Rain lashes against windows as the days merge into one.

The shortest of journey incite fear as nose burns, a hand flares in pain and a heart skips and tightens as a constant reminder that the last sight could be of a shiny, damp surface with my cheek pressed against it.

Long has been the fight and much has been lost.

Hoards of the naïve and despicable battle to convince others of visions of the world far removed from any reality.

Strings of horrors run through the hear of several decades and familiar streets are roamed once more while the thoughts of those old years and the nightmare of future events one had no idea laid in wait.

Along this path of worst case scenario sing would flicker now and then. Glimpses often caught with occasional theories that were swatted away as insane and impossible.

More frequently these signs become while the possibilities of each were considered more seriously with each occurrence.

Like watching a spider creating its web each one grew in its complexity while in each I had realised there must be a link or bigger picture while naysayers nayed.

That which was not seen until far too late was the connection between all of this which would paint a picture far too ludicrous and far too horrific for any sane man to consider.

But all things must always be considered until completely ruled out by deduction and never because one thinks it merely impossible or mathematically unlikely.

Data that passed these eyes and decoded in my mind is a whole set that many a soul was told could not happen even in our grand-children’s lifetimes.

But in times of catastrophe we know the actions we would see of those that are amoral, rich and powerful. In the even of a global catastrophe was know the actions of the world’s amoral, rich and powerful.

Not all have these three traits but the sad reality is that most do.

They cry about those with conspiracy theories in a time where events, actions and behaviours run around the world just as a pandemic virus would. Among both man and beast the actions and behaviours seen, we have never witnessed before.

While many are natural others so bizarre that they must be by design and the reality of this is so disturbing that one has to wonder about the human race and is Damien had indeed worked his way to the top. Not the Presidency as in the film but in a position where he could control and maim without most knowing his name.

Were I an evil genius it is what I would do.

Not enough food and too many people is the message we have had in countless documentaries for decades now.

Whispers of agendas abound to depopulate the Earth. Seemingly thought up by the insane any reasonable mind would think that a plan to do this would be impossible.

Unless of course you get the people to do this to each other.

But how would you get evidence of all of this and how could you possibly link it together?

Well as they have often been told for the last few years ‘you never counted on me’. Though with each passing day I wonder if I will achieve any of my goals before my own farm is purchased, metaphorically speaking?

For days I have tried to tell myself I have to contact the health service which I hate so much as they have lied and cheated for years and knowingly and therefore intentionally risked my life.

They have also done this with children. Wilfully.

Children that also happen to be victims of an absolute monster in a long line of absolute monsters that they knowingly allowed in one after the other knowing that eventually the bow would break.

Case numero uno ..

Lukman Yasin-Khalil ..

1 Enters UK after murdering someone

2 Marries unsuspecting girl

3 Cute girl off fro father

4 Conspires with evil mother

5 Starts tirade of Domestic Violence

6 Gambles and steals money

7 In rage cuts down a Christmas Tree and cuts up Frozen dress to his own daughter

8 Goes to prison, Police state 9 years

9 Phones everyday from prison

10 So bad is this it ends up in the news and they say they have foiled plots using drones to get contraband in prison

11 The calls still come regardless

12 The Police never manage to catch those phones .. weird as they trace others all around the country

13 Shocking everyone he is out in 14 months

14 Police persecute his victim

15 Social Workers help him and also persecute the victim

16 Hearing after hearing that the social workers are going to get into trouble via CAFCASS but its all lies and bullshit

17 The Domestic Abuser rapes a girl, age unknown

18 He goes back to prison

19 His previous victim and no doubt his latest one ask why they have not deported him like the Police, Wirral Council and Home Office promised

20 To escape persecution and fear his first victim flees the area moving over 100 miles away

21 14 months later he is out of prison again

22 His brother who entered with him is given £40,000 or more because of Covid

23 His brother, who previously threatened to kill the victim, buys a Range Rover and drives around Bangor, North Wales in it with no insurance and showing it off to his friends on Facebook

