This is late ..

I mention Deep Vein Thrombosis later but since I wrote this and prior to posting it it has turned into something else.

Bearing in mind the woman in question has cervical cancer, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure and now DVT and was going to go back to work as a carer .. caring for other people while she has all that and four children to look after and one severaly Autistic which she gets no support or money for whatsoever .. despite this going on for almost a year.

I don’t believe this one .. Allied Healthcare are in trouble?!

Oddly I think someone I know worked for them? I sent them a link so I’ll find out tomorrow .. at some point.

Also my daughter .. cervical cancer .. Fibromyalgia not fucking diagnosed yet .. severe Autism in one child not fucking fully diagnosed, (paediatrician now failed to turn up twice in four months) and while there seem to sound like a DVT issue too? I thought .. naaah .. they couldn’t possibly have fucked up on three things .. well that’s just the NHS I’m talking about. Include everyone else and the mistakes, all fucking deliberate I assure you, will be in the dozens! DOZENS!

Well .. it seems like they did and the NHS not having fucked to my own life beyond repair I’m attempting all the time .. seem intent on killing my daughter .. thrice!!

There’s the cervical cancer .. now DVT to be added to my recent findings that those with Fibromyalgia have links to increased risks of cancer ( umm hello?!), anxiety issues and suicide (umm hello?!).

I think it’s time to email .. someone?

I think someone needs a kick to the arse or .. a little accusation or suggested finger pointing? I have been putting it off and putting it off but .. after these last two incidents .. and I keep paying when not even in receipt of what I used to receive sure to lying and tricks.

Enough is enough.

I’m going to be upfront .. from now on. No more protecting this blog and suffering pain, anxiety, money loss and .. liberty. No .. more!

It’s time to fire my salvos which need some dusting off, if I’m honest. Not done this in awhile.

You see you keep giving everyone the benefit of the doubt when I don’t have any.

Over and over again they prove to me that I’m right and have always been right.

I’ve so wanted to be wrong on each occasion and even in this one but no. It always goes the same way and gets progressively worse with every few incidents.

The future looks that way too .. fucking bleak and it is .. torturing me .. slowly it feels intent on killing me in the longest possible way and the most painful.

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Allied Healthcare: Home care provider seeks rescue plan –


I cannot believe I’m going to quote the person that I’m about to!

Russell Brand!

“Society is collapsing” is one thing he is reported to have said!

“And people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit” is another thing.

Not sure I’d use that last word but .. yeah. I’d agree with that .. sounds like what I’ve been saying and wondering if he had read my blog?

He also states “what’s really changing is that people are starting to notice that the system is not working for them”.

Yah think?!

What I find strange is that I didn’t think that a celebrity would actually be in touch with the sort of people he could learn that from? Maybe some do? I dunno.

So is this a sign that the tide is about to turn? Or perhaps that the tide has already turned?

Who knows?

Hopefully we will find out soon enough?

In the meantime .. yeah I am sure the government knows bout this widespread grief and depression and I am sure also that they have done their utmost to conceal this fact and will continue to do so.

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Russell Brand: Society is collapsing –