Right then?!

It is about a week late but here is something that is the end result of something I put in the pipeline from about a year ago now, or a couple of months less than that. Put simply I cannot remember when I did it!

But I did mention on here recently that I had a phonecall from the DWP apologising for not answering a Freedom Of Information request within the given time allowed by law and that they could not find that which I requested?!

Beauty!! Splendid!!

Well I recorded the conversation, that one still yet to be sorted oiut and uploaded, and was told that she would contact me within two weeks if she found the relevant information or not. You can check on here but once again they went over the given time period by quite some time. Bailiffs and debt companies are quite good at breaking this particular law too, along with many others like fraud and burglary. Strange that, akin to being OK to mudering someone for pissing on your Roses!

Anyhoo…cast your mind back to a documentary on Channel 4 and which I covered the last ten minutes of on here. It was a Job Centre, well all Job Centres, being accused of lying to the public and stopping their benefits because they have not applied for jobs, claimed there are loads of jobs out there and that they themselves had hundreds?

The man carrying out the investigation had already been told by ex staff members that there were no jobs and it was all a very deliberate lie.

He then pulled out an iPad and asked the red haired manageress to show him the jobs on their website and she surfed around for ten minutes and unable to find them but insisted they were there. He stated that even if they were how would the people seeing work be able to find them on their site if she, the manageress, could not even find a single one?! He still wanted evidence that these jobs were available currently. She then went off to get evidence and left him and his cameraman in this room for a fair old while. Eventually the building cl;osed for the day and everyone went home and they wondered whether they had been locked in for the night. Eventually the manageress returned with a large pile of printouts that surprised the investigator and seemed lost for words for a few minutes. Well that is until he then spotted that the jobs were way over a year old and therefore they had just lied to him yet again on a national TV documentary for Channel 4?!

You goot be fecking confident to do that and been given some pretty impressive promises to be able to do that and this means of course that you are KNOWINGLY doing it. That is you are knowingly lying to the British public on national TV for whatever it is they promised you.

I would not do that.

Well…..they have now used that trick once again on me of all people! Only this time its far, far worse than that they did on Channel 4! I gave them two Freedom Of Information requests concerning their entire expenditure, which I do not even know if they answered this one and need to check, and one requesting all medical documentation on me.

So just to be clear I want copies of all the NHS letters whether GP or Hospital written along with the forms and applications that either I filled in or that of my GP’s?

Now as you know I have changed GP’s a fair few times in the last 7 years? Hopefully your keeping track, well one of the reasons I did this along with testing the GP Surgery for honesty and professionalism was that the DWP and Atos would be caught out. By doing this I would know for sure that each time I applied for either DLA, DIsability Living Allowance, or its replacement PIPs, Personal Independent Payments, that they would contact many different GPs. This way one of two things would arise. First off that the GP’s written to would inform me, of which only one ever did and she told me that the DWP lied about her filling it in or at least the way that she did it. The other thing is that the GPs would be contacted at times shortly after I moved GP practices so that the application forms would then have to be handled one of two ways. Firstly they would be sent of via the NHS and then end up in my medical records with the current GP to be filled in or they would be forwarded on to me.

Like the GP they lied about sdhe told me that in any event that a GP makes a mistake on the forms the DWP automatically send it back out to the GP in question pointing out their mistakes and request that they fill it out again. They did not do this and did not inform me either and as the GP in question fully informed me at the time “Your right Martin, they are corrupt. They tie our hands behind our backs (NHS Doctors) and we have to lie to our patients and take the flack from the public for it. I have been a Doctor for nearly 40 years and I know how to fill in their forms, they are lying”

A few weeks later she put 5 stunned staff on the dole queue by stating she had, had enough of the NHS and everything with it and was retiring effective immediately.

Now by a strange turn of fate one of her staff members went to work at the very surgery I am now with, remember I have had two GPs since she announced hger immediate retirement.

Well a rather large and heavy package came through the door and I actually thought it was the legal documentation I asked my daughter for a couple of months ago? No, it was the answer to my request to my medical evidence. All 60 pages of it with two thirds of these double sided so 100 pages.

Only there was not a single thing I requested within the package and nor did they even reference this fact in the letter?!

‘Eh?!’ I hear your mind now asking, ‘well what did they send him?!’

Most of it, leaving aside some crap with a few lines printed out in landscape mode for some unfathomable reason, are all the emails we ever sent each other!!!

Yes they sent me print outs of all the emails I ever sent them. That’s it and that’s all!!

Yes that means all the ones I ever posted on here and still have!!

No I dont know why…..

Well yes of course I do, plausible deniability….

…except the fecking idiots sent this to me of all people!!


This is one of those interceptions by complete douche-bag morons I often refer to. One you can see in action just like the ones that intercepted the letter from Guy’s Hospital. Though I could be wrong and they may have just asked the Doctor I saw at Guy’s Hospital to lie on the letter and he willingly did it. Which would mean of course that Dr Kirkham is the lying douche-bag?! Lol!

This lady that I spoke to on the phone was completely shocked and perplexed that she could not find anything I requested. Well of course not I was hoping that I had caused enough trouble that they had binned it all and I then requested it before they could even realised they had been duped into binning it so I could catch them in the act?!

Oooh there are those facets at work that I kept warning them about! The ones I carried on warning about in here! The plans I state that I lay out and that there are always several in motion at any one time with any one public service.

So in total a fecking lot then?! YUP!

I said it would take a long time did I not? Yes sirree, Bob!

I have a pile of all my emails to the DWP & Atos I not only already possess within one of dozens of email folders…ooooooooh yeahhhhh emails and folders….dumb-arses…..that are actually all on here anyway! I even told the lasy this in the phone conversation I had I also recorded.

Oooh yeaaaaahhhh the recording of me teling her this? Yeeeeeahh you see no one in their right mind would send me 80 pages of crap that I told them I not only had but published on my blog….but someone I had NOT told that too WOULD do a dumb-arse fecking things like that!

What does this mean?

Some complete brain-dead tosser stepped in and changed what was going to be sent out to me and very clearly believes that all benefit claimants and jobseekers and likely the entire working classes are all completely stupid brain-dead morons that could never possibly catch them out?!

Well I am, I do, I did and to cap it all I cam make them look like the completely brain-dead incompoetent morons that they are!!

Because I have stated many times on here quite deliberately that I know they have done this many times so that when my long term plan to catch them in the act comes to fruition I can then reference the fact that thios has been repeated many times in the public domain and that tens of thousand of people have likely repeated it to others around the web meaning that it could well be hundreds of thousands of people….and they…missed it.


Ooooooooo that’s gonna hurt in the morning, son! Well one morning it will when it dawn on them what I have been doing all this time!


Oooooooooh! Does it hurt?! Who am I asking that of?

Well I have yet to email a few people and they are going to get a particular link, one that should have them running for the exit door on the way to the legal department as they now realise they cannot delay things any longer and that they will have to take me to court toi shut me down!

On the way they will be pissing their pants wondering what other things are in motion if I have spent a year waiting for this one to come to fruition?

If your reading this….YOU DON’T WANNA KNOW, TRUST ME!

Anyhoo I took a picture of the pile of crap they sent me, ahh well saves me having to ever print it out to the news media if and when they come! Just bought a new pack of printert paper too and four black ink cartridges. Well best to be prepared for the oncoming storm! Lol…

FOI DWP 161114


So there is a photo of the envelope and the pile of wasted paper they sent me.