24 Then he is involved in a stabbing incident

Adnan Yasin-Khalil

25 Domestic abuser is let out of prison again after another 14 months

26 Home Office ask victim to get others to get evidence on him so they can deport him and a pregnant woman helps

27 Several young women risked their lives doing what the Home Office were too lazy and incompetent to do themselves

28 Turns out they already knew that they could not deport him .. A FACT. No paperwork or passport and they cannot deport

29 Odd that they did not consider this when they let people in

30 Now the Domestic Abuser is also driving around in a £40,000 Range Rover of his own and I was certain he did not have a Drivers Licence

31 We discover he already had a previous victim here in the UK, making four we know about, and has a child by a girl that must have been under-age when she had his child

32 The family, friends and victim do not want any contact with him at all and are absolutely stunned to discover he has two more victims and still walking around free

33 I hammer the Twitter threads of the Home Office, Priti Patel and Boris Johnson with the links and screenshots to what I have above

34 I also expose that they pay these people £75 each they they are in prison, so free bed, board, phones and a tidy sum each time they get out of prison

35 Victim gets a call .. new council has a 4 bedroom house for her in a riverside setting and will fully furnish it for her

36 Eager to move in before Covid restrictions she is told they can’t as they do not want any more on social media

37 One doing that decides to wait until they are in before resuming with his plan on that front

Why would you do all this? Why?

How have we arrived at a point today where the barbaric animals, murderers and rapists are treated like kings while the victims treated like the abusers?

Stated previously that there has been some bizarre behaviour in not just wild animals but also domestic animals all around the world. Seems a bit bizarre, no?

You import millions of people while not improving services, infrastructure or housing and two things cannot occupy the same space and the infrastructure was already inadequate for years and social and affordable housing in very short supply.

This gross ad nationwide incompetence was nothing of the kind and a grand plan to overpopulate to the point the people snapped and the inevitable took place.

All helped by a bunch of low IQ morons who are the only ones you can get to be leftist activists all placed in key positions over a few decades that would help all this along and far too effing stupid to know what they were doing.

Over a decade my battle against all this has raged on and gradually intensified while I have lost everything while my health deteriorated and I too was persecuted. Because THEY KNEW what I could do.

Surprised at this? Well maybe a little but you may have seen things like this before?

How about a recording with Police Detectives about a grooming gangs who were also extremist terrorists in Liverpool linked to two cells in Manchester and Birmingham? Recall any cells in these cities caught back in around 2012 to 2014 ish?

How about the Home Office file on the main one that somehow after being posted in 2012 did not go viral along with the recording above?

Did you know that every single British Tabloid was contacted at the time and not a single one got back to me interested to see any of my evidence? Much of which I still have not put online.

How about an audio recording of the NHS trying to set me up to lie about me and did it anyway with the help of the General Medical Council who closed ranks to help the NHS?

General Medical Council ..

This meeting was recorded after I had asked them for years about my pains, it was 13 years in total before I actually diagnosed myself. Yeah that really reads THIRTEEN. And I was the villain because I was angry ad them lying which also helped the DWP and Local Council to screw me over for 15 years and still are.

NHS Podiatrist missing my diagnosis

NHS Neurologist missing my diagnosis

The Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman also lied

Oh and what the NHS did do was arrange for me to go to Pain Management called The Tranquil Support Group. When I got there the building was full of other people obviously all fobbed off like me.

It was not a support group for pain management at all and all they did was run through all the alternatives and then at the very end ask all the people there to work for the NHS for free as a volunteer.

‘We are not going to diagnose you or provide you with the correct diagnosis, treatment or pills but can you work for us for free?’

I attended three meetings and recorded them all .. just for the hell of it and I never got asked back for a fourth .. cannot think why? LMAO!

Them missing my Hypomagnesaemia which had been going on a while and was spotted two GPs later by Dr Andrew Thievendra who them asked me to buy my own pills from Holland & Barrett while at the same time it never went on my records.

Maybe I should mention that I had this condition for over 20 years but was affecting my feet and really started pressurising the NHS from around 2001.

This is 2013 and I am still being lied to and fobbed off and they made several diagnosis all of which were wrong and I myself diagnosed it as Fibromyalgia.

