack him with these accusations and labels is to also do the same to an ever growing support. Facts are facts, no matter what they sound like and you can’t cover facts up because you don’t like the sound of them. Cuts that affect the British public seem less offensive than one that affect those here illegally or non British people and that is wrong.

I believe…no I know that for done time now it’s been grossly unfair to the British people in the UK and I cannot help but wonder if this is unique to us, if so then why and how?

If it is not unique to us then I am interested to know what other countries have seen this odd reversal in priorities from the natives to the non-native populations.

It’s wrong because it’s stinky not fair and there had to be rains for this and it’s that simple. Just making it fair again is not enough for me as someone, or a group of people knowingly let the British start to suffer and decided to let to them and chest them while even blaming them for the troubles at the same time.

Those that cannot see this or refuse to see this are both brain dead, lacking a subdue compassionate bone in their body and in pursuit of sound bites and false images of their personalities.

It is a shame this blog is not a year older as I would be teaching… oops I meant reaching but ‘teaching is OK’, people in numbers that would definitely make a difference.

Of course I am referring to Nigel Farage being honest but it being twisted to make him look bad.

All I can think is that they are absolutely terrified of him and his party because even those totally opposed teamed up against him.

Admittedly I did not watch it all and only saw the highlights, which once again appeared to mainly put Nigel Farage in a bad light. I presume that in the two hours some other things got talked about?

I wonder if he knew before he took his place in the debate that it was not just everyone else in the room he was up against but also those that set up this thing along with the group that was paying cost attention to it, the news media? Lol!

That must have been a very lonely place to be. If I was to advise him I would state considering what I often do. That is that you can try and help people and give them the truth and they state that they want the truth but that at times I wonder if they do. Because they keep voting for the same liars and the reasons are irrelevant, totally and completely. Especially the two brain dead reasons like ” he looks like a Prime Minister more so than the other one” and “well I’ve always voted for them” and any others there will inevitably be out there. Of course there are also the naive ones too, lol. In the event things went badly I would give up if I were him.

You can lead horses to water and all that.

I envy the Scots as they have Nicola Sturgeon and no one wants to through mud at her hoping it sticks. But then maybe she is naive about certain things? I simply do not know. But at least they have someone looking out for Scottish people. Wales seen to have someone too?

Everyone else seems to wasn’t too make friends with the myriad of groups within English society instead of just the English. Nor is anything I’ve seen based on fairness while being humane at the same time. Quite the opposite in fact. Not heard anything like this from Nigel Farage but that does not mean to say they’re isn’t. Or that he has beliefs or plans I don’t agree with. But then I’m far from knowing them all anyway. And we all know why that is?! Because any coverage he gets is about the mud. Out trying to twist something he stated to make him look bad.

How about asking him about other things for a change instead of the same old shite?

Hmm you could be forgiven for thinking I am accusing the News Media of not properly informing the British public on various issues? Week you would be forgiven because you would be correct. Lol!

Jesus Christ strike me dead there are over four more weeks of this and ask we will hear is David Cameron this and Ed Milliband that and who they are going to get into bed with.

I would dealt love an office to the election that made most of them look like idiots and eat humble pie! By idiots I mean the three major parties and ask if the journalists and media. Would love to see them all proven wrong! You could vie for Santa Clause for all I care as long as they are all proven wrong!!

Then I could really turn my planned attention to them with some real gusto?! Lol!

Now where did I put that cryogenic stasis chamber I bought from a boot sale?! Lmao!


Well the election campaigns are off… to a bloody lump start I must say.

I saw the highlights of the TV debate which was hosted by Jeremy Pacman and heard since quite bizarre things.

I heard something quite incredible too.

Now I don’t like either or the two parties because they have both been responsible for some bloody terrible things that have led this country into a shit hole. No one else is responsible and yet what should be uncovered from a few than more than code with the responsibility and it’s theirs anyway is instead put upon those at the bottom of which there ate a great many most of which cannot afford it while others cannot survive on it.