Of course I have more and I will got around tot hat in a moment. But before I do I wish to just recap…

I knew their file would be nothing short of a joke and most definitely a damning one for all involved and so by asking for it they had three choices…

1 Send me it as I requested and then damning themselves to hell as it would give them away to screwing the public, therefore showing that all public services are doing it too …

That was extremely unlikely so…

2 They could have sent me the files so that it looked like the GP’s and Health Professionals, or so called, they asked to lie for them look like it was THEIR fault …

Likely there was an agreement covering the arses of the health professionals and so….

3 Not having a file at all, which is the one I expected to get which also allows them a fighting chance to still not pay me the money they illegally took away from me over five years ago now.

I knew I would get this last one if I got an answer at all and I had been posting everything I had and evereything I did in all that time. I had also been telling every now and then little anecdotes about what transpired previously for up to 13 years prior to the date of the blog.

Ask yourself a question now and I did kind of want to leave this one to one of those things I had hoped to occur to people without help only to bring it up months later around the time of the general election?

Except there will be plenty of other things and so ask yourself this … I asked for ALL the medical evidence held upon me and have repeatedly stated that I was in receipt of it previously?

So where is the NHS evidence that in the past got my Disability Living Allowance approved?

Now, do you see that window and that bath hurtling towards the street below? Look in the bath and tell me, do you see the baby?!

Now I did say right after the picture that this is not all that I have done?! My God, no, no, no not anywhere near it but in respect of this blog not it is not all and here is something else …

Below is a video I did for YouTube of the pieces of crap they sent me prinouts of. Why?

Well I can flick through the pages thereby showing each of the printouts of the emails so that those researching what I do can go back to all the emails I have ever posted up on here bothin coming and going along with the dates and check to see that I have indeed been sent a pile of crap none of which I asked for!

I can also describe in detail both what I have done, what I have asked for and what I have been sent while pointing out what I have now been doing for two and a half years nearly, only online mind you, and thereby drawing a great deal of attention from YouTube viewers to my YouTube account and then this blog! OOPS!!

So without further ado and now that I have time, inbetween hoverin g above needles eyes and my other plans that are still in motion to be revealed in Spring 2015, here is the link to the YouTube video, lol…


Dear Sirs

I was going to just write ‘umm latter dated [blah,blah]’ and then be sarcastic about it because it is not what I asked for.
However it is what I wanted and what I expected.
Mind you your going to have to go to the incompetent idiot and moron that sanctioned this letter probably by way of interception. Because I had already had a conversation with someone on the phone and already pointed out several…aspects of what I did and what I do.
I requested all medical evidence held upon me be sent to me.
This is not what I receieved.
You sent me my own emails to you and Atos and nothing else.
But they are my emails and hence I already posses both them and the replies.
I stated in the phone conversation that I not only had all these but have published them on my blog and so so as and when i get them!
So why would anyone in their right mind gather up all the emails I sent and them print them out and send them to me when my Freedom Of Information request specifically asked for medical EVIDENCE held on me?!
Also the deliberate mistake of the fact I was previously in receipt of Disability Living Allowance? Did you throw that out along with the rest of the self-damning evidence I requested just as I hoped you would do?!
So yes, thank you for your pointless package of crap, it is just what I wanted and have been waiting for since I put the request in.
You can tell those that think themelves intelligent that I know who they are and that they are not intelligent and I just shgowed them ho bloody dunce they truly are. The ones really costing Britain stack loads of cash and think themselves some birthroight to being paid vast salaries while being as fit as a fiddle, despite being half-witted, and yet think people with dreaful afflictions have no rights for money to just fecking survive?!
Thank you for giving me this finaql nail. Well that is not strictly true as there are a great many in motion, most like this one I have forgotten about…ahhh yes, forgotten. That is something else I wanted to explain now we are in the subject of dying a screaming death, forgotten. Yes, I do that a lot. But then the bosses at the DWP and at Atos know this just like they also know that Fibromyalgia is linked to a sleeping disorder and we have a p[roblem with mobility…
Which is also why along with losing all the medical evidence conveniently which is not because you threw out all the releveant stuff you did have which now provers to the British public that you did indeed throw it all out ti get rid of said evidence….oooh I digress, where was I?
Oooh yeah your so called assessments, arranged by YOU and not Atos, though they are as guilty as you are, were deliberately arranged for 9AM or similar in the morning while getting futher and further way from Enfield in North London the last one being Lambeth in South London!!
I simplay cannot believe that both the DWP and Atos were so easily manipulated and beaten time after time after time?! Amazing, truly amazing which begs the question how you got away with it for so long and how no one caught you?! Yes I know how long you have been lying to the British public.
So is your excuse going to be that you used to give out disability like confetti? Or maybe that I made out I was a foreigner and not born here and that you ususally just hand out everything they ask for to them and not British people? If so I would like to know the reason why?
Soi then this will be interesting as I am dying to know how you and Atos now attempt to get out of this corner while continuing to screw me and the British Public over a barrel?!
To state once again…
My Freedom Of Information request was for medical evidence you have on me for thirteen years.
I have a letter here from yousrelves stating that you turned me down on one application for Disabiklity Living Allowance because, and I QUOTE, “Your GP filled in the form wrong.” which was Dr Huq at Dr Rooban’s Surgery who stated that you were liars and that she had and that even had she not its standard procedure and has been for over three decades that forms filled in wrong by GP’s are automatically sent back to the surgery and requested this is corrected.
So tell the person who intercepted that letter I recieved or indeed the one that requested you send me that pointless crap and tell them that I now have them by the balls and there is no no way to escape it from here on in.
Oh I am so looking forward to see what you say next?!
This email will be going off to all the others departments that get paid for screwing the British public and disabkled people over while comitting fraud by receving taxpayers money for services they have no intention to performing.
Excuses and quoting scripture will be pointless and if your the so called Independent Case Examiners….don’t. I will use foul language and call you a bunch of degrading names albeit quite accurate ones.
Look forward to grovelling from you.
Martin Haswell BSc


Well I am now reading one hand if the news I was electing the lady couple of months from AMD. Jim Keller returned to the fold to design the next generation architecture a little after Bulldozer was first released.

Sorry about the pun in the title but there were snippets of info regarding their combined x86 and ARM chip along with the sole x86 design code named ‘Zen’ at AMD.

Zen? What a cool name, they should use that!

First of the first Bulldozer chips were a little disappointing but all the hate was way over the top. I liked a remark made recently in a webpage, think it was WCCFTECH but maybe PC Games, that something like ‘Oh finally, AMD can now make a chip that runs ten year old games at decent frame rates!’

Oh how I roared at that one, simply classic and to the point. I sad all along that to much was made out of all this and it was utter rubbish most of the time. There is someone trolling AMD in the link below and I am sure it is the same old one that guess over the top while making no arguments whatsoever?

Yes I originally wanted an FX8150 when it was about to come out but put it off. Waiting was not really under my control anyway and two architecture updates later and I build a PC. I skipped Bulldozer and piledriver and ended up with Steamroller in the Kaveri APU. Yes they dropped the clock frequency but, well you can change that and I did. I word have preferred 6 cores and a little higher frequency in both halves out of the box but it does a commendable job and the fact is all on one slither of silicon with 4 CPU cores and 8 GPU cores is simply stunning and that  is what I like to buy into. Thinking outside the box not resting on your laurels with one fat cow parked in front of you is what I like to see, it’s why AMD broke away from Intel in the first place. Umm you do know your silicon history, right? Lol.