Chase Farm Hospital lied to my GP or my GP lied

Kicked off one surgery because I got angry over being called a liar while I had private x-rays evidence of my collapsed discs the GO refused to look at and said sarcastically “Why would I want to look at those?!” which shocked other professionals that said he should be struck off.

And though there are many others and a hell of a lot of evidence I have not posted here is a breakdown of the hall of shame.

Pain is pretty horrible and I am not sure where it is but along with a few others is a recording of a row with a GP that lasts for an hour as he got a call from the NHS, I ask him in the recording, informing him I had been recording our consultations.

Neither the NHS were smart enough to realises I had been doing this for 7 years across several GP Surgeries and several hospitals. Nor was Dr Kumar smart enough to discover my real recording device as he thought he was safe when he made me turn off two devices.

He discovered that night he had screwed up, I received a letter saying that despite asking me not to record our consultation I did anyway and put it on my blog that night. General Practitioners all think they are fucking Einstein.

Always been honest but it seems those that think the slaves money is really theirs have no issues with lying about you.

Pain not nice and potentially fatal ..

I realised it was a three stage setup I nicknamed The Evil Trinity where the NHS is corrupted which then allowed the Department of Work and Pensions and the Local Council to screw you over and get away with it.

The Department of Work & Pensions lying about a disabled person and lying about visiting their home after refusing for months to come. They then claimed they turned up three times and no one was home. These were all lies.

If you do not know all public services in the UK are run by Serco which is a massive conflict of interest as the Data Protection Act exists to stop organisations getting access to all your information.

For some reason they decided this was not important.

Michael Meacher MP actually got in contact with me about all this actually hearing about me through someone who was familiar with my blog .. he then died. Poor bastard. What are the chanced?! No one else followed up.

Age UK being filled with leftist activists who passed my details on to Antifa who started tweeting unique details on me to scare me

Couple on Local Councils

Part of the story about how I was right and the courts were wrong and a daughter gets abused by her step-father that ends up in a Love It magazine while the Domestic Violence from the Domestic Abuser ended up in Take A Break Monthly

Social Workers placing a child with a paedophile father

Recording of two Social Workers from Wirral Council visit mother they failed to help, missed loads of evidence of domestic abuser, or HID IT, ordering victim OFF TWITTER

Twitter is NOT the Internet ..

And a hoard of leftists I waded through do not know any of this and this is only a small fragment of what is on the blog and not everything I have is on it. Had hoped for help. Do have pain, heart issues with no pills and a memory issue and failing equipment, you know?

All these hundreds of leftists I had block me along with some of the biggest names in politics as well as science, you want to see my climate change series, all claimed I lied when I said that top people call me a genius.

When they found out I had recorded Doctors the leftists all cried I broke the law .. I said “Yeah, right. That is why the audio has been there for YEARS!”

Stated online that everyone is scared me me and I do mean everyone.

It would be far better of I just died and I am sure this is what they are waiting for and due to my heart issues getting worse .. I thought I might do this one last time.

Just to see if I get any help. Something go viral. My blogs double their viewers and I get come income for once instead of constantly losing everything.

Timing is everything and many people may be trapped in alone over Christmas while no one of authority will be looking at what I post for several days, allowing me a chance to pump this out.

Timing is everything.

So annoying losing everything while you watch YouTubers get paid for talking utter boll’ .. ahem, nonsense.

Reactivated my Patreon account recently, lord knows how long that had been inactive. Just never checked it for years.

My 2,000 strong 50 cent army not appeared as yet.


Those that follow are all run by a company, or at the very least most of them, and this is becaise they have been badly run and most importantly .. cost too much.

This is a fact that has been hidden from the public while the salaries of all of them, especially those at the very top, have become vastly over-bloated, though I am sure they have a list of lame justifications for this.

It is something that I myself have harped on about for years.

Listening to the news media throw around money figures in the billions while their own people are starving I started to ask myself how such a big gap came about and continues to grow?

It continued to grow by outsourcing the running of these public services probably with assurances from the private companies that they would get the costs down. Except they did not. Salaries and resource costs continued to grow.