Yep, I him that about sums it up.

Now what I witnessed was a shocking display of David Cameron looking like a complete idiot as well as avoiding questions out to him while repeating himself so much a drunken parrot would laugh.

However, and remember I am impartial here or in other words not a demented moron that always via the same way, was that Ed Milliband did surprisingly well! Surprised how that turned out if not the word.

However when back in the studio at the BBC I heard someone say that David Cameron came off better?! I turned on a sixpence, umm or dime, and aghast at hearing this a moment if stunned silence before I uttered ‘WHAT?!’. Quite which planet in the galaxy that idiot was living on God only know?! Then a while later they cut to asking people on the street what they thought and it seemed like most, if not all as I did bit here anyone say Cameron was better, thought the same thing as I did? I then wondered if the moron that stated Cameron came off better was watching these and cringing in his seat wishing he has not taken that back hander?!

It got better. Someone on Dateline London on the BBC who I had not seen before stated that he had liked the fact that Ed Milliband sounded genuine, he had not sounds like it was scripted and was better for it and that everyone preferred this to Cameron’s debacle. A woman who could not possibly know the truth then insisted this was more to do with Labour being a mess?! Well that did bit sound biased much did it?!

I noticed also in the aftermath that all the talk about the election involved everyone except UKIP?! I thought this was very odd.

Considering that Dateline London mentioned about how many abstained from voting in the last election, how embarrassingly big the number was and the difference it would make if they all decided to vote and vote UKIP would be very dramatic indeed. At least someone asking these political loons can do simple math?! What makes this worse is that this was noted and pointed out by a French lady I assume was a French journalist? As apposed to a French lady but a journalist in the UK?

Today they were talking again about the election campaign and one again I heard ‘Tories’, ‘Labour’ and even SNP but nothing on UKIP or anyone else. After awhile they finally mentioned UKIP and a woman said he was off touring and had a lot of journalists in tow. All of a sudden they started saying that previous votes for UKIP were only protest votes and that now they were switching back to the Tories and Labour!?!

Errrrrr, how fecking arrogant is it to state that and where in the fecking hell did this come from?!

This is the complete opposite to what most voters said after they guess in each of the recent elections!

That does not sounds biased much! I suddenly realised why they’re exists a website called http://www.biasedbbc.co.uk or whatever the address was!

Good God you have no idea how I want people in large numbers too vote UKIP so I can rip the fecking shit out of the BBC of arrogance, bias and accusing them off pandering, for whatever perks/money/promises on licence fee, to the big two and demanding to know why they did that?!

Never seen any biased behavior so blatantly obvious as theirs in the last few days, let me tell you! Absolutely crap at hiding this sudden swing in behaviour. I mean…stating what voters are going to do five weeks plus before the general election?! And these were the people accusing Cameron of being arrogant who I have to admit… was NOT when he stated he would not serve a third term. This was surprisingly pointed out by the same lady on Dateline London who also stated that Ed Milliband came across like nothing was scripted and genuine perky because the Labour Party was in a mess?! No definitely no bias there then, either?!

The first official day for election campaigning and boy, oh boy had it for off to a series of false starts for both politicians and media alike. I also should state here, before someone leaks something out to accuse me of bias as a defense strategy, that I have an email from the Labour Party asking me to be included in a task force that will consist of just 2,000 people in the whole of the UK’s 60,000,000!

I am not saying yes, just sos you know!

I had a go at them in an email for asking me for money, did the same with the Tories, a month ago and in anger have them the address of this blog! Lol! I guess they thought I would be a good asset to have? They have no bloody idea how right they are, but the Tony Blair years and the other revelations I have discovered about him since he decked off chafing the train… ooh you’re wondering why I did train and what train he was chasing? Well the gravy train of course! LMAO! Nope, when a party and it’s members have been caught out lying and the infighting that occurs because they are more interested in themselves instead of the British public and do not have the gonads to make the guilty ones pay and I’m out!