Interestingly is that it mentions an expected date in 2016?! That is far away but more importantly is that it is very unusual for AMD to be so calm about next architecture news and so upfront about what went before. For something that we are not going to see for over a year from now is very out of character for them.

This is good and I was worried about how they acted, and a certain JF-AMD who was claiming things he fluid not back up being the wrong thing to do.

People want to discover for themselves what they think and not be told to think the way a corporation wants them too. Is this attitude why we have so many fanboys out there and why they act the way they do. The funniest thing is their site of naivety at some of the things they cling to no matter what. They think that because a generation and their updates have not overtaken their rivals this means they are generations behind and always will be? No, you cannot possibly know this. Staying this is nothing more than edging your bets based on a tiny window in the history of the silicon chip.

Often the creators and manufactured simply do not know until all testing had been done. So anyone that stars otherwise is a native idiot. Always. Besides that they are not a million light years behind as some would have you believe and Intel has the jump on the lithography anyway.

Lastly I cannot see AMD having nothing new between now and 2016, leaving my A10-7850K being their flagship APU? Especially as the litigating mentioned was going from 16nm to 14nm I think it stated and no mention of 20nm or 22nm.

Also the next Radeon cards must be mere weeks away from having details and benchmarks released? An Excavator APU with a significant jump in clock frequency, two more cores on either half withe have me altering my next purchases. A six CPU core APU with a GPU that would go dual graphics with a Radeon R9-260 or even R9-270? Now that would be cool! Very cool. Still it will be merely a year before the Zen lands and I feel this time around a bigger difference will be made?

After spending twenty years plus scoffing at others, including conker science degree students, due remarks like you won’t need that much power, 1Ghz Pentium, or that big a hard drive at 4GB I now find myself ten years after lady hearing this line asking myself the same question.

Oculus Rifts and 4K is about the top end you can go short of having 3 4K monitors at 50 inches each? At 1080p there was only a loss in screen quality going from around 40 inch to 50 and higher. A 55 or 65 inch 4K monitor would look far sharper than my old Samsung Series 5 LCD TV.

The point is that with a lithography of 16nm even an increase in core counts and better architecture might have me wondering where it goes next?

I anyways stated that the obvious next stage one resolution limits the eye cannot detect any longer is reached is holograms. I stated that at university back in 1998 and I stand by it. I now wonder if I am just a coyote of years away from seeing the vision I had that events featured in films like Minority Report and Iron Man?

Ooh uber cool!

I better look out for nan coated waterproof motherboards? Well ask that drooling I will end up doing as there week bound to be some fetching, clever and impressive demos doing the rounds when the time comes?

Can’t bloody wait.



Sometimes they can be the bane of my life, they truly can. One minute they are busily gnawing away on their latest snack. The next minute they are performing super…. dead human feats and their arms reach length somehow acquires a couple of feet?!

Best of all they are excellent in and around water where mite then five feet deep and your deaf if you fall in our attempt to swim!

Still I wanted to give them another chance.

Right now I am trying not to move a muscle. It is all I have allowed myself to fill is reach over and turn on my Advent Tablet PC from PC World that now runs out of juice while plugged in and had to be returned fur the second time now. The other two of the three I picked up from the store have each been back twice already. Hmm think at least one of them been back three times?

So that’s what you get from only one of two big name chain electrical goods retailers that have been flogging is second hand and refurbished/faulty goods as new since the late 90’s than even The Guardian Newspaper reported on but none of the governing bodies, ombudsman nor government did anything about nor did they earn the public… well they did not inform me. A tablet PC that totally ignores the first key on the keyboard you touch because your such an idiot you cannot even get the first letter in the word your after correct.

Yup on my tablet but no zombies. Yet I did state that I have not allowed myself to move? Ahh well…

I was downstairs on my desktop computer and for the first time in months I decided to play the extremely awful game Dead Island Riptide. This time I started from the beginning because all my previous attempts were useless on my saved game progress. The adversary that constantly defeated me previously was… water. No not zombies and as tough as they are in this game as well as miraculously come back to… umm death after you have removed their noggins. Nor is it wild animals and not the guns possessed by other players in this cooperative game. Not its water because your location is of course by a beach on an island that has rivers and you cannot swim.

Yoiy! Sorry close calm there… but not bloody zombies!

I was supposed to find a boat then an engine for the biggest because of course for some bloody reason all boats are separated from their outboard engines. Or as I like you call it ‘Naive Dummies Have A Wild Stab At Game Design’. Well after seeing the rubbish Google turned Android into, well why not?

Crashed the last boat on some rocks in deep water ski you could not reach it. Funny now reviewers managed to discover this major flaw. So I started anew.

Suddenly in the game I find myself accompanied by another player! This was one thing I had longed to do but never got around to, however I had reservations about this. Reservations I can now explain.
After relieving the island of a couple of zombies I was keen to get back to that damn boat. Also I had to get a guy some petrol before he would sell me a handgun he has feck all bullets for. So I jumped in the pick up truck to drive to my intended destination. You really do not wanna walk, the zombies are incredibly fast, impervious to a dozen whacks from a machete or baseball bat and did I mention return to… death? Oh yeah and then there are the exploding ones! I waited in the drivers seat for the other player to get in with me. After doing some concentric circles the dummy decided to get in the car. Yes dummy. The world is full of liars, cheats and fraudsters taught you be this way by governments. Well they are in the UK and many think they are the brains of Britain when they are so not. Some a lot closer to home than you might think too. Harsh to call him dummy? Well I drove around two bends, killed 3 zombies with my car and then hit the brakes. I got out you relieve the bodies of money and useful items such as batteries when I suddenly heard a car engine. I turned to see my car heading off down the road leaving me deserted with dozens of zombies and no gun!! Yes fecking dummy and a perfect example of why I hold reservations towards cooperative game, a word that this particular fecking dummy obviously had no idea of what ‘cooperative’ means our did not bother reading the box!

Anyway after the idiot seem to abandon the vehicle and then vanish I ventured off to do as I had intended and found another vehicle after getting killed a dozen times, of which costs you in game cash. Suddenly I found myself being accompanied by what appeared to be a female gamer. Now she was fast note like it and had a cute brain. She was organised and did not stay far away and we backed each other up. I even laughed when we were separated and I did not remember where the damn boat engine can be found and saw this girl coming round a corner struggling with the biggest engine in her arms with her legs bowed as she walked.

Now that was the experience I had hoped for and the only thing now I needed to get the game to do, as you would think it obvious, is be able to speak to each other via headsets and their microphones? Well I had one but the bloody sound was still coming through the speakers on either side of my living room!

Annoyingly as I was separately running around to clear this part I had previously been stuck on I started to feel nauseous. It had turned out that 8am this morning I awoke after only getting to sleep after 4am and then had mute abdominal pain with some of the other unpleasant symptoms I had previously. After a few hours these had died down around thirty minutes after 150mg of Tramadol. I had been OK for the rest of the day but for the umpteenth time in what must be nine weeks I decided against leaving the house.