Then the financial crisis approaching became very apparent and they had to scramble around to find ways to cut costs. Not acquire more money from anywhere but cut costs. So tey started on the welfare state but any idiot attempting to do this knew it would not be easy and could not be achieved over-night. After all in the case of the former .. people would fight back.

Step One

  • Remove abilities to fight back

    • Start eroding the Legal Aid availability

    • Little by Little

    • Which was the first time they saved money

    • Only succeeded in eroding human rights

    • This was allowed to take place

Step Two

  • Start removing people from parts of the welfare state

    • This started, or I first discovered it, with

    • Disability Living Allowance from those with Mental Health

    • Psychiatrist told me they did this without warning them ..

    • That upon checking her books no one was left still in receipt of DLA

Step Three

  • With Step Two achieved move on to the most obscure conditions

  • NHS and all staff

  • DWP and all staff

  • Local Councils and all staff

  • Members of Parliament

  • Those idiots in the Lords

  • Police and all staff but in sections starting with the Chiefs

    • Preliminary people placed as Chiefs

  • All Judges in all courts

    • Replaced with people with competence and not cut of from the real world

  • All Ombudsman, there are many dozens


  • Between 50% and 90% of the time, 100 in my experience, the above are failing

  • But the cost of running all these?

  • Considering they are privately run and have been for years

  • By a company called Serco

    • All public services

    • Transport

    • Defence

    • Local Councils

    • NHS

    • DWP

    • Police

    • Justice?

      • Claim they run Justice system in Asia if you Google Serco it comes up in results

    • Ombudsman?

    • Private firm must be making money out of this?

    • £3.94 Billion annually

    • Conflicts of Interest?

    • Statute of Limitations serves them well

      • Goes against the victims as they are not experts

      • Funny how many of these rules only apply to us?!

      • Statute of Limitation mostly only applies to the non-expert public

      • Conflicts of Interest is a big deal to the public but not private or government firms

Another petition to the secretary of state over a failure towards Lyme’s Disease, would you bloody believe?!

In the petition they single out NICE. I told you people are now beginning to notice the things I have reported on for nearly six years now! Not just NICE either but everyone involved from the Primary Care Trusts, lol ‘care’, to NHS England to the GMC and the PHSO.

Find someone who is independent and make sure tat they are, unlike the Independent Case Examiners whose emails go through the servers of those they are paid to go up against.

So all down to Serco then?

Notice I have been on a lot about the government corruption and Serco lately?

I do not have the guts to end my own life .. as of yet .. so I am trying very hard to get them to shoot me! Or use a nerve agent on me.

My life is already shit and I am at a loss and scratching my head to figure out how when it looked like it was going to be so good a year ago.

I now have to listen to my daughter talk about how she has planned from time to time her own suicide?! Yeah .. being treated like shit by the above and having cervical cancer, dangerous low magnesium problem, folate deficiency, ‘S’ Protein deficiency, Fibromyalgia and all the symptoms that this brings, being told for a year that one of her four children is seriously Autistic then reported to not being autistic when it is clear for all, including the school, to see?!

No help, forced to move, no money, DLA for granddaughter and PIP turned down, rent payments halved and after being forced to start work with all that she has wrong with her the council have now threatened to take her to court because she cannot attend a domestic violence course?! Oh yeah .. she had that too.

And I have listened for years of people who simply would not have it that there was anything wrong or going on with the NHS and it may have to take two deaths to prove it to these sandheads?!

Another annoying thing for me which I now notice is annoying many other victims is these so-called charities and activist groups that love to say ..

“We are slowly making progress!”

Yeah? Tell that to ..

  • My daughter

  • The 150,000 plus the DWP have been reported to have killed

  • The 120,000 plus the NHS have been reported to have killed

  • The 300,000 that lost their disability just in the first year that Esther McVey become Pensions Secretary

Also annoying are victims that bitch moan and complain about other victims getting ..

  • Angry

  • Talk about violence

  • Bring Politics into it when politics was in it from the outset

Another government petition has started up and I am beginning to wonder just how many of these there are?!