If other morons wasn’t to keep ignoring the truth and facts, view for the same old morons and then spend five years moaning about things and then what the process all over again acting like half witted morons that is up to them.

Well if someone was caught breaking into your house and stealing your belongings you would not invite them round for tea and biscuits but when it comes to general elections that’s exactly what many people do. Or are just amoral and only care about numero uno in which case I feel sorry for anyone closely related to them! :mrgreen:

Yes this promises to be one hell of an interesting general election and no matter what way it goes it will be good. Even if it’s just me on here stating how many stupid idiots there are asking the general public who cannot do simple maths or totally amoral?! Lol!

Hmm, what was it? Thirty eight days of this to go? Jesus!

Be interesting to see if Nigel Garage noted anything I did and days anything about it?


I get bombarded with emails.

In fact I get so bombarded with emails that if I stated that each of the major two political parties send me so many emails that you could consider each of these alone is being bombarded with emails then you might get an idea of how bombarded I get.

I never get anything nice though…or helpful or anything that states that I am going to be better off, or get help or that I have achieved some really important milestone in all my endeavours…oh no!

I get bombarded with emails from companies regarding my blog that want me to pay them money so that they can work on my blog and put me onto page one in Google?! Except many of my blogs are hosted on Blogger which is Google. So how can they do anything that Google is not doing?!

Added to this if there are 20 places, for arguments sake, on page one of a Google search and their are dozens of companies offereing this service for a fee and each one aquires to blog/website owers to pay them money, how in the hell can they guarantee you get placed on the first page on any bloody search engine?!

They are called SEO specialists which stands for Search Engine Optimisation and something I could learn myself in a couple of days if I needed to. Sometimes I get annoyed and I reply and put it to them what I stated in the previous paragraph and ask them how  they can manage this as it is mathematically impossible. All they do is re-send the same email they already sent. Sometimes I say ‘tell you what, you do the service and I will pay you when I get paid or you can earn a percentage of what I make?!’

They never take me up on the offer and fail to realise that I just quite simply caught them out! Jesus! Lol!

I will tell you something else about these SEO companies…they all are based in India?! So far I have had around 8 or more companies email me and I am sure that will grow quite a lot during 2015 and I wonder if I will ever get a company based in another country other than India?

They are either really stupid chancers or really bad at what they do if they are a genuine SEO company.

One email I just received asked me if I could put a question to Ed Milliband…so I did!

I told him what I had been doing and that I had uncovered corruption in almost all the public services, a number of large retail outlets and witnessed what the other big organisations were up to, like Energy Companies and in a round about way asked if he had the gonads to stand up tho these people to make Britain the proud nation it once was?

Or something like that … I wonder what he will respond with and how?

Some screen shots of me asking …

Milliband Question Milliband Question 2 Milliband Question 3


I ponder to the posts to this blog.

It has been a while since I was philosophical or indeed poetic!

Many things offer up distractions of late not least of all the heat, humidity and … odd soaking from the craziest rainfall I have ever seen the destroyed my watch and damaged the old phone I use fur Internet tethering!

I can put it off not much longer and need to unlock my Moto G and place my Three sim in that phone for Internet tethering.

In the meantime I just add up that of link and from time to time a rant though no rent this time around. More surprise than anything else because many things are done without consulting the public. For too long now too! I have known for some time now that the excuses to do things behind closed doors or ignore the public until hundreds of thousands get feed up and start marching … and marching … and marching with plenty of protesting albeit too little too late. Normally by this time whatever reason things were decided upon have already been achieved if only for the most part.

Ed Milliband now seems to think the exact same thing?! Astonishing!

I don’t like the Media’s view that he is not … what was it? Hard enough? Oh yes because so many others have dinner such a great job?! Hard enough fur what exactly? I love these their away statements without explanation … plain stupid!