So here I was with this nausea and I kept grabbing the back of my neck and stretching it to one side. In fact this grabbing of my neck had become habit of late without me noticing until I had woken in bed now the morning realising that in my deep slumber I had held my hand against the vertebrae in the back of my neck and really leaned my head to one side so that my hand put a lot of pressure on the vertebrae. I had discovered this brought about a weird feeling I can only describe as mild euphoria? In fact once I raised what was going on I started doing it in my waking hours at times and thought of twitchers used on horses lips to make them feel dozey, despite the act long like a medievil form of torture.

I had done this several times and was in the boat swinging my hammer at the part zombies, part barnacle and part fish when suddenly I felt really sick and had to pause the game and run upstairs, leaving this poor girl to fend for herself! Sorry! Could not help it. Honest!

So back to the start and I was not allowing myself to move a muscle because I feared if I did I would go into about of vomiting that the ‘111’ health help number heard me do and sent out an emergency response respectable bespectacled… oh the chaps in the cars, whatever they were called.

My word, how everything and everyone seems to be screwed up despite skill these people and organisations being paid for things to bit get screwed up?! Lol.

I sometimes think that if will take things being screwed you so badly that everyone can see before enough people realise they have been class dopes and contributed to everything being fecked up?

Would the sacrifices then come to reverse the feck up they caused? Or would they merely just leap into the drivers seat the moment you have it and desert you in the middle of a battle while they hurtle off in your car?

I myself play my games by the same choices I would make in life.

Had I caught up the the car thief I would have given him a damn good kicking with some choice words to boot.

*Sigh* I truly despair at times whether accompanied with fear or just eyebrow raising bemusement.

As for this bloody latest health condition? I keep thinking that I need to note sick to a diet…


I am already supposed to stick to four out five of them.

With both Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis being on the list of possibilities I can tell you from experience that all the things that know-it-alls line you tell you you eat, by quoting what they think is the obvious, many of these are on the definitely no-no-no list  which can and does include surprising things like FIBRE, ONIONS, SKINS OF VEGETABLES, LACTOSE, DAIRY, HIGH PROTEIN MEAT, YOUNG CHEESES, BEANS, SEEDS, STRAWBERRIES, TOMATOES AND MANY OTHERS!!

To put it simply if your bit both a dietician and a specialist consultant or Doctor don’t give out advice. Oddly enough it’s these types of people who’ll get annoyed with me and yet I would never hand out the advice to someone they are willing to do!

In fact this is what they get annoyed about I think is sometimes for being dicks but then want to blame me for looking like dicks and take it out on me, lol.

Yes that attitude bow adopted so readily by alcoholics and drug addicts in that they are victims so they are not bound by the same punishments, read ANY, and so go out and steal to fuel their addictions or even massage their own egos when really they are just stupid and pathetic, pretty thieves.

Ahem. Lol.


Always a sucker for petitions for animals, well provided they are not misguided even by scientists that get it wrong, but cruelty is cruelty.

I run this blog which is in essence a cruelty blog at the end of the day. Forget the political rubbish, political leanings of which I have none and other things it is about cruelty. Cruelty to people who are not deserving of it and as such cruelty to animals will always get a post.

If someone does anything that has a knock on effect whether intended or otherwise that had a detrimental effect be this physically, mentally or both this is cruelty. If you initially did this with a level of plausible deniability then that is dead and buried once people have pointed this out.

In fact it is this pointing out that catches out the ones that think themselves smarter than others. The punishment will be more so to, it is unavoidable. Inevitable even. That is the beauty of it if such a thing could be attributed to what I do.

Cruelty is cruelty at the end of the day and failing to deal with it and ignoring it while someone, or several even, works tirelessly to chip away and make it obvious that this has been raised directly and warning them that this is being raised publicly shows without doubt the level of contempt for any life outside their own greedy Topsy-Turvy world.

The longer this proceeds the worse it gets for those that are guilty. In the end it will occur to those that are guilty of the worse crimes, cruelty and contempt that it would become obvious when it’s too late that our would have been far easier on them both punishment wise and financially had they done something sooner.

How this turns out for each is not something I design. Nor do I am for this. This blame for the ultimate conclusion must simply fall upon themselves for what had occurred. Regardless of what this amounts to.

I simply tell the stories

I simply give my opinion on news stories

I make my predictions

I provide my evidence

After this circle of events which continue on for as long as it takes the truth and the reasons for the actions, inactions and contempt become plainly obvious for all to see.

Opening their gates, mouth, in the world stage starting that they are the opposite to what I claim of also of their own doing. Being labeled or accused by reporters as liars more and more as this time goes on is an example of the self infliction that will inevitably come over the next 18 months.

I cannot emphasise things enough on so many occasions throughout the life of this blog. Sometimes I get tired of this.

At the end of the day out all rather depends on whether or not a large enough section of the public are humane and not immoral. Not those that like to condemn things after the event because they have a camera rolling nearby or a microphone in their faces.

At the end of the day it all comes down to actions and not words. I know that at some point I will be contested regarding this. Likely a very big name will ask or want to talk about how they got involved in the areas I covered and how slowly the public became involved compared to someone offering free pornography or half price iPhones or iPads!

Those that think that people on benefits for into the category of a section of society that bright the country down. To which I would urge they do the maths and have a constructive argument. Well if they did the math they would realise there is no argument.

I bought the new Pink Floyd album called The Endless River. I thought it would be crap and it’s the best album since 79’s The Wall. Over ninety percent think the same but on Amazon there were some peculiar reviews. People really panned the album without reason. I wrote a glowing review and stated I don’t understand the tiny minority that hate it. One guy said I was … pretentious?! His review just literally said …

It’s crap, don’t bother and buy The Division Bell.

It should have been left on the cutting room floor.

That was the base if their arguments. I had no idea what they expected from it from geniuses in their seventies?!

I never thought it would be as good as The Division Bell let alone be far better.

Best left on the cutting room floor!

Was another remark. Despite all the rest of the crap that gets released? They are not alone in doing this and Radiohead have done this and starred they are doing this right now!

They completely mid the point that they are giving a review to inform others. Completely missed the point that they look utterly stupid for buying an album without hearing it first. Despite being a huge Pink Floyd fan for thirty five years and at Earls Court in 1994 I did indeed listen to it first.

They then complained they were no lyrics?! What the feck? Have they even listened to stuff like Echoes? Or Shine On You Crazy Diamond?

Mike Oldfield had no problem with this not did Moby or Jean Michel Jarre.

I got into an argument that for into name calling because I pointed out their mistakes, though to be fair one commenter stated I did make valid points in the parts that were ineligible no thanks to Google’s Android OS that had been turned into utter junk for the last half dozen versions they don’t seem to care about.

I have no problem stripping flesh from big names. I did think I would say that about Pink Floyd. Instead they got praise. A lot of praise and not that they needed it as the four big stores of WH Smith, Tesco, Sainsburys and Morrison’s were all sold out in a 24 got period.

That latter point is something else missed by those that did not like it.

In fact they missed the point that I was telling them they missed something and was… educating them. Idea being that they would listen again and realise they were missing out on so much and actually enjoy it so did not waste their money?

But no.

Therefore I use the phrase ‘You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink’ a lot throughout this blog. That incident on Amazon is exactly why I do and why I knew when I started all of this that it would take a long time of banging heads against the proverbial wall.