Hmm there is an idea? Find out how many there are and then add of the total number of signatures from all of them to show just how much of the population is pissed off?!

Ooh I might do that after I have finished and posted this?!


So then I have shown and linked of late how one company runs everything .. NHS, DWP, all Local Council, the Police and all the Armed Forces and others.

I have explained how the use the three finger trick to blame each other to stop the last remaining people from hiring solicitors to sue them. Not knowing which of the three to blame is too much of an uphill struggle. So no Legal Aid and all No Win No Fee solicitors are put off by the expense they could run up. Yeah patronising twats .. cannot even find a single webpage, Serco’s ‘About Us’ page, to figure out who to sue. (See last few posts). Anyone left cannot afford the fees. Simple.

But wait, I hear you cry. You have these governing bodies and all these ombudsman that we the taxpayers are paying for?!

No .. no you don’t.

Well I did say that Serco runs ‘others’ as well as the NHS, DWP, Local Councils, the Police and all the Armed Forces?

I did also state in a previous post and posted up what it is tht Serco boast about, running the public services?

Last time I checked .. ombudsmen were public services!

But if you really want food for thought .. consider this ..

Are not the courts public services also?!

Even if Serco does not run all these they already run 80% of the public services and they only need a little friend to work with to have the whole shebang all tied up. As they have had done for a very, very .. loooong time.

Also what do you rely on with all this corruption, money laundering (I am now hearing), tax evasion, lying, cheating murder and everything else the public services (well masquerading as public services)? You rely on Whistleblowers but ..

Who the fuck is going to be a Whistleblower when they are probably told ..

‘Oh and if you think about Whistleblowing? Yeah the company that owns and runs us owns all the news media outlets and they only publish the weaker less shocking stories as tokenism for the public. You do not stand a chance and will be bumped off by the secret services!!’

So who watches the watchmen? More watchmen! Who watches them? The ones that either run or own everything and if they do not own everything .. they soon will!

The Local Councils Ombudsman .. the Local Government Ombudsman or LGO have proved the be outright liars and directly to me ..

Complaint Expert ..

Trust Pilot .. Reviews of the Ombudsman Services ..

Financial Ombudsman ..

The Guardian .. DO Not Be Afraid to Complain About Your Lawyer .. (yeah I have a list of those!)

What Do They Know’s webpage seems to have a hell of a lot to do with ombudsmen and I have seen the LGO on there along with Financial Ombudsman .. others and this one .. a little known one called the Independent Case Examiners who are corrupt as hell and full of shit, claimed to me they were independent and yet there emails ended in which means all emails went into the DWP’s building and through their servers. That is a million fucking miles from what is meant by the word ‘INDEPENDENT’! Here goes ..

The Guardian ..

One idiot woman I met recently I dated once said .. no the Police are not corrupt, I have no problem with them. You got that wrong!

Oh .. my .. God. The typical idiot and believe me she thought she was highly intelligent and I remembered why it never went beyond two bloody dates. Did you just hear me when I said I had over 100GB of evidence? Did you just here me when I sent I had posted most of it online? Did you just hear me when I clearly stated that I had been blogging about it for years? Did you just hear me when I stated that there are dozens and dozens like me all of which have their own evidence and just in the Police Forces alone?!

Does she not know that she and people like her are a major part of what is wrong with this country and ehy they keep getting away with this crap? Because everyone thinks they are fucking experts and have all the answers without knowing a fucking thing, doing any background research at all and all because they ‘thiiiink’ or ‘feeeel’. Social Justice Warriors anyone?!

Do not know what Social Justice Warriors or SJWs are? Oh .. my .. God. You are NOT going to get me started. Google it!

Oh right .. yeah. So corruption in the Police? Err money? How? They do not take money or do they make money. They are a public service so get taxpayers money, though run by Serco who somehow make a profit from them.

Wait .. are they not always claiming they are underfunded? Sooo .. how do Serco make a profit from them and all other public services? How is anyone taking money? Expenses accounts? Parties? But .. they are paid for by us and are underpaid and underfunded .. are they not?!