Or maybe they mean lie to the nation and keep a straight face?

The world had long since changed and still keeps changing with each day and each week. Politics has remained stick in the same old misleading lying crap since the 70’s.

Even with the arrival of the Internet and Social Media they have not changed a single thing and totally ignored The Internet!

This was a mistake I warned many about for years. I don’t know the reasons but it was obvious that Internet media moguls would get larger and more powerful than politicians. Probably filled politicians the world over into doing them favours so that they could gradually take over? Stupid.

Only reason anyone wants favours it’s too get an edge. Only reason anyone gives favours to these petiole is to acquire a short term gain!

No one has any honour about them anymore and I have searched long and hard in the media to see someone come who is honourable and interested in more than just himself.

Singer do have signs of having this ability and Ed Milliband just showed that he did! Just showed that he did mind you! He dues appear to be someone straight laced and not one to be bought off or swapping favours! Dues not seen to be hero bent in power nor obsessed with as much cash as he can lay his hands on?!

Ed Miliband calls for public PMQs http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-28509014


I do not always reveal everything I do, either on here on to those I am at odds with. Now I am going to say that my methods are very plain to see on here. Very plain and I have not hidden that fact in fact I actually like the fact that … some things are plain see.

I said a long time ago that I mentioned a great deal of things and then buried them with many posts but that they are here?
A late friend of mine who died of kidney cancer and was appallingly treated prior to his death, leading me to wonder who does get treated well in the NHS, was the driving force behind me doing this and this started prior to his death. You can find me speaking about him on here and you can search ‘Old Ken’ though some referred to him as ‘Red Ken’ as he had very socialist views. We used to discuss the good things and bad things of being a socialist, as I am not one despite how it may sound on here at times. I hate people pigeon holing things which is why I dislike politics … no HATE politics and politicians so much.
As an example of this was the stupid statement in the media recently where they reported that Ed Milliband was stated by the public in a survey to not being Prime Minister material?!
What?!?! Are you serious?!?!
Sometimes I think that these statements are just attempts to stop someone getting in and see the public as just no more than sheep and think if we keep saying something long enough the public will think how we want them to?
Now first off I need not remind you that I hate politics as I just stated as much and I am no fan of anyone in particular though if pressed I would state Nigel Farage. Therefore I am not promoting Ed Milliband but I will however defend him in this instance with just a couple of lines …
Oh so everyones choices in recent times have been spot on have they and everyone that has ever been voted for is perfect?! Well go on then … name one?!
Even the Messiah that is Tony Blair has been shown to have been crap and I am sure this will only get worse over time and in all honesty the media need to stop making it look so bloody obvious that they act like those two in Wayne’s World whenever they get him on a satellite link for his comments on the country.
Umm they do know that we have been heading for this crisis for years and that he was in power all that time so why the feck you would want to ask him is anyone’s guess?! A man that ended up putting the country in debt while he himself now turns out to have an obsession with making money?!
I will tell you what my grandmother said about my grandfather in this respect … “I do not know what he thinks happens when he dies? Maybe he thinks he will take his piles of cash with him and there will be a bookies in heaven?!” before rolling around on the sofa in fits of laughter.
I think I have made my point and now for an email I have just sent to two departments within the NHS as their ignoring me is getting more peculiar as the recorded delivery letter I received from my EX GP states that they have contacted NHS England and let them know?! That is more than the last one did who gave me a phone number and an organisation that did not seem to exist, at least the phone number did not and the name of the department was quite different. Took a fair while to find them.
Also as I stated beforehand I am way, way, WAY overdue an answer about my Personal Independence Claim and the last I heard was that they had written to my GP?! LOL.
Remember this GP Surgery never took receipt of my medical records and this is clearly spoken about on the recording. Like I said on the day Doc but will expand on it, the go-between bodies have been proved to be utterly bad at handling complaints like mine. Note the recent link I posted about NICE now recommending the drug I was refused and that I stated this refusing of drugs is a false economy. Ooh that is nice of them to say, is it not and with such great timing too!