I also get moaned about because of my level of intelligence in my personal life. I’m used to it and it has gone on for years and fun is made of me behind my back, even about this blog. Yet these people that are less intelligent than I, which is why they make fun, do not get this from me. I don’t make fun of people being naive and stupid. I could. I could ream of jokes and funny comments to get laughs on here but that ignore the point and I won’t stoop to low levels many others have no problem in exploring.

What did that say about people?

Many, many years ago we had a friend come to work with me and my father. We were involved with animals and are experts in many fields to do with them. We were wholesalers supplying pet stores.

Working in a cellar with several drivers we heard someone shout out “How much oxygen so these Rats need?!” Several people turned around to see this guy holding an oxygen gun into a plastic bag used for fish. The Rats were food for snakes. They were frozen. Stunned, confused silence filled the cellar before I broke it with “None. They are dead, mate!” to which laughter then broke out.

I am sure he made the mistake or if first day nerves and realise later.

My point is he became a friend I had for many years. He always and for help and advice and would do anything for me. My Dad liked him too but he turned to me when I was about to visit him one night and asked why I was mates with him because we were on far different levels of intelligence. I said it is because he was a nice guy and has a heart. Plus he was damn funny. That was long before I attended college to get into university to get my degree.

Now I hope that like anecdote teaches one again not to his things against others unless they are fully deserving of it?!

So to bring attention to the fact that ‘they’ seen to be wriggling out of prosecuting some of these people here is the link to the petition.


HiIt is 3.09am add I start this post and I’m back into another night of hell.
This very annoying a well as painful on and off as I finally thought I was in the body clear!

It’s not quite as painful at that dreadful night but it’s not far off at times and I am already panicking it will go that way.

How can a condition continue for best part of ten weeks? It’s bloody stupid a had a little sign earlier it might return and should have taken several Tramadol.

All the other symptoms are present too, abdominal pain, wind, diarrhea and vomiting…

Damn it!! Have to keep pausing due to sudden increases in pain and vomiting. This is no way to live! Well it wasn’t previously but this just makes it ludicrous, lol. I have always had this urge to apply a lot of pressure to my stomach with pretty rough stomach aches. However my chest still hurts from breaking, not a bone, whatever I did a few weeks back which I thought was a rib.

Damn it!

I have had to stop a couple of times to throw up and deal with abdominal pains. I then could feel myself getting weaker by the minute as well as sleepy too. The pain was subsiding at the same time and child not have been a coincidence? Eventually it subsided enough that I left my tablet pc alone and laid on the floor with only a towel to rest my head on and my robe around me. I feel asleep but only for a short while as discomfort somewhere I can’t recall had me gradually get to my feet and make my way to the bed.

I fell asleep. How it for I do not know but must have been an hour at least.

It is now 6.25am. Annoyingly I was awoken by abdominal pains! At first I thought it would simply pass and tried you remain in bed and yet that is not my present location. Feck me, what must I bloody do to end this?

My relaxed listen to the new Pink Floyd album I purchased while it seem like a distant memory now. One wonders if this disruption of relaxed periods of the seldom moments of enjoyment will become forever disrupted with periods of pain?

I truly wish I knew what the answer is to my current problem! This has already become tiring and to much now. I am not going to be able to take another night like this one and it’s not even over yet. I sit crumpled up waiting for something, anything to move to rid myself of this current predicament. 

I also have to admit to the condition of Crohn’s Disease flashing through my mind this time around. I helped someone who had this condition and there is a link to something I now believe is responsible that I know used to set him off…

Jesus! More pain and vomiting before getting annoyed and using the two fingered salute to the back of my throat, hoping the sickness would go and/or the trapped wind would move. I’m not bringing up much and this ceased earlier in the night. Yet as always there is the feeling of going to be sick ever present. Strange.

I am leaning all over the place. Extremely weak and feel like I want to collapse constantly. Ewww.

Sleep! Floor….again.

Odd. How lying down on the toilet floor can seem so inviting and comforting? Then trying to get up I seem to be shaking, literally. Must be the lack of sleep and energy? Really felt it this time. Thinking of whether I stay in, tired and in case of embarrassing accident, or go out, need loads shopping for home, shoes…. still and likely a film to make up for slightly disappointing Days Of Future Past. Well it’s not like The actually is anything left inside me at all?!

Hmm the is a new album from both Moby and Mike Oldfield I have not heard?!

The time is now nigh impossible 8.08am.



First off yes I have that damned album in my head right now, Pink Floyd The Endless River, and contemplating whether to buy a film or that damned album, with the other one being only tomorrow and I am bored senseless.

Or at least I was bored until I saw a link that I thought was a joke, lmao. I then had to think whether it was April 1st or not. One link was to Amazon and I thought there must be something to this?

I have often stated that reviewering magazines and big companies often employ … let us just say people of questionable levels of … wisdom. Many visitors here will know that there are very few corporations and companies I like but at the top of the list of dislikes is one name of Facebook. Now I had shown an interest in the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality and I have to admit to liking the idea but being somewhat perplexed at it being first so late in returning and secondly so long in the creating process. I mean literally because of the existence of one thing that now seems to have been around forever, smartphones and more importantly accelerometers.

Anyway I am sure others were as downbeat as I was when they read that FAcebook had bought Oculus Rift? In fact I lost count of the number of links I see within a matter of weeks of people complaining of this … purchase.

Now for those that do not like Facebook, or Google for that, matter because they all just turn into evil beings while continuing to spout their humanity, well I have something for you. Something that I think is going to first make you suspicious, then make you giggle, then have you suspicious once again, then shocked and then rip your sides laughing?!

I will not say anymore as I would like to think that anyone finding this will go through the same emotions as I did and this will just make me laugh once again, lol as I am now doing thinking about it?!


Right, pay attention class!

Just recently I had a row with both Atos and the DWP, no answer from ICE yet and I guess they feel that correspondence with light sarcasm they are allowed to be rude and unprofessional over? Must be in a rule book somewhere under their desks?

First I had an appointment with Atos that I did not attend. I was then asked by the DWP why I had not attended, despite the fact that this has happened dozens of times previously and 6 in the last two years…or was it 5? Anyway! They then made a second appointment for a benefit I never claimed for and totally denied having made the previous date. Then they claimed that in our history I had never requested a Home Visit, despite the fact I have three letters on here apologising for not arriving to arranged Home Visits to the very property I now sit in.

Sheesh! Then they made a THIRD appointment in Lambeth in South London when I am in Enfield which is very technically OUTSIDE of North London, as it does not have a London postcode but does called London Borough of Enfield.If they went much further they would have ended up is Surrey before very long, if your NOT familiar with the geography of London, lol. I find it both disgusting and oddly amusing that the taxpayers are paying this one of many incompetently run organisations and yet no one does anything. Please note I say ‘does’ and not ‘says’ because talk is cheap and thats all anyone ever does. I can talk and hold a conversation but in times of things going wrong or indeed peril even there is no time for talk when it costs money no one has and I get down and get the job done.

Look at the archives of this blog. I have got the job ‘DONE’ hudreds of times since I started it 2.5 years back and was trying to get the ‘job done’ for many years before I even started to blog.

One person alone cannot do this and they know this. They know it because they think people are both naive and fickle and will just trust anything they are fed, especially if it is via the media.