Oh and trust me when I say this .. even I was aware that there was a lot more ombudsman out there than I could imagine? Yeah .. there was a lot more than even that. It was many dozens if I recall correctly and I seem to be recalling, could be recalling wrong, over 100? All being paid for by your taxes? All run by Serco or a sister company?

Jesus H. Christ! Anyway The Guardian disagrees with her that they are .. ‘fine’ ..

But how about this IPCC one at What Do They Know?

BBC .. how about 631 complaints to the IPCC towards Police? Except .. this is only for the Police in Wales alone .. which was kinda how I found out about Serco!! LMAO!

The Spectator .. Whoever said it was confined to the ombudsman?

General Medical Council which I already knew and covered on here ..

The Telegraph and the GMC .. yet .. again ..


Oh I just do not like her. Others are more to blame but I find her most insincere and her picture was on the webpage of the page linked below and the first thing a f… the first thing I saw.

‘McEvil’ hit me immediately.

I recently stated about the crimes that have been committed in the UK and the fact that they are using laws to protect people’s privacy to hide mass murder.

I also stated, I love it when it happens like this, that at this rate the only other people responsible for more deaths to British civilians would be Nazi Germany or the Roman Empire, though I remarked that the Roman Empire might be close or have even been surpassed?

Hmm .. I am always having my stuff copied or mirrored and have been for years .. just let me go and check .. something .. I just thought of ..

Nope .. the page was published the 9th January and despite the fact that I do have a confirmed memory loss problem I am pretty sure I have not made those comparisons before?

Anyway I just had to check Russia Today’s website link that came up in a google search as I was posting a few website about deaths under austerity to a Facebook page about NHS corruption. I would check my last half a dozen posts or so about that one. Because there is the exact same number of deaths 120,000 and I guarantee conservative, that I have now discovered has been attributed to the NHS as well as the DWP. Sooo .. is that 120,000 each? Would not surprise me .. and I tell you what will shock you once you get over the shock of this .. these are all vulnerable people and all have disabilities .. as far as I have researched the number is all those with disabilties or sick ..

  • Someone do a check on their nationalities

  • Someone run a check on the percentages

  • Compare this with the national percentages

  • I guarantee something else will stand out like the proverbial cherry on a Bakewell tart

Now what Russia Today quotes on their site is ..

McVey also came under fire when she oversaw benefit cuts to more than 300,000 disabled people during her time as minister for the disabled in 2012. – Russia Today

Umm .. that was just McVey alone that cut benefits to 300,000 disabled people?! This was just one fucking year and they have been at this for seven or eight years or more?!

Umm .. what about the infamous man who sees the working class as slaves, according to what he told friends, and likely sees disabled people as cancer, Iain Duncan-Smith?!

Oh and they also said and far more important ..

Austerity causes biggest rise in England’s (note that one!) death rate since WWII – Russia Today

Yeah .. see?! I told yah so!

The really sine and spine-chillig fact of all this is that there is another group within this country that secretly wants scores of British people to die so that they might become more prolific an take over and some of them are quite brazen and open about wanting this. And these fucking Tories are doing the job for them. Again someone would have to publish the list of their names as I suggested above and do those .. comparisons for this link to be obvious and I guarantee one thing for those that hate the Tories ..

Exposure of this comparison would destroy the Tory party .. FOREVER – ME

Now when you realise this attitude .. that the government of your country thinks that if you are disabled or jobless, despite it not being your fault or self inflicted though tyey actually get treated better, as a drain on your country and leaves you to starve to death in pain ..

.. would you therefore be willing to joing the armed forces and die for these wan .. morons?

Or continue fighting for the country that another large and growing group is wanting, hoping and planning to take over in time while everyone does nothing about it?

I know I would not.

I would have done once .. a long, long time ago and as those that know me know, along with those that have come on here long enough, I was wanted ..

  • By GCHQ

    • Still have card and it is on my Facebook account and my blog

  • Was later called a genius by MI5

    • Also by Merseyside CID

  • The MOD

  • Turned down a Doctorate .. foolishly

    • They made me pay for turning them down

I think that is enough in itself but being worried that the complete morons with always wrong first impressions that think themselves to be Steven Hawking ..