You have seen my contact the General Medical Council and you have seen at just how good they are at handling complaints and there actions only benefited the GP, or so they thought at the time. You have seen me contact the PHSO several times and the comments they made and in March sign an authorisation letter to handle my complaint, yet I have heard no updates in nearly four months now other than the fact that my now EX GP got a hold of my blog address miraculously and then fibbed about it. You have also seen evidence of my contacting NICE (ooh the Internet and IT lesson again) and not getting much of anything in the way of a response.
Currently PALS are supposed to be involved yet again and I have already spoken to them about this kind of thing that went as far as the end of my garden. You end up thinking ‘Oh why bother, next time I am just going to accept it!’ and this I realised and why I kept on and on over this.
Cannot wait to see what Atos and the DWP now state as I have emailed them and I am going to switch my focus to them now and barrage them with emails and letters!!
Oh and what was with that member of the public saying how wonderful Universal Credit is?! Lol! Did he get paid? Locals should be on the lookout for a guy singing on while driving around in e bright red Ferrari 599 GTO!
Oops someone had a little moan about my smoking on the phone and said “I thought you said you would never smoke again?!” and I said “I know! (laughs) It is all this unexpected miscalculation or my fincances (but for a bloody good thing) and what happened with the latest GP, after all I did not really expect this once I was with them and went to Guy’s Hospital.”
I then explained about the wrong information given for the nicotine gum, which I had forgotten to tell him, in that I was told that it was NHS policy to not give them for more than three months. He was shocked to hear that and I think he realised just how stupid a rule that is. But was shocked further when I explained that I had told the Doctor this was odd as I had currently been on it for more than a year and that I was told you could have it as long as I needed it.
I then explained that since I registered I had asked for three drugs and had been refused all three. Funny that?! Lol!
Nicotine Gum – Not given for more than three months yet had not prescribed it at all.
Excessive Sweating – No such drug exists err I do not know what it is called I just know someone who is prescribed it?!
Pregabalin – Whereby a way over the top set of events occur to make me look like a liar and I am refused the drug with a cocky knowing look on my face. My poker face is a damned site better I can assure … oh wait?! I proved that one did I not? LMAO!
Among others were there is no department within the NHS for Fibromyalgia, same chap, Dr Kumar senior, that stated there was no drug for excessive sweating.
Then of course there is the fact someone told him my blog address and it was not me, despite how the letter sounds like the wounded animal syndrome.
Then there is the odd turn around after insisting he would not refer me to Guy’s Hospital until my medical records turned up in the next few weeks yet a sudden change and a phone-call to refer me off and I thought ‘well that is odd?’ Hmm odd indeed! Seven months later and no medical records and that is perfectly normal?! Jesus, they do have high opinions of themselves while having a low one for patients?! Especially when it comes to intellect! Lol!
Hmm let me fink! What else? Well there was a sudden Jekkyl and Hyde change in attitude of a couple of people and only just remembered that one! Damn this Fibromylagia! Lol! I am not going to go into that as it really is insignificant and I have just realised that with each surgery I have left I have been more pleased about leaving it than the last one. On this occasion I do now think that someone contacted the surgery some time ago now due to that sudden change in the temperament of these two. I mean this was not just a minor change this was a black to white change that took me aback. They went from being extremely friendly and nice to shirty and evasive from one meeting to the next. Yet I fully declared what had gone on previously as if to say ‘if you do get a call please do not try anything and tell them where to go?!’
Maybe it was just a coincidence that two separate people went from hot to cold like that and it was not recent either. No this was around … February! I registered in November I think and has an appointment on the 4th December and each time I sat in there I hoped to high heaven I would not get the same treatment as before!
The only option I have left to get a Doctor that is not like this is to be very … up front, shall we say, about what will come next.
I alawys chuckle to myself though sometimes at the ‘cat’s got your tongue’ of the ‘rabbit in the headlights’ reaction when they strike and I strike back?
This times the best one yet as the grapevine has gone silent! Hmm maybe I should try this with all those moronic outfits that send out that incessantly boring junk emails?!
Dear Sirs