But there comes a time when you have to face facts presented and start to ask yourself questions. How can it possibly be that this one man have done all this for this amount of time and so many times over and yet all these organisations we pay to protect us have not only failed to discover it all but walked away from doing anything when presented with incontrivertible evidence?

That is the part that one man alone cannot achieve. Quite unfortunately questions such as these need a very large number to ask simultaneously.

This is also where others can possibly get into the limelight themselves for also being a highly moral do-gooder?

Anyhoo I recently sent off 6 emails each to the DWP and Atos and different sections within each, hmm I thought it was 18 but I think its more 24 or 30 even, explaining that I cannot and will not attend the third appointment in Lambeth. Kind of did that to just make them look pathetic as I believe this is a bit of fun, helps expose them to more visitors on here and … gets under their skin. Well unless they are not completely thick?! I mean you would have to be would you not?

Well either that or they are of the strong belief that the British People are made up of entriely amoral and self cantred people or entirely naive and thick people or both. Because these are the only reasons that you would not be concerned about recordings and documents becoming public knowledge, especially when I have something around 200,000 people have visited my pages thus far and obviously this large number is just going into orbit within 2015?

I have no idea which of these it is or whether it is both. There are some things that no matter how clever my plans or ideas are I could never find out. Well that is without coming into contact face to face with those that plan these things. This would mean not the naive front line people, or is that amoral front line people, but the puppet masters themslves.

Situations like that may somehow present themselves at some point during 2015 but I have no theories on how this would happen. Sometimes there are occurences that are totally unexpected so I could never rule out everything but it is hard to envisage. I more see this as being …. several other people’s or groups of people’s claim to fame. At several points in quarters 2 to 4 of 2015 and throughout 2016. I tend to think that Ed Milliband now will not win the General Election, to my utter surprise, due to the smear campaign that is going on in the media. So the Conservative’s will likely get in again and I do not think that is going to go down well with a large number of people. Especially when a journalist from a newspaper who sounded like a Tory supporter herself moaned about people in the UK complaining about austerity and stated that it has not even started yet, austerity is yet to come and will get a lot worse?! Well hang on a fecking minute here my dear, your precious Tories have been telling us how well they have been doing?! Now you sit there flapping your lips like the British public should have known for the last 5 years it was bullshit so serves the poor right while the Conservative’s get back in again and then go to town on everyone?!

I could say I would feel sorry in the not too distant future at the idiotic and naively stupid things some journlists have said, or indeed not said, in their respective tabloids. In fact its for one very reason that should be now pointed out to help set this blon in cast iron …

I would not do anything to make myself look completely blind, incompetent or even just plain emoral at some leter date! No matter HOW MUCH later that date is!

Well lets hope they all do not turn out to be a list of Jimmy Saviles?! Were they get found out after they are dead?!

The best form of deterrent, for most, is looking embarrassingly stupid to all and never being able to work in that field again. This only occurs if there is still breath left in your body.

That reminds me I am…working on something along these lines right now. Oddly it inolves a public service I need to…still do a post of all their recordings and documentation on in my series ‘ A Series of…’… no wait, what did I call them?!

Anyway, whatever I called the series I need to publish one regarding the Police. I have … much stuff on the Police that has never been posted on here. Some not yet and some will not be due to the amount of time constraints. However…as I said I am kinda working on something that will involve recordings and it will involve…recordings. I have no idea when this will happen or indeed when I will post it. But its a pretty safe bet that it will and I WILL POST IT. This will be separately from the other collated evidence post in that series…I cannot remember the name of!

Anyway I had a text to my phone this morning from Atos, thats a first….err I think, reminding me of the bloody appointment in Lambeth where they just simply give you any old pathetic excuse as to why they will say no, despite the fact that they also cannot class me or indeed many others as FIT for work. Legally they cannot its as simple as that. You cannot say that any individual can perform something that they cannot no more than you can say black is white even if you think that if you say it enough times people will thinks black is actually called white. Lol, I say that because sometimes this is how it comes across to me. It is why I always refer to them as incompetent!

Hmm unless of course they are right in their estimations? Even so they would still be liars and cheats…not forgetting fraudsters even if their evaluation of the British Public is correct.

I do not believe this for if I had I would not have wasted the last 7 years of my life working towards the creation of this blog! LOL!

Dear Sirs


I kinda like that reference! I particularly hate long references, by which I men more than a dozen alphanumericals, but I thought this one might give a few of my readers…hundreds of my readers…thousands of my readers a bit of a laugh?
I am getting sick and tired of rerpeating myself to you liying idiots and absolutely and utterly mesmerized at your level of stupidity in your attempts to be disghonest and corrupt in that I do not know quite how you think that the British Public on the whole will now not see you for the fraudsters that you are?!
I have sent three departments 6 emails each stating that I cannot and WILL NOT attend the latest assessment, which in all honesty I thought was yesterday.
These 18 emails do not include the emails I have sent you all regarding each and every appointment you ever made, a vital clue to your incompetence in how you have repeatedly played into my hands dozens of times is also quite obviously repeatedly lost on you too! Adding to the pile of evidence of your incompetence and corruption in a rather large way.
I have only revealed my … ‘BLOG’ in recent times to you and everyone elase I published evidence on. However it has not occurred to anyone that considering that I kept my ‘BLOG’ under wraps for over two years that there is therefore a very strong possibility that I have not divulged…EVERYTHING?!
Your … ‘Puppetmasters’ are so terribly stupid and so easily manipulated that I am constantly being surprised at just how easy it was and still is to carry on doing what I am doing. There is also a long list of things that are very much key to what goes on and every few days or weeks has something else occur that if I divulged would be akin to the calamit that would ensue had a … fox gotten into a hen house.
But these and those yet to occur are all surprises intended for a later date.
I am also seeing evidence of my … ‘handy work’ a lot more often in the most obvious places that are obviously for my benefit, again and despite not being you a lavel of incompetence that is absolutely stunning for people running, or supposed to be, large corporations at someone else’s expense and I mean that in every sense including literally.
So would you please take note yet again …
NOTE: Despite being something I would VERY MUCH LIKE TO DO!!!
NOTE 2: So I would request, christ its been many dozens of times now, a HOME FECKING VISIT!!!
Not Yours Sincerely
Martin Haswell BSc


Right it is Sunday Morning and I am … EASY!

Sorry could not resists that, hmm there is a song I do not have on my Walkman, which is driving me nuts of late as I cannot get playlists onto the damn thing all of a sudden, Something that many seem to be putting down to Windows Media Player 12 which Microsoft seem to be running around taking down pages that link to a downgrade to version 11?!

Now why would you do that?! It is moronic, stupid, narrow minded and incompetent things like this that the brain dead morons running companies are convinced by a load of idiot accountants or lawyers no doubt they have to do?

In reality it just alienates people towards the company and the brand and a slow downward spiral starts until its too late and then they hold their hands up saying “How could we have predicted this would happen?! We are just programmed to be greedy, not psychiatrists for God sake! Thanks for all the fee cash though, BYE!” LMAO!


So I was just uploading and flicking through emails I thought I had deleted on my Android App, groan, and I see this one regarding heroes. As its a highly worthy cause I will be posting it along with one that states that people are the evil species, or something like that and to do with dogs and the mistreatment and wrong training of them.

SO two good causes then, numpty?