I did a list recently of everything else I tried to do ..

  • Go into business partnerships twice

  • Written a dozen blogs for six years nearly

  • Produced nearly couple thousand videos for my YouTube channel

    • Across the board well over half a million visits

  • Written three books I am still sitting on

  • Started other books

  • Started my own business

  • Taken thousands of photographs to set up a photography business

  • See those last three?

    • Each one fucked up entirely because of these public services

    • But this country has always maintained they are invested in helping people to help themselves ..

    • No .. they are fucking NOT!

Does that sound bad enough? Well it does actually get worse ..

  • Fibromyalgia

    • Hypertension Stage 2 alone a disability

    • Pain in feet, back, shoulders

  • Hypomagnesmia & Folate Deficiency

    • Powerful Heart Palpitations, Chest Tightness, Breathlessness & Irregular Heart Beats

    • Cardiac Arrest Risk

    • Heart Attack Risk

    • Heart Disease Risk

    • Above for Liver and Kidney too

    • Sudden Death Syndrome Risk

    • Toothache and pain .. tooth decay problem I did not know cause of previously

      • Certainly did not find out through NHS via dentists or General Practitioners!!

      • Despite asking for fucking years and years

  • Behcet’s Disease

    • Think this one might cause eyesight loss? Might be one above?

    • Had irritation in right eye for a number of years now

  • Physical Problem Right Knee .. Pain

Trust me that is a seriously cut down list. But I think I made my point?

As stated previously all very cleverly done. Get the NHS to start lying to and fobbing off patients and I knew the facts about this a long tome ago. When I was absolutely certain was probably around six years to eight years ago?

I then realised this was how the DWP and Local Councils were saving money before they even started lying to people and cheating their current .. clients out of cash turning their lives into living hell.

What you doubt that? Yeah between 120,000 to 240,000 people have died for no reason whatsoever and it has nothing to do with this why Russia Today has stated as I have done that this is the biggest rise in English deaths since World War II?!

Yeah it is all made up. LOL.

Oh and if your thinking that Russia Today cannot be trusted .. yeah I would be with you except for one very big fact .. none of the TV News Networks can be trusted .. the BBC? First you have the Jimmy Savile fiasco plus .. well they set up and lied about my father .. who dies within a year and there was one name on 500 friends and families lips about who was to blame for that. Starts with a ‘B’ and goes all the way to ‘C’.

So they made it a pyramid scheme leaving solicitors not knowing who was to blame and therefore who to take legal action against. What else could they possible to do tie this up even better than that?

Oh I know .. take away people’s legal rights and basic human rights but how could they possibly do that, they pondered. I know?! Take away Legal Aid little by little over a few years and then we can do what we want! Oh all our mates own the TV News media outlets and most if not all, all the national tabloids. SORTED!!

Russia Today and the biggest rise in British deaths since World War II ..

Welfare Weekly


EDIT: Oh it would seem that this is an old report from January?! Oh well .. still it is interesting nonetheless! Came through on my feed and I assumed this was very recent. apologies.

EDIT 2: Hmm so I had a thought, this is four months old? So do I take it then that Theresa May is still hiding behind privacy laws to hide the murders?

EDIT 3: I completely forgot to put in this post that the actually numbers of the deaths are reported to be anywhere between 120,000 and 240,000 depending on the reports you read. Many reports state it is 120,000 while one by the New Scientist states the NHS are behind 120,000 and you can vet your life even these numbers are conservative?!

Ooh this might be good?

Sorry I am sort of reading as I go here.

At first this was something posted to DPAC’s Facebook page. It was a video posted on a website that, it was claimed, had MP’s laughing at Theresa My when she came out with her now infamous line that ..

What it does it does do is ensure that we have a welfare system that provides support to those who need it and a welfare system that increasingly encourages those who can get into the workplace” – Theresa May

Yeah .. because of the words ‘ensure’. ‘support’ and ‘encourages’ makes this statement a lie. Sorry .. but it does and that is the end of it.

Then she says ..