I seem to have had the whole lot of the public services go completely silent at the same time.
Strange that it would coincide with everyone realising not only what I have been doing but how much I have done and how long for.
Now I am not sure if I am contacting the correct department here but …
1 I have had yet another GP Surgery kick me off prematurely and right on top of being due a repeat prescription
2 I have had yet another GP tell me lies and on top of that state NHS rules that were not only not true but in complete contrast to prescriptions I was currently receiving
3 I am sorry that no one likes the fact I am smarter than they are and that I can spot dishonesty a mile off.
4 It really is strange that I was spoken to as if I should be appreciative I have a Doctor and given third rate drugs and cannot even acquire the second tier drugs for my condition of Fibromyalgia and that you specialists have strangely not heard of the single drug that works on the condition they specialise in.
5 I was refused ALL THREE DRUGS I requested under my present Doctor and a very lame attempt by the NHS to now make me look like a liar failed miserably because I not only fully expected you to do this but also gave you a false sense of security.
6 I need a GP that is not two faced and that place themselves and their egos in first, second, third and fourth places in their priorities list and have an ounce of common sense, which in all honesty I have yet to find at 45 years of age! I am not kidding here either!!
7 You, or some department within the NHS that is for certain, has been feverishly plotting against me to no avail and I hope that they now realise that this was folly and that any attempt to continue this will also fail.
8 So I now need YET ANOTHER GP and you had better pick up the phone and find me one that is decent, honest and professional and does not sit in their surgery as just a GENERAL practitioner and think that being a Medical Doctor trumps all else when it comes to intelligence?!
9 I do not care if I have to catch transport to get their as long as the Doctor has a good reputation and not like the last one trying to short change patients on medication so they cna have a fancier practice than the others around them, thereby leading them in under false pretences.
10 The attitude was that it was OK to call me a liar and yet calling them out as liars and with proof was like committing murder?! You have no idea the damage that has been done now to the health service and that which will continue to be done.
111 The levels of delusions among health staff regarding their grandiose self esteem and the absolutely terrible double standards is nothing short of astounding … sooo …
12 Let me tell you as an expert in MY FIELDS that this is really going to backfire on you! Now this is MY area and not YOUR AREA, which your not very good at in all honesty! Like the GP letting it slip that I did not see a specialist and then when I realise what he just said and repeated it he then said “No I did send you to see a specialist!” which was extremely odd and tied in with the weird fact that the Doctor I spoke to had rather CURIOUSLY not heard of Sodium oxybate?! Now how the hell than can be I do not know!
13 As an example of the above I shall explain that it takes months for a post on a blog, any blog, to ‘sink in’ with the public at large. I should also tell you at this point that I am followed by Doctors and authors all over the world. Some of that which I have only posted in recent months has not yet begun to boil with the visitors but will so over the next couple of months. As for that which I am posting right now that will be late Autumn onwards. I get people leaving comments only just reading something I posted 6 months to a whole year beforehand.
14 To sum it up entirely I challenged a number of GP’s to do the right thing and that I would endeavour to reveal any corruption and misleading of patients that was going on. IN turn they did not deem this important enough to take up with those that pay them, i.e. YOU! I do not like being misled, lied to and not only having my diagnosis being avoided for thirteen years but now that they have been found out am STILL being refused a SECOND TIER drug in Pregabalin, first tier being Sodium oxybate. I thought mentioning that I was aware of Sodium oxybate may deter any further attempt to falsely label me but it turned out to be a waste of time.