Now if your visiting this blog for the furst time I should explain that the sort of subjects below are highly covered. Unfortunately many of the evil, amoral and most incompetent people work for government and public services. Almost all in fact. These subjects are an extreme focus of this blog and have been for 2.5 years to date (shhh, this one was a back up blog in case they closed the other one down! HEHE. It is why when I state how long and you look at the start date there is a discrepency, it was designed to fool the fools). During this time I have not just posted what I think and what I predict. I set out and recorded audio and video as well as collected together documents, reports, screenshots and emails of each and every one as I went. Long after I layed out a long list of predictions!

Would it be reasonable to assume that there is a great deal?

Now consider that I was gathering the audio recordings and all the others I mentioned for a two or three years BEFORE I started the blog?! Impressive? How about if I state that the emails go back several years prior to this and much of mu documentation evidence goes back up to 20 years?!

Do you know you have been shafted by someone? Do you think you have been shafted by somneone? Do you have the slightest inkling that you have been shafted by someone? Has someone you know stated any of this and you do not believe them? Maybe you do not know what to believe? There is a search function within this blog, give it a go, take a look.

Do not argue with someone, lose a friendship or fallout with a family member for the sake of looking for 30 minutes, after all it is all free and everything contained within is completely free to use, download, use in court or merely play to others.

After all the best way to stop all the corruption was to get as many people to know the truth as I could and the best way to do this was to provide a service that helped people and to do this for free. A Cause Most Worthy in itself you could argue?

Men who exploit young people….bring back capital punishment I say for people capable of this immoral!

Oh now I just see what it actually read “There is only one dangerous breed … humans!”

Unfortunately these exist at both the extreme ends of society, funny that is it not?



I was pottering about today and was planning to see a friend this afternoon. But due to a favour I was doing and then a little…accident I am confined to the house untilfar too late.

In fact I only have 21 minutes at the time of typing so not going to happen.

So while so stuff was downloading I was playing some music and getting some things done that have needed my attention for months. Kitchen, tidying up, silcone sealing some corners of an aquarium to use as a housing for my Yellow Bellied Toads, Bombina kolombatovicii. The usual, lol.

Crap! Just remembered I was changing my passowrd to an account when I found the email I am pasting below. Just the usual bullshit stuff, (squeaky girly voice) .. “ooh were so sorry, thats a different department to us bullshite, its your fault you have had to ask the same thing over and over again because we have different departments and unable to press buttons, even though there is a video of US oin YouTube telling a person with one finger they can still work because they can press a button, even though we have eight fingers and too incompetent to press just one, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!”


Remember this is for an application for Personal Independent Payments, so what disabled people apply for as this is the new Disability Living Allowance. SO this is what everyone goes through! Well also please note that if I remember correctly it was sometime before Christmas, yes LAST CHRISTMAS, when I applied for this. So a year then give or take a month or two.

I still have not had the letter stating yay or nay on the health documentation from them and as everything else its all on here when I applied. Hmm I am sure I applied literally a week or two before my last GP, which was definately before Christmas. I was with them for 7 months and been with the current one around 4 or 5. There was a period of a month or two between the last two and two or three between the previous and the GP before that one. I think. Lol.

Well it is all on here so the dates of how bloody long they have taken can be all ckecked, lol. So yeah it is about a year, unless they want to go for a FOURTH appointment whereby I have to then tewll them yet again for the umpttenth time, welll I lost count, that I cannot make it?! If so its a fair bet that it might be in Birmingham next time around? If you have not been on here much then I am NOT from Birmingham, nor do I live in Birmingham.

You will get the point eventually, lol.


Thank you for your email and apologies for the difficulties you are experiencing.

I will need to forward this query to your local Jobcentre Plus District Manager’s office for action.

Could you please ‘reply’ to this email with the following information – your full name and full postal address (including postcode) and/or the name of your nearest Jobcentre / Jobcentre Plus office.

Due to the vast amount of emails we receive, please also attach your original email.

Kind Regards,

Jamie Ives | “Contact us” Team Member | Central Operations Correspondence Gateway Team | Department for Work and Pensions |


Dear Jamie Ives

I shall do as you request. I shall break down a few pointers too that are going to land some organisations in some very hot water as for as the public are concerned.

I say that because I am well aware and have been for sometime now that there is no one that any member of the public can threaten you with, because all involved are as bad as each other..

Unfortunately for all the public services, their governing bodies and ombudsman I knew this from day one. Quite bizarrely when I did make my blog and the publications common knowledge to these public services, been common knowledge among the British public for sometime now and this rises by over 10,000 per month and rising, they only checked about themselves on the blog.

However I clearly stated two and a half years ago when I started that I will…

1 Show the public all documentation that went previously
2 Provide Recordings I had been making for two years and …
3 Would watch me repeatedly ask for help and make applications and to wathe how the same lies and excuses come over and over again…
4 That threatening with ombudsman want put so much as an eyelash out of place…
5 Because they are just as corrupt and to consider…
6 How many public services and ombudsman here are, how much of the public taxes they take and what they do each time I approach them?!

I think its safe to say that I am sure you can imagine it does not make great reading?

If I missed anyone believe me when I say its in a very small percentage.

What public services should have done is once I made my blog known to them they should have then checked up on everyone they are themselves connected with indirectly or otherwise and did a search of them on my blog.

They should have also performed a search for secretly recorded audio. OOPS!

I know and have for sometime that the NHS have been sodding me around at your request. Now stop for a moment. Think about this. I so often hand details on a plate that are completely failed to be picked up on by every single person an taxpayers wages I have ever contacted bar NONE! Repeatedly. As is the only way.

This serves to not only make the public services look guilty it is to show the British public that complete morons are employed at their expense by other complete morons!

The beauty of it all was that in each and every case I had a genuine concern even to the heights of being extremely serious and very, very potentially fatal to dozens if not hundreds of people. Who knows maybe even thousands?

So I have repeated this over and over with each and every single public service and their associated partners.

The best part is that those that would be considered the most dangerous to take on would not be worth mentioning here as you would just think I am nuts anyway. However….the details and the evidence to back up everything I say is all on my blog.

Now back to the hint, I know that the NHS and a great many GP Surgeries and Hospitals have been lying to patients and even falsifying test results. I have not one lot of evidence but dozens collected over a 6 year period but with documentation going back fifteen to twenty years.

I knew I would get turned down in each and every approach I made. In fact it was what I was banking on all along. Little did I know just how many great details wopuld come my way?! I placed a Freedom of Information Request with you several months ago and I totally forgot all about it….get it?! (Whoa way over your head!) Tsk-tsk! You people need to return to school because your severaly lacking in the puzzle element department!

I shall continue…I had a phone-call from the DWP from a lady apologising for the reply to the FOI being very late as well as informing me that not a single piece of medical evidence by way of dozens of letters, emails and recorded audio I sent in can be found! I was told that I would be contacted in two weeks time by letter whether they found any documentation or not!

Oddly the NHS also seemed to mislay my records for nigh on 2 years! Only now have they turned up and the last GP, who kicked me off his register because the NHS called him to tell him I had been recording him which is not illgegal and therefore not a good enough reason to kick me off. I digress. The last GP I was registered with for 7 months before they booted me and would you believe that they never even received my medical records in that time?! Good job I was not dangerously injured, eh?!

If your organisation now states that it would be just easy to deny the fact that someone called me and stated my health evidence was missing and that therefore I did not request to know why then I had been refused DLA FIVE times and PIPS I am about to be refused for the first time, though it has taken you a WHOLE FECKING YEAR to process your bullcrap, I seriously urge you to reconsider!