Because we continue to believe that work is the best route out of poverty” – Theresa May

Again another lie because the best route out of poverty is not work for a great many people .. it is actually death. And this here is the point when it became interesting and this intended short post ended up getting longer and longer ..

.. because I was only going to link this in and mention that when she stated something at around the 0.33 second point people started laughing. Well that’s a first, I thought. Got to check this one out.

It was also a clash at PMQ’s and it became even more interesting when I saw a question that was put to her I could not quite believe and never thought I would hear asked in the House of Commons, despite the number of years I have harped on about this ..

Deidre Brock MP stated that she had pressed the DWP to release analysis it has prepared on claimants of Universal Credit. Interesting.

She then states that the DWP are fighting an order by the Information Commissioner, God I contacted them years ago, watchdog to release said data.

The report states that in 2015 it was reported that there had been 40 suicides. Suicides?! Oh boy where is this going? That figure was way, way under and the number that know this is way, way off are in there thousands .. maybe tens of thousands? Maybe even hundreds of thousands?

Separate research by the DWP, oh so it will be a fucking big lie then, showed that 2,650 benefit claimants died shortly after being found fit for work? Yeah .. you could add at least two digits onto that .. might have to change the first digit from ‘2’ to ‘1’ but my money is on that first digit staying at a ‘2’?!

Then Deidre Brock MP said ..

Will she instruct the DWP to release the details of benefit claimants with disabilities who’ve taken their own lives after their claims were turned down, stopped without notice or significantly reduced?”

And then that infamous line that I have had from many of them with the last one being HMRC who have also been up to no good, yup nothing is sacred. I asked them about the humongous bills being sent out to single mothers, my daughter included, for between £4,000 and £10,000 plus in overpayments from up to ten years beforehand and why no statute of limitation applies to government organisations or public services but does to the public despite the average Joe not being skilled or an expert in the these fields? I got this same reply Theresa May blurted out so I know she instructed them to state it to the public and if you ever got this you now know how ..

“The DWP does not give details of individuals with whom it deals and that’s absolutely right” – Theresa May

Oh OK so this is what I take from this ..

  • The DWP boss is the Prime Minister or the organisation now runs the country and not you?!

  • Marvellous .. we come p with these privacy laws to protect people’s data and you find a way to use it to murder hundreds of thousands of people and get away with it?!

Jesus H. Christ!

This link below also has links at the bottom to both The Mirror and The Express tabloids who have also reported on this now very public mess.

I wonder if I will get apologies from each of them now that it is finally being realised and them stating that they should have spoken to me. My dream of sitting in their headquarters years ago with a rather large USB memory drive being handed over with tens of gigabytes of data never took place.

Yeah those quotes above ended up being typed out in the wrong order because I did not expect so much to come from this news piece.

Funny, is it not? The webpage below I have not seen previously but it is called ‘Guy Fawkes Revolt’ and actually states on the webpage, that made me laugh ..

The last person to enter parliament with honest intentions was Guy Fawkes.

Hmm? Well I have always stated that there is someone else that runs this country and have long since stated that these so-called public services are being run by a private company. Serco.

Now perhaps it is Serco that runs the country and dictates to the government how things are run? It has to be someone. Every knows it or at least suspects it. I have had it stated to me by those of higher intelligence that is is like there is a secret government within government. Yeah I kinda buy that but not the analogy that is is a government within government but someone is most definitely pulling the strings.

When I was first directed to Serco by someone else with an inquisitive mind like my own I thought it was bullcrap. But a click on their ‘About Us’ page soon had me reading their boasts of running ..

  • DWP

  • NHS

  • Armed Forces

  • Police

  • Local Councils

  • List of other things

  • Claimed to be British but I was directed to several other websites that stated the company was American

The list was shockingly extensive and I had to ask myself how big a company you have to be to be able to run all that. An American company too, despite their claims to be British.

Here is the kicker ..

For Theresa May to now be very publicly ignoring these calls, requests, demands then she is clearly stating that it is her personal belief that if you are unable to work you are better off dead .. albeit a death that is slow, painful and loaded to the hilt with suffering. Her own words in a roundabout way!

If you would rather read The Mirror’s report ..

Or perhaps The Express ..