If you have no idea what I am talking about then … ohhh boy! You had better take a look but I warn you that any correspondence to lie about anything I know will receive a rude response from me as this wil be an insult to my intelligence. An example is that the last GP claimed that I gave him the blog address, umm well no I did not I only mentioned its existence and did not mention at all what was on it what the address was or what I was doing! SO someone WITHIN the NHS told him or the PHSO did or indeed PALS. No one else knew. Oh yes and here is one other thing that I quite deliberately did not mention to the GP on the day just like I failed to tell him about the second recording device, the second one he saw did not record …
I had a CD on me with not only the recording but also with the address of the blog written on the disc, you might want to ask yourself why and how I was so well prepared for his onslaught of me over his bruised ego? You had better think mighty hard about that one as it is rather damning but I will not state in what respect it is.
I realised a long time ago that I was being lied to and it was not that hard because GP Surgeries contradicted each other but had adopted the extremely bad attitude that all surgeries had the same rules, when nothing could have been further from the truth. Questioning any rules was responded by quoting ‘this is NHS policy’ or rules or whatever crap they wanted to give out.
I also have around five hospitals with each Doctor contradicting the last and I have a letter here which is somewhat of a miracle and written with divine intervention because …
1 It was vague about my Fibromyalgia diagnosis when on the day points about my anatomy where shown to a student
2 An extremely painful test was done on my right knee something he spotted by sight and he was not the first one to do so, Dr Saksena also spotted something and yet while the test caused me a great deal of pain it was omitted from the letter to my GP?! As was the fact he said he was happy, a little too happy in fact it now appears, to prescribe Pregabalin after I stated I did not want Gabapentin as it made me ill. Foolish to then offer a lower dose which would do nothing and my alarm bells rang like a madman, good job I was recording then, eh?
3 I have warned all public services about their conduct and lying when I have had dealings with them and I have also long since warned them about IT and the Internet which was all conveniently ignored. So I decided to not only catch you out for the lying misleading and heartless organisation you have become but I also gave you a bloody hard lesson about ignoring IT and the INternet at the same time along with shattering any delusions which seems to spread faster than Ebola?!
I look forward to being emailed another GP. Do not put me with another one like the last three dozen!
I had better not have a hard time with any withdrawal symptoms either as I might remind you that everything I do and everything I say and when I say it goes on the blog! So all those I thought in cohoots with each other that everyone thought crazy is now being proved right at this very moment because you have all gone deathly silent at the exact same time!
This was so easy it was child’s play and to think for the last three years I thought that I would end up spotting someone following me in a car desperately trying to get videos of me walking normally? It was never going to be achieved but I thought I would at least catch you trying? Seems none of you had any idea of what I was up to. Or maybe my changing carousel kept you all thinking I was attacking someone else and so just naively kept your heads down thinking I would go away?! Well a blog never goes away I am afraid, its permanent as long as it gets a regular rise in visitors. As this rise has gone from a dozen each month to over 10,000 each month and continues to rise it will not be going anywhere fast.
Any lame legal attempt to attack the blog will also backfire and it might be better to realise that whatever can be thought up I have long since thought of myself and planned for.
Oh and want to hear something very weird as far as backfiring goes? Well the refusal of nicotine gum and the recent realisation that yet another GP cannot be trusted or the biggest name in Hospitals has stressed me out so much that I have started smoking again!!
Martin Haswell BSc


So it is not just me then?

So many people in the Labour Party have issues with Ed Balls? Well they were not alone as this blog writer had not liked him since an interview with gin after Baby Peter’s death a few years back.

In fact I spent years wondering and telling friends that I am astounded that no one on the media could see what I did?

He also looks like he could be a bit of a schemer in the same vein that Gordon Brown was when Tony Blair was PM and we all know how that ended? Lol.

In fact I remember watching the news when Tony Blair was voted in and thought things would change for the better. One thing did write quickly and then it all stopped just as quickly, lol.

Miliband office’s ‘fat-finger’ email reveals trouble with Ed Balls – http://pulse.me/s/x5bM5