Trust me it would not be a….WISE decision. If you have doubts I suggest you read through this email again. If you still have doubts then I suggest you read it again and so on and so forth until the penny….DROPS!


Martin Haswell BSc


You could be forgiven for thinking that when they added to the list of hospitals that allowed Jimmy Savile to prey on innocent children so that the number given out in June was 28, that this was all of them?

In fact this is of because this is one of two numbers I will put in this blog and while this one I thought was somewhat smaller than 28 the following one I thought was bigger? Hmm confusing.

So 28 hospitals was the last total given out in the media which was the latest number given that had grown from the previous number I had heard about. I seem to remember it being in the single figures, of 6 or 9, before moving up into double figures and then reaching 28?

Now here is where it gets a bit shocking and then confusing before I move into what in the fecking hell everyone is fecking doing?! This previous number of 28 has now jumped to 41 according to the link below to those that used to employ him? This cane out if the blue, had jumped by thirteen…oooh crap! I just realised….

Right I started off stating this was a list of hospitals but the numbers do not tally up? I think I just worked out why because, typical of bloody journalists, there are two sets of numbers involved! I either heard or read the words I have just remembered of ‘Primary Care Trusts’. The figures of 28 to 41 may well be the trusts. This is because I saw a map containing the locations of all the hospitals and it was quite far reaching and numerous! The was a patch of locations in the Birmingham/West Midlands area alone that looked like ten or twelve hospitals? Other areas of groups of locations if I remember correctly were Manchester, Newcastle, Bristol and another load of locations scattered about. I only git a brief glimpse of the map.

Now onto the thoughts of the latest shocking news.

Well it is obviously not going to stop is it? The fact that the map seemed to have locations in literally shook for corners of England, if not the entire UK, means that he got everywhere. I would wager at the final figure being anywhere from 50% to 100% higher than the latest figures.

Yes I was right to a degree and I just checked the link and it states ’41 organisations’are now being investigated. This is the BBC who are responsible for him having gotten away with it for sooo long. Maybe stating ’41 organisations’ is not as shocking as reporting ’88 hospitals’ or whatever the number may be at the latest count. Funny how the only time they go for the smallest numbers is when they themselves are involved?!

In my little departure there to check the numbers I also noted something that struck me earlier, that the numbers of locations were more densely populated in the Midlands than they were on the South East. In the link it only mentions three hospitals in the London area. It’s bound to have more than anyone else so the groupings should be denser and mute numerous than they were. Unless he could not find a way into hospitals in the South East for some reason?

It was sickening to hear this once earlier and it just beggars belief that such atrocities have gone on in so many places involving just one man! One bloody man!

Now it had become clear that the are as many celebrities that have been perpetrating these crimes as there are NHS Trusts currently involved. Whether they can all be proved or not the fact that they can’t won’t mean a damn thing to anyone. Because of the time factors involved between then being performed and action being taken. I am sure many things will go into the Guinness Book of Records over these events, like; The longest time taken by Police to catch… yadda, yadda, yadda!

Also it has been a conversation piece among members of the public at how many people are ‘getting at with it’ as well as how quiet many of stories have gone. It’s widely believed that they only want to lock up so many and that an effort is being made to drag things out so that things are forgotten and move out of the nation’s conscious mind? I would not be surprised to hear that a deal was made with those that did do time because some of the names on the list would be extremely damaging to certain… establishments if it turned out to be true?

Based on a list I had been provided with some time ago now it looks like the list is all true. Well there is only one name left to be named the the list and it’s only been that everyone thinks we’ll never get named. I do,  but many don’t.

If your familiar with the Jack The Ripper stories then one particular story behind that killer is along the lines of this particular… person. In fact they are uncannily familiar and only missing one detail and one lot of evidence. The events and facts are all there but it’s providing proof that links them that is the difficult part.

Only… there is more evidence and more people talking each other telling each other the facts and the names banded about today than there was in Jack The Ripper’s day. Plus the two people that said it would never come out are but techno phobes and computer illiterate. Like so many others they fail, at times at least, like so many others to link together two simple facts…

The Internet can get information to far greater amounts of people in a much shorter amount of time and

It won’t matter if the News Media have taken back handers to avoid stories or people because once a large enough portion of the public are aware of the claims, no they do bout even need to know they are facts, it’s then OVER!!

All that remains is the screaming match!

I know this. I have always know this. In fact others have proved this several times because of tweets on Twitter. Involving celebrities of course.

It is quite strange that despite my wanting things to happen sooner it is only now that I feel like I am within sight of the finish line while the start is much further away than the end is. Even if this turns out to be an end not on my radar, it’s an end just the same. To something. Something that will make all the difference. In the world.

It is quite strange really thinking about where things currently stand right now. The weather has now cooled dramatically and Autumn has arrived. The clocks have turned back, *groan*. This means that more focus to these blogs will take place from here on in. By the time the Spring of 2015 hits so that I am back on my bike again,  this year was dreadful, the numbers that are mine would have also moved forward.

After this there is the run up to the General Election in May. There will be plenty of news reports regarding the political parties claims and as ever I will be on hand to cry foul, bullshit and fraud.

At the end of the day I am off the strong belief that something will snap as I have started previously. Now when I think of the General Election I would like to see the United Kingdom Independence Party get right up there in one of the top two places. But cannot shake that horrid feeling that English people, not or Welsh, don’t never learn and there are just too many idiots that file brand loyalty because (imagine silly squeaky accent here)

“Weeeell that’s just the way it’s always been! Yes the parteee we viewed for night have said they were going to put disabled people against a wall and put a bullet in the brain, or we are going to sell your kids to perverts to pay off the national debt, but it don’t matter cos eeeets trees tradition, sport! ”


So the bullet train that is the Jimmy Savile and the BBC paedophile ring saga trundles ever onward. One wonders if those that never bothered protesting about all this could girlfriend themselves if something happened to their children? Could the ever be witness to their child going though this and be sane enough to tell the tale? I wonder what, with trepidation, horrors and feelings of guilt the parents of the victims that never believed their children now deal with?

I have to wonder can they deal with it.

I would not be surprised if there is, or indeed was, an element that did not give a shit. Yes and I do mean those with children who suffered too! After seeing that couple set fire to their own house and there own children dying in the blaze I simply would not be surprised at anything any more. Even typing that out about those poor kids a horrible trembling uncomfortable feeling just shot down the entire length of my spine. Brrrr!

It is odd and I have to mention this but nothing had been digs about that Children’s Home in Jersey in the last year?! Absolutely everyone I have ever spoken to have mentioned that home to me and yet it’s not been mentioned in the news, curiously? It’s seen by everyone as the very centred to what went on as well as involving the worst against children, including murder, and where they all attended along with that name they ‘claim’ will never be released. Well it’s both funny that they dry it will never be released and that I disagree. They mean officially off course because the name is easily found on the Internet Ann’s mentioned along with everyone in the list that have already been taken to court or just investigated, like Cliff Richard.

Jill Dando and her murder also makes for interesting reading, especially when you discover what her boyfriend of the time now does for a living?! I guarantee you it had my jaw dragging on the floor along with all others, not online, I showed to webpage claims to.

Savile hospital abuse inquiry